Sunday, January 20, 2008

Its time to lament on the pains of booking in again... haiz... after 1 week of being attached out and enjoying life.... its hard to tune myself back to camp... Well... in another 2 weeks time... everything will end... I will be able to start clearing my off and leave all the way till the week of my ORD day...

2 weeks... not a very long time.... by the next time I book out... there will only be one last week left.... But then.... I just can't help but to wish for it to come sooner.... Although it just 2 short little weeks... there are many things happening.... I still have to wake up for 5BX... go for run everyday... and Rt at night.... ARgh... why can't they just let me off...

K lar... enough of the complains... Just hope that this week will pass fast...

Haiz... no mood to blog about other stuffs liao... haha... think those reading my blog... ( if there is any :S haha ) are already bored to death... after reading entries after entries about me complaining... haha... Hmm... hope after ORD life will be better and I'll write more interesting stuffs :) Bye~

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Haiz... may not have time to blog later on... so shall take this little opportunity to lament on some stuffs... haha... after arranging, planning and carefully plotting my leave and off... I can finally escape almost the whole of February... so that means that I just need to survive past January... Hmm... and in January I just have 2 most troublesome week that I have to past... that is this coming week and 2 weeks later... These are 2 full weeks that I need to report back to camp... After which... will bring me to the end of January already. So haha... when I think of it this way... its kind of more comforting... The time left seems shorter...

But then... January won't past as fast as I wish it would... Its quite an eventful month where I have quite a few covers and ampt... Well.. ampt is slack... just that I need to spend some effort revising all my work again.

Hmm... today is already the 6th of Jan already.... One week less of Jan... Its a mental torture to have something already so close.. but u can't just reach it yet.

Well... just have to push forward ba....


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DUN WANT TO BOOK IN!!!!!!!!!
I WAN TO AWOL LIAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol... SIBEH SIAN AR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haiz.... the emotional stress is really killing me.... I am extremely reluctant to book in...

Hello! Happy 2008 to all~ Well... haven't been blogging for quite some time... too lazy to do so... haha... actually also nothing much to blog about lar. But then I decided that since its quite an significant event that took place.... well I should at least spend some time to blog and in the meantime do some reflection on it...

Yes~ Its 2008!.... Well... advanced onto the next calender year already. Life is short... Every year brings us a lot closer to the end... At this turn of a year... I'll do some reflection of what has passed in the long year of 2007....

Year 2007... well... an entire year spent in the army... Hmm... just start of this year... I've only just settled down in my unit. With an entire year to go through before I can finally see the light of ORD... Life was hard... but we still hang on... suck thumb... haha...
It was a year of IPPT... SOC... and Outfield... Life really sux... We also went through alot of turbulent times... haha... I guess not many people will get to experience the kind of things that the group of us in my unit does. We went through mergers and separation... the right to own us medics got transferred from one to another.... Haiz....

Oh well... the army days are going to be over soon... Very soon I'll be able to embrace my civilian life~! Haha... really can't wait for that day to come... Hmm... 2007 is quite a boring and mundane year... as with all the other years... haha... okay lar... as in... there arn't any milestones or highlights in the year... Like last time there is my enlistment to mark the year... and the previous year my A levels... But year 2007... it seems just like a year for me to endure and push through my army life... hmm... lets do a check over the events for the past year... haha... this is a good thing about blogging.... I can look back at my archives for things that I may have totally forgotten. My memory really getting very bad... Anyway... here it goes....

A quick look at last year's resolutions.... well... haven't accomplish any one of it... LOL... Kind of pathetic... haha... Hmm... its like 80% of all my blog entries this year is complaining about booking in to camp... haha... K lar... after reading through.... really... there is nothing much about 2007 haha... Guess I'm really just waiting for the year to pass and my army life to end.

So I shall officially declare year 2007 closed.... lol... well... 2007 has been a thing of the past now... Right after 2007 comes 2008! Woho~ This is a year that I've been looking forward and anticipating... This is gonna be a very eventful year! Haha... Two super major events in the year 2008... My ORD... the start of civilian life... and more importantly... start of my Uni life :D Woho~ really can't wait man... Finally I can live the life that I wanted!

2 years of army life really makes u appreciate civilian life a lot more. The kind of freedom that u get.... the kind-of-people-who-will-not-survive-in-the-civilian-world-
and-so-signed-on-and-make-us-suffer will not be there anymore... The air will be fresh and the sun shines bright. Thats the life man....

For 2008... well... nothing much to ask for... just want to stay happy always... haha... Actually... just being happy is actually a lot to ask for... haha... cos everything we do has the common motive to make us happy... so if u pursue happiness in the wrong route... you may end up being even more unhappy. So well... what I wish for is simple happiness. I guess sometimes I demand too much... so this year... I want to learn to be contented with what I have and what I can achieve.

K lar... For now... I'm just looking forward to my ORD... something that I spend 2 years waiting for is finally going to come... I couldn't imagine the kind of joy I would feel on the day of my ORD.... Its gonna be awesome....

Haha... oh well.... life still goes on... later still have to book in... sibeh sian... Just have to endure through this lar.... the end is near... haha....

Okay~ I shall now close this entry... Year 2008... I wish all to be able to spontaneously fulfill your joys.... Haha... a concept from a book that I read... Make our joys spontaneous and abundant :D

Happy 2008!