Sunday, January 06, 2008

Haiz... may not have time to blog later on... so shall take this little opportunity to lament on some stuffs... haha... after arranging, planning and carefully plotting my leave and off... I can finally escape almost the whole of February... so that means that I just need to survive past January... Hmm... and in January I just have 2 most troublesome week that I have to past... that is this coming week and 2 weeks later... These are 2 full weeks that I need to report back to camp... After which... will bring me to the end of January already. So haha... when I think of it this way... its kind of more comforting... The time left seems shorter...

But then... January won't past as fast as I wish it would... Its quite an eventful month where I have quite a few covers and ampt... Well.. ampt is slack... just that I need to spend some effort revising all my work again.

Hmm... today is already the 6th of Jan already.... One week less of Jan... Its a mental torture to have something already so close.. but u can't just reach it yet.

Well... just have to push forward ba....


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