Saturday, May 31, 2008

I just uploaded some photos from my phone :) So I decided to picked some out and share it here :D

Durian! Haha... very cute right! It taste just as nice too!

Sunset out of my window

Too bored at work... haha...

Gloomy bear! The hand gripping the doll can actually move. Haha... got a slight shock when I first discovered the function when in the shop. I was expecting it to make a sound, the hand moved instead.

This the the crystal I've been growing for about 2 months :D Nice right? It is made from epsom salt. ie. Magnesium sulpate. You can get the salt from the pharmacy. I've long been fascinated by crystals. During secondary school I took part in the crystal growing competition. At that time I lost very badly, the largest crystal that I grew was smaller than a M&M. So now I finally get the technique right :D

So enjoy the pictures~ :D Bye~

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