Thursday, December 20, 2007

Haiz... if i am just a little bit richer I wouldn't have to consider so much now and make myself so miserable. I have been trying very hard to build up the litbud business... and for everything that I try to do... I face a common problem... MONEY!!!! If I am rich... I do not have to worry so much....

For now... if I am going to act according to my plan... It would take up almost half of my savings... That is a huge investment... It wasn't easy for me to save up the amount... although the money isn't alot... but the effort that went into the savings is.....

Duno leh.... although I could easily earn back the amount after I ord... I just can't use the money now with ease of mind. Cos without it... my financial status is very vulnerable. If anything major happens and I need the cash... I would be doomed.

So I'm considering whether I should postpone it till when I am more financially stable. But hor... that would be another long wait.... I am considering whether I should just take the plunge and risk it all.... well not that exaggerated as "it all"... but yar... quite a substantial amount lar...

Actually... now considering it.... the probability of something wealth consuming happening during the vulnerable period is quite small... So I guess it would be quite safe to take the risk....

But then I just can't help but to worry lar.... Sian.... Like what I first said.... if I am just a bit richer.... I do not have to worry about such things.... I can just throw in the money and see if it work out... If not... it isn't too much of a loss for me....

Argh... duno lar... gonna take a few days to slowly consider it... dun want to rush into making a decision.... cost the price to pay is high for any mistake...

haha.... sian... tmr have to book in.... got work to do.... argh.... I want to ord!!!! cannot stand army life anymore.... Life is getting from bad to worst in there..... Hope I can successfully endure the next 2 months and get my ass out of there....


Monday, December 10, 2007

Its blogging time :) Just went for my dental FFI this morning, then the next 2 days also on off.... A timely break from camp life. Camp life is getting more and more unbearable. With ORD being so round the corner.... u can't help but to wish that it was tmr that you ORD.... The feeling is quite bad... its really like the saying... 'So near yet so far'....

Anyway.... going to start my driving lesson soon... Going down to BBDC to enrol in the course tmr. My initial plan was to wait till I get a student for my tuition before I start my course. Cos by doing so... I can channel the income from my tuition to pay for the lesson. But then... I realise that I do not have time anymore if I want to get my license before school starts. So yar... have to dip into my reserves to fund the course. I want to complete everything before school starts cos I duno how busy the start of uni will be... but at least I have one less thing to worry about.

And yar... think I haven't blogged about it... I've approached tuition agency to help me get students for tuition le... Now I have the time to do it le since I'm soon approaching ORD... my schedule is rather stable and free already. So yar... hope it wun take too long for my first student to come. Cos from what I heard... its the off peak season for the tuition industry... people are enjoying their holidays.... I might have to wait till the peak period which is after their march exams when the parents start to worry about their child's result before I can get any students. I hope it wun take that long... haha... cos I'm also starting to find another source of income already. My NS pay is going to stop soon... so I need to quickly find a tap to keep the water flowing :)

About the business that I've been struggling build... Haha... I think I'll be changing my approach to it.... I'll heed the advice from a book that I've read about how to start a business alone. The main idea is to "do what you do best and let others do the rest".... A brief explanation of the idea... Because you are only skilled in some aspect... when you try to cover everything on your own.... you are using more effort than others to complete the same task. So when you use more effort... the time you have left for the things that you do best will be lesser... so you become less productive. So yar... I've decided that I'll do what I do best... to just think of ideas and new designs. The rest I'll let others do the job... So yar... I'm in the process of contacting a friend to do my website and a manufacturer to do the products instead of making it with clay all by myself. Hope this approach will work :) Cos I've realised that it has been a long time since I've done any creative work... Guess my time and energy had been used inefficiently...

Hmm... thats about all ar... just wanna enjoy my break from camp life :) Bye~

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Okay... Long time since I last wrote an entry... As promised... I'll put up some pics from my 2 trips abroad :D

Only got 2 pics to show for the ROC trip... haha... cos the rest all taken in camp... so due to security reasons... cannot show...

Hoho~ I think this will send a lot of hello kitty fanatics crazy... haha.... This is the waiting area in the airport at taiwan :D haha... cool right? Meow~ Meow~ Eh... wait... does hello kitty meow? haha....

Taken during the end of frame dinner :)

Okay... thats all for the taiwan trip... haha... actually there are other photos that can be shown lar... but its all in filbert's camera... then he haven't give me the photos yet... so yar... for now... this is the only 2 :P

Below will be my hong kong trip!

Okay.... first we have a hello kitty waiting area... Now we have a Mickey MTR ( their equivalent of our MRT ) Its used to shuttle u from Disney to another MTR station.

Look~ The handles are also in the shape of the world's favorite rat~

Hmm... I believe this is Belle ( from beauty and the beast ) or maybe... its Cinderella? Haha... No idea :S Someone enlighten me?

This is snow white's castle at night :D Its even nicer when they display the fireworks. Its one thing you cannot miss when u visit Disney... the display of fireworks is really awesome.

Merry go round at disney~ Haha... secretly took the picture with the lady inside it :P

This is the roller coaster at Ocean Park. One of the scariest there... but I think its no kick compared to.....

Me bungee jumping!!!! haha... 61 floors high... 233m above ground. Temperature then 24'C. Wind Speed 7.2kmph/NW Haha... Next stop... Sky diving!!!! but will have to wait till I rich enough first... haha.... heard the cheapest also need about $4K :S

Night scene at macau

Another night scene at macau... Its actually a very pretty place :) Too bad I didn't get to visit the casinos cos its quite hard to travel around... the bus routes are quite messy.

And this is highly recommended for girlfriends who wants to control their guys from wanting too much. haha... or for guys to stop being so horny... :P Anyway... I duno if its really the correct word for a skin condition with a lot of dead skin... but... haha... its just funny.

Okay... thats about all :D Hope to go travelling again... Its so fun! Haha... meanwhile... I'm stuck in camp... sian.... I want to ORD!!!! haha....