Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hello. It has been quite a while since my last entry. Well not exactly long, but still enough lag for Ben to start shouting in the shoutbox. haha... Many things have happened for the past weeks. Good things I should say, as the absence of blog entries proved. Most bad things would be published quite almost instantly when I start looking for a place to vent my frustrations. Good things usually get obmitted in my blog as I would be too happy and lazy to blog about it. Somehow, happiness and laziness have this funny relation when it comes to me blogging.

A couple of things worth mentioning happened in the short span of weeks after my last entry, which was the exam week. After the exams at SMU, I took my Driving test the following week after. And yes, I passed :D I got 14 points for my mistakes that includes not checking my blind spot correctly (2 pts). Strike Kerb (4 pts). And another long mistake that I couldn't remember the exact name, but still cost me 8 points. Its something like causing inconvenience to other road user or something of that sort. But nevertheless, I passed. :D The total cost came up to slightly under 2K. Which is alot compared to a private candidate who told me that he only spend half the amount I did to get his license. That half the amount is actually a hefty 1K that I could have spend it on some other things. But it doesn't really bother me that much. As long as I could get my license. There is this aunty who was taking her 3rd driving test on that day. And sadly she still didn't make it that day and had to book for her 4th. I guess she must have spend well over 2K, close to 3K in fact for her many attempts. I've not seen her drive before, so I couldn't really say if she was really so unlucky to always get the worst test routes, or she is just plain incompetent. Anyway, still have to wish her all the best.
Although I got the license, but no car for me to drive. Haiz...

Anyway, I've also gotten back my result and GPA for the first sem at SMU already. It was quite average with a GPA of 3.4. I know its already not bad. But still I believe that I could have done better if I had put in more effort. I got a B+ for my stats. If I could have put in more effort and not lag behind lessons. I could have done better. Another regret is my management comms. That one was a bad mistake on my part. I think I screwed up my final individual presentation. Due to the bad timing of the presentation. I didn't have any time to prepare for it. Considering that I am very bad at presentation, the lack of preparation really screwed it up. I got a B for that and this is one thing that I could really have done better. My other 2 subject were fine. Got a B+ for Biz law. This one I'm actually quite happy with it. Well, many not happy, but no regrets for it. Cos all along I didn't do very well for Blaw.

But... anyway... whats over is over. At least its not beyond salvation. I can work harder next sem. But thats another problem. I got like 5 mods next sem and they are quite heavy. So it will be hell when school starts. Compared to the 2 days week and 2 final papers last sem. Next sem everything will more than double with a 5 days week and 5 finals papers. :S

K lar... feeling abit sleepy already. Will blog more if I have the time and of cos, must also be in the mood too :) See ya~

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