Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hohoho~ Yet another week.

Life has been good... but filled with a lot of uncertainty. Until now there is still no confirmation of where we will be posted to and what will we be doing. It was said that a letter was sent up to the top for us to be put under CCO's control during office hours. That means that we might not have to go become platoon medic, instead we will hold position in the medical center and only go out when they need cover. But then the approval might take a long while to come, at least 1 or two months, so until then, we will still be under AEC.... But then.... new instructions were given that we will stay at HQ before our sergeant come back from his spec 2 course, which will take another month... So now... everything is in a big mess.... We just live by the day.

It would be best if things dosen;t change. Cos I really love the life I'm leading now. Although its not a 8-5 job where I can book out everyday... the work is 8-5.... We start work in the morning at 8, then end work sometimes before 5... As for the rest of the day, we are free to do our own stuffs. So after eating dinner we would go back to the medical center to watch TV until 10, then walk back to bunk and sleep. The medical center is like a mess for us... lol... we can also sneak into the canteen which is just next door to buy food. Its really heaven in there.. haha..

I wonder what changes there might be in the future, but nvm... let me enjoy as long as this lasts :)

see ya~

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