Saturday, April 22, 2006

:D Muahaha~ lol... Just came back today... feeling very sian because of some army stuffs which I will whine about later... then I saw 2 letters on my table... The first one I pick up was from SMU.... And on the front of the letter was printed Congratulations.. LOL... I quickly tore open the envelope and read the letter :D I've secured a place in SMU :D Yay! Haha... Then I saw the other letter was from NTU... and :D I got admitted there too :) Then I looked around... hmm... no NUS letter yet....

Anyway... I'm glad that I got into SMU... Haha... I was still worring about getting a place there because the competition this year is very intense. Its 8 people vying for only 1 place. And cos I had high fever on that day of the interview, I was worried that I didn't do as well... But then.... I still made it :D Haha... I pass the interview even though my body is burning with a temperature of 39.4 degree lol...

Hmm.... didn't expect the letter to come so fast. Cos I thought results will only come out in may... somemore I got 1 friend who was called for interview next week for the same course... but duno why I was admitted before he even got interviewed.... weird...

Life for the past week in camp is sucky... I've been deprived of a lot of sleep... haiz... we had range till 3am on thursday night. Then after everything is settled we slept at 4.... Then the next day we had to wake up at 7.... Then at night I kena guard duty... so friday night also can't get a good rest... Haiz....

But still there were some interesting thing lar... at range I was firing in the rain... lol... so fun... u are soaked and have to take aim with water dripping all over ur rifle... Then the rear sight aperture also always get bubbles then u have to blow to burst the bubble before u can take aim... Then when u fire the recoil makes the water splash around... haha... so fun...

Haiz... this will be my last bookout for some time.... next week cannot book out already... cos its field camp.... sian ar... I heard that ulysses field camp is one of the xiong-est.... Think I'm gonna die down there... 7 days of hell.... but haiz... no matter what I still have to go tru it... so yar... the faster its done the better.... after field camp I think life would be a little bit better liao... cos its almost back to ptp phase where we do all the physical training.....

K lar... so the next time I'll blog would be about 2 weeks time... or maybe 3 weeks cos I think I would be so tired after the field camp that I wun feel like blogging....

See ya~

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