Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I haven't been applying the knowledge I gain into my business. I guess I should start to do so now. In the past, I used to think that it is all bullshit and I don't really need it to grow a business. Or even, thinking of keeping my business as a hobby without all these hassles. However, I'm starting to think that I'm wrong. I require these knowledge to help my grow or even just to sustain my business. Without it, business may fail, and my hobby will be gone too. From now on, I'm going to apply whatever I learn into my own business. What better way to learn than to experience it first hand.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My life is changing. Positive changes, those changes that i had always wanted. My hardwork over the past years have paid off. Those tough decisions i had made is beginning to reap benefits.i'm really happy. I'm beginning to experience the many things that i had missed out in the past. Little things that many pepole had, but i didn't. Now, its slowly starting to happen. Although it can never fully recover wad was lost. But i believe that it can be close enough. This is the best birthday i had in recent years.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I'm beginning to feel that all the work I've been doing are rather fluffy and does not value add much. Perhaps its because of the lack of income. Haha... cos when you work outside, you know you are getting paid and got something to look forward to. But when you take part in organising school activity, everything seems to 'wayang', like act only. There is no feeling of value adding :S
My body is aching all over from the ippt. :S an indication that it has been a long long time since I last exercised. My fitness level decreased by a whole lot. I had a shock when I saw my 2.4km timing. Out of all the 5 stations, I'm most proud that I always managed to pass my 2.4km. Not to say pass, I usually manage a sliver or something close to it. But this time round, my timing cannot even pass. Its the worst timing since a long long time ago. Its almost back to where I started. It didn't help that I started to train running 2 weeks ago when holidays started. The timing is really horrible. I realise how far my fitness level had dropped already. Hope to rescue abit before the school starts, otherwise it will continue to drop even further.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hmm... Been quite busy since the start of the holiday. Wonder if i had sign up for too much things. Haha.