Sunday, May 14, 2006

It has been 3 weeks since I last blogged... I wanted to blog last week, but due to time constrains, I didn't have the chance to do so. So now... with the long weekend, I can finally find time :)

Haiz... life have been hard for the past weeks. Before the field camp... we were already heavily tekan... field camp... haiz... its hell.... Its as if they must have a tekan session everyday.... Cos everyday for the 1-2 hours... we would be treated like shit... then after that... all was bright and merry. So.. it seems to be a requirement for us to get a few hours of tekan everyday... -.-
Another problem is the food. The combat rations is really distasteful. I only force myself to at least eat half the packet and I'll throw it away.... I can't totally dun eat it cos I need the energy.... haiz....

but anyway... I've survived it :D

After field camp was sit test... well... its nothing much lar... I didn't want to go command school... so I just go tru the motion lor... it was quite slack... the only thing is we have to eat the combat rations again...

After all these... I've lost alot of weight! lol... I'm so skinny!!! My hip bones and rib cages are alll starting to bulge out already!!! Then my bum is getting flatter... LOL... THe one place that didn't change much.... my tummy -.- Its still as bulgy and flabby as before... sian.... I only want my tummy to be flat lar.... all the other places I am happy with it liao.... haha.... but anyway... I wonder how long will it last :S haha... later a few months down the road I'll gain back all my weight and my tummy will grow even bigger :P

K lar... nothing much to blog about.... dun feel like working my mind now... oh... here's how I look after 2 months in tekong slimming center :P haha... 3 more weeks to POP!

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