Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Alright, I finally decided to blog during office hours. Actually I had written a entry before, but I deleted it away due to the lack of content. But I decided to try again this again because I think that I could write better entries than I do at home. When I'm at home, I don't really feel like sitting long hours in front of the computer to type out entries that don't seem as long. In the office, I'm spending even longer time in front of the computer, so I guess I have more time to think and edit my entry. Its not that I'm slacking during work, but there aren't much I can do without any input. I'm more like a human scanner. I receive pieces of contracts which requires me to seek out the data and compile a report. So after 3 months of working here, I think I'm customized to handle such task. All the bugs and errors in the earlier time are gone, okay not gone cos I still make mistake, lesser. Last time due to the slow processing, when the input comes, I can't output as fast, so work at the input piles up. But now, my output is many times faster than the input, so that leaves me with lots of time to do other stuffs. Like day dreaming... and of course blogging. I guess other than blogging for eh.. blogging... blogging also helps you look busy when you are furiously typing on the keyboard. The tapping and clicking sound of the keys adds to the effect.

I guess you can really see the difference just by the amount of text there already are just on this topic alone, as compared to what I usually type at home. So lets start~


After weeks of consideration, I've decided to give up one of my tuition student. I really have no interest in teaching him anymore. He likes to ask very specific questions that is so hard to answer. I am not a encyclopedia, how am I going to remember how many Joules of energy a body has or the circumference of the earth, or the height of mount everest. OKay, maybe I should admit that I am not very knowledgeable, so I guess also that it is better for him to get another teacher. I can't try to smoke myself out every lesson. But by doing so I am cutting off a good source of income. Teaching him is very easy. You don't have to worry about any exams because he studies at a international school and the school haven't even start to teach science yet. So there is really no pressure. Just go there feed him with information and then leave. If I really don't care if he learnt anything every lesson, I can still carry on to 'teach' and continue this income. But I feel that since I am not up to standard to teach him, then I guess it would be best that I leave and let someone better take over. So thats another problem off my mind. This has been bothering me for weeks.

Meanwhile, I will still continue to teach my other pupil. Although this pupil is not as clever, but somehow I still feel motivated to teach him. Perhaps its because he dosen't ask so much irritating questions. Talking about my other tuition kid, he's also another headache. He takes a very long time to get a concept. Really worry about him. Hope he can do well for his CA2, otherwise I also dun have face to continue teaching him.


I am recently introduced to this concept that actually, the reason to go green is not because the earth is dying, its actually us, humans that are dying. The earth will never die, when the conditions on earth become uninhabitable, human will all die off, and earth will regenerate itself. millions of years after human dies, the air will become fresh, water will become clean and life thrives again. So earth never dies, what we are afraid of is us dying. So I'm thinking, would it be better if the campaign to go green is targeted at saving ourselves then saving earth. We can maybe show how people are suffering due to the unnatural climate change, how the crops fail, how people are starving, how food prices are increasing. I think that are many more examples of the actual sufferings that we humans face . So yar, lets try to be more environmentally friendly, not for the earth. But for ourselves. Although having said all these, I know I'm still not very friendly to earth. But I can say that I am the friendliest in my family. Haha... Well.. In some instances where it is convenient, I did my part to help :)

Yay... its about time to knock off, well another hour to be exact. But still feel very happy. Haven't been doing much after lunch. Cleared most of my work before lunch, and no new work after it. So been wasting my time away blogging here. K lar, I think I shall end the entry for today here le. Gonna send it to my mail so that I can copy and past it at home :) Of if you haven't know, I'm actually typing this in a text document first before I upload it at home. Can't expect me to log on to blogger and typing away in the office right.. haha... Alright then see you.


Today feels kind of weird, I supposed it due to the morning's rush that screwed up my mood. My minds feels kind of giddy and heavy, like its under alcohol influence, but minus the high and happy feeling.

I seemed to have the feeling that I've done alot of work today, which I believe is partly true. The whole of this morning I didn't have any time to day dream. Its one of the busiest morning I had in recent weeks. I hate it when it comes to the end of the month. The trade volume is the highest among the 4 weeks. But luckily due to my relatively superior processing power as compared to when I first came in, I still managed to clear the work way before the deadline. However, that dosen't mean that I am having a easy time. Yes, things are done faster, the effort used is no lesser than before. Anyway, its another 4 more weeks to go, excluding this week and I will finally end my contract. And this time round, it will really be the end, no more extension. The time now is 4.18pm, about 1 hour more before I can go off. Boss is having a discussion with another colleague, so that leaves me with less supervision to do my own stuffs. Even though I think my boss won't really mind me doing so, but I think its still no so nice to do it blatently when he is around. So I still try to act busy when he is around. Haha... Oh one interesting thing to share. Me, my boss and another colleague share this one big cubicle, and we are seated back facing each other. We totally cannot see each other while we are working on the computer. In order to effectively spy on my boss to see if he is looking in my direction. I have tilted my monitor to an angle such that one shiny part of the monitor is actually reflecting what my boss is doing behind. Haha... As the chair he sits on is squeaky, any major movement of his will come with a sound alert. This way I just need to glance at the side of my monitor to effectively keep track of whether my boss is looking at me. Haha...I know this is totally uncalled for, but its always good to know who is looking at you behind your back, furthermore, he's still my boss no matter how nice he is. :P

Alright I really love blogging here, especially when boss is away, I can just continue to type endless lines of text onto the screen and time just pass as fast as the words appear on the screen. It really helps me to kill time.

Oh, on the topic of killing time. I've just realized that I really need alot of free boring time for me to generate ideas. Litbud was conceived during a boring lesson in school. And now, recently I came up with another character :D Its done on a boring afternoon in office. This character will make its debute on Drawing Day! Oh, if you haven't heard, there is this event that aims to create one millions drawings in a day. You can log on to for more information. Hope you guys can join in the fun and make some drawings on the day. :D

Alright, I think I'll end here for today :) Spend a good 20 minutes on this entry. :P Although not very long, but at least thats 20 mins off the 'boring' time. Haha... See ya~


After weeks of having so much free time on hand, it is automatically assumed that the time is MINE. So when one day someone decides to take it away from you. You feel kind of reluctant. But the time isn't mine to be taken away in the first place. That is what's happening now. The people upstairs ( literally upstairs, they are on the 16th floor, while I am on the 2nd) are complaining that I take too much time to produce the report. In my point of view, it is not me that is slowing down the process. I have so much time on hand, so it is not that I am slow, its those who are creating the input for me to process. So to be exact, they should blame others not me for the long delay. But me, as just a temporary staff, am lazy to go and argue with them or complain to those creating the input to work faster. Its only another 4 more weeks. I just thicken my skin and bash on... 4 more weeks later, none of this will ever concern me forever. Well, I shouldn't say forever, many things can happen and it could make a big round back to haunt me. So yar, in the meanwhile, I'll just use another source of input for my work. A more unreliable one, but heck care, if they want it fast, they will have to comprimise on the quality :)

Alright, can't blog much today, got things to do. Anyway its about time to go home. No tuition for tonight, so can take a good rest :) See ya~

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