Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its the last few minutes of the year again. So as always, its time to look back and review all the things that has happened throughout the year and make new resolutions for the coming year.. This blog is started in 2004. Which means, I have already written 4 entry, not including this one. So yar, lets start.

Lets rewind back to the entry that I wrote at the end of 2007 and take a look at my resolution for the year 2008. *reads last year entry* Actually, it wasn't much. Haha... Last year at this time, I'm still stuck in the army. So I was still wishing for my ORD date to come soon and to stay happy :) 2008 is quite a eventful one. It witness my ORD, 3 months of working, and start of my University life, oh and also, getting my driving license :D

ORD is one of the best thing that has happened to be this year. Haha... Finally after 2 long years I'm able to get out of army. The air is much fresher outside the gates of the camp. :D I've also worked for more than 3 months before I started school. That period of time is quite tiring. I have to teach tuition everynight, except for one, after work. So it wasn't a very pleasant time. But still, I did not regret it. Cos I earn lots of money. Haha... But then... it was all being offset by my Litbud and my driving lessons. So in the end all my hardwork was just to break even my spendings. Oh well... its still better then having a deficit in my savings. Haha.... After that I started school at SMU :D Although its far, inconvenient and EXPENSIVE... but still I do not regret my decision to study there. I really enjoyed my time there. :) By right I'm supposed to continue with.. "I'm looking forward to school"... but somehow I wasn't really. haha... sound so contridicting. :P I've also gotten my driving lesson quite recently :D So happy! But still dun have car to drive... :S Haiz... have to wait till I graduate and start working. :)

Life has been great so far. But still, I don't think I'm living it to the fullest yet. Life is short, every seconds counts. However, at many instances, I still find myself wasting time. So my new resolution for year 2009 will be to fully make use of my avaliable time. I need to participate in more activities, gain more experience, and make my time as enriching as possible. But that would mean that I'll be very very busy. Haha... Oh, have I mentioned it here before? The other day I went to check my horoscope and zodiac. Both of them says that I will have a very busy year. I think its going to be very true with me taking 5 mods next term. Oh well. Being busy is a good thing as well. I've lived much of my life quite leisurely so its good to have a change. :)

I've actually more things to do now, as seen from how I passed this holiday. Although I cannot exactly name what I have been doing for the past month. But its the first time where I don't really feel bored during the holidays. Holidays in the past was quite boring for me. I would finish whatever I want to do during the first 2 weeks of it and would be bored to death for the rest of the holidays. But this time round, I still have things that I didn't have time to do. So its a good start. I hope this will continue or even improve next time :)

So I think I'll borrow a motto from M1 for this coming year. One life, Live it. :D I wish all a happy new year, and enjoy year 2009!

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