Friday, January 30, 2009

Yesterday was a very bad day for me as you could probably tell from me entry. But at least today things are starting to get sorted out. The problem is tomorrow. There are so many things happening in a day that I can barely make time for it. First there is this make up lesson that will take up the whole of the morning. But, problem is that I might need to pass the MPW survey to the participants in the morning as well. Then after that I need to rush home because my relatives are visiting my house. So if I don't get to pass the survey in the morning then that would eat into the relatives visit time. Of which the visit time is already being cut short because I need to be there for the bondue bash. So there is so many things happening at one day. Argh... I'm not going to stay late for the bondue bash. Once I'm no longer needed I'll go off already. I dun like clubbing and I'm really too tired to stay on. Although this monday and tuesday is a holiday. But I didn't get any rest. So its almost like a 5 days week for me. And then tomorrow will be the sixth day.

Cannot take it already. Luckily its all going to be over by this weekend so I can carry on my usual routine when school starts next week.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dame du lan now. All the shit start choking up the work flow. First there is this MPW that requires me to find 2 managers to do a series of 3 survey. Its already hard trying to get people to take part in 3 survey and they still want to set so many requirements. First one of them needs to be a manager and then the other one has to be a manager's manager. Then the company has to have more than 100 employees. How am I going to find such a person who is willing to take part in this kind of stupid survey, not only one, but 3 times. They think everyone has parents working in big companies ar...

Other than that still got this idiotic bondue. Fuck up piece of shit. Damn du lan now. I have to cancel my family dinner because of some stupid clubbing event. Now I kind of regret joining bondue. I don't really care about the position. Who cares about a IT director? Its just a person who do all the shit. Make all the emailers. The reason I've joined is because I love to design. They came to me saying that they need the skill and asked me to join them. I thought why not? Because, first I get to design some stuffs. Whether I receive any rewards doesn't matter. As long as my design can get displayed tru their posters and emailers I'm contented. And secondly, I thought I can share my skill and maybe do something for the school or the students. Thats why I joined. But now that they make me do all these kind of shit. I'm really wondering whether I should quit.

Argh... damn pissed off now. I hope that I can get the MPW shit cleared by tomorrow. The Bondue one, actually I don't care that much. I'll do what I can until the point where I really get pissed off, I'll just quit. Bye~

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yay~ Second week of school is almost over. Well, kind of settled back to school already. Cos last week was still kind of adjusting to the new timetable and profs. Actually I quite like my new timetable, although it is a five day week. Unlike my last term, I don't have to spend long days in school. On days that I don't have morning lessons. I can wake up at 9, then slowly make my way to school. By 3.15, lesson will be over then I stayed back awhile to finish up my homework. I'll try to do my HW in school cos I lazy to bring my books home. Haha.. just throw it inside my locker. Its damn heavy lor, my laptop is already killing me, so I can't possibly carry another book that is as heavy as the laptop around. So, I'll try to finish my work before 5.30 so I can take my train home without having to cram with the rush hour crowd. Having one lesson per day also allows me to concentrate more during lessons. Last term where I had 2 lessons per day, I'm usually day dreaming throughout the second lesson. :S Anyways, school is still pretty much okay for now. Although it was significantly more busy than last term. Its only the second week of school and I find that my free time are slowly being eaten up by school related work.

Okay, enough about school. I just bought a refurbished ipod touch online few days ago. And it is expected to be delivered today :D So excited... haha... Well... it took me about 1 month before I could make the final decision to buy it :| Cos you know lar, poor people like me have to think alot before I buy something. For the past month I've constantly been asking myself, is this really needed, can I make do without, should I save the money instead, or should I use the money to get something else? All these questions have been repeatly asked throughout the month.

And finally, I decided to get it. Firstly, because I've been thinking about it for so long means I kind of wanted it, and the longer I darg, the more time I'll waste trying to give myself reasons to justify the purchase. Haha... So why not I just buy it and can stop all these useless thoughts. Well... besides that, of course there are practical reasons to buy it. I think I'll be needing it. My earphone connection to my handphone is kind of spoilt, so its become very irritating for me to listen to music from it as it will get disconnected ever so often. So I'll need another music player for my total 2 hour journey to and back from school. Imagine that I spend almost 1/6 of my waking time travelling. -.- Other than that, it'll be quite useful for me to carry my documents around. Especially those that requires reading. I think I can still find lots of other reasons, made up or not, to justify my spending. Haha...

Chinese new year is also round the corner. I think the atmosphere this year is going to be quite bad. Its like for the past few year, even when the economy is doing good, the new year celebrations has died down quite abit compared to a few years ago. Then this time round, because of the bad economy, it is going to get worst.

I haven't bought my new clothes for the new year yet :S Haha... I only just bought 1 T-shirt yesterday. Have to go shopping this weekend liao. I'm not just buying new clothes just because to follow the tradition. Its also because I don't have much presentable clothes to wear to school already. Haha... I haven't been shopping for the past year... so much of my clothes are deterioted and washed out, so it become more of my sleeping clothes. So currently I like only left with 3 set of clothes that I need to recycle a few to meet my 5 days week.

K lar, need to prepare some stuffs for lesson later. See ya~

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Just finished the 3rd day of school. Feeling tired... seemed to have done alot in the past 2 days. So now, I felt quit weird that I actually have spare time to watch drama. Haha... I like keep telling myself that shouldn't I be doing something related to studies now. Shouldn't I be reading some text or practising some questions? Haha... Think I'm over stressing myself -.- Should relax abit. The one lesson per day timetable is still going well. But somehow I still kind of prefer the 2 days week time table I had last term. Although its really tiring. But the pain is short. I finish my lesson on tuesday and have the rest of the week to myself. But now... I still need to go to school everyday.

Haiz... life goes on... have to take it easy :) Have fun~ Oh... by the way... my Muggerland pillar won the most popular pillar award! Haha... too bad I had lesson and couldn't be around to witness the event.

K lar... shall stop here.... see ya~

Monday, January 05, 2009

Oh no... what have I gotten myself into? I think I'm gonna get real busy this term. Other than the extra 1 mod I need to handle. I still joined the exco of the business society! This is crazy.... Hope this will turn out okay, otherwise I might need to quit the exco next term -.- Crazy... Why am I doing all these? Just study can already mah... do so many extra things....

Sunday, January 04, 2009

AHHHH!!!! School is starting tmr!!! So sian... After one long month of sleeping late. I dun think I can wake up early for lesson tmr!!! -.-