Thursday, September 09, 2010

Well... this is supposed to be part of a psychology test. But I think that it would be nice that I keep a record of it here. To record my thoughts and feelings towards death and life at this very moment in my life.

If I die today......

Tan Boon Kiat had died on 09 September 2010. He died peacefully in his sleep. Life ended abruptly for him. He no longer needs to wake up to study, work, or even live the life that he had. There were many regrets, things about his life that he would have wanted otherwise. But then none of them matters too much. Life is short, and it ends soon. Regrets only last for the final moments till your death. After death, regrets ends with it too. He would like to thank everyone for making his life so wonderful, well, though not the one that he would have wanted most, but still, a nice and comfortable one. He would like to especially thank his parents for all the support and freedom that they had given him over the years to pursue what he likes. He would miss all of us. He wishes that everyone not be too upset over his death. Death is an inevitable end; he wants everyone to just remember that he was part of their life.

If I die in 50 years time......

Tan Boon Kiat had died on 09 September 2060. He has died peacefully in his dreams. It was a very nice dream that he was having when he died. There was a faint smile on his face as he passed on. Days before his death, he told his children and grand children to not be too upset if he passed away. He had lived a wonderful life, and met many wonderful people. His children are the best legacy that he had left behind as he had given them more than what was given to him. And to his wife, there are many feelings that cannot be expressed in words, or rather, words are inadequate to express the love for her and his wish for her to live on strongly without his physical presence and continue to care and love everyone in their lives. She would only need to feel with her heart and would realise that the message was there all along throughout their lives and nothing more can be said when it has come to an end. To all his friends, he would like to thank them for all the wonderful experience they had together.