Sunday, April 15, 2007

Past few days had been fruitful... :) learnt 2 very important lesson.

Lesson one: Learn to deal with rejection

Went for a introductory talk to be an insurance agent :) Teddy wanted to register to be a insurance agent under AIA... so he made an appointment to meet with one of their manager to find out more. So yar... I was asked if I wanted to tag along. I did... and learn some lesson. The manager talk about how how he managed to succeed in this business.... and one key aspect is to be able to deal with rejection. As you know, insurance agent have to approach many people to sell their policies... and then more than 95% of the people approached will reject them. He talked about how he made cold calls to people.... like out of 100 people he called only 5 will be interested... and out of the 5... 4 will not turn up and finally... only 1 policy will be sold... So yar... in order to succeed in that 1 policy... you will have to face with 99 rejection...
Hmm... thats important if I want to do business in future :) So... I must train myself to look in the face of rejection and not feel demoralized :D

Lesson Two: How to obtain POWER

Had a long chat with my friend cos we were both doing weekend duty yesterday... and one of the topic we talked about is this. He told me that there are many sources of power. Power from knowledge, ie. you know more than people. Power from influence, if you know important people and can influence them.... and many more. Hmm.... what interest me most is the power from knowledge. If you know more than others, you will always have an edge over others. No one can cheat you... and you will be needed for your extra knowledge over others. With that knowledge that you have, you gain the power to manipulate that knowledge to your advantage. This power is not impossible to obtain. You just have to be hardworking and devour as much knowledge as you can grab. You have to become the expert in that field. Hmm... I think this will be the power that I will work to obtain :D

Hope by sharing this with you guys, you may also be enlightened :D

Thats all for now lar.... Quite sian.... Took off tmr... but then still have to book in at night... Oh well... Life has to go on... and because of the off... the week is shorter.... so yar... hope it will pass sooner... and that will bring us to mid april already :D Dong will be going to taiwan tonight already... by the time he's back will be May :D Haha... By then its almost half the year gone :D Wee~ So much closer to ORD!!!!!

Hmm... actually I got the perfect plan to make time pass faster.... and the crucial part of it is to be able to pass my IPPT by july... Cos then... I will be able to go taiwan in september... then when I come back it will be around the end of year holiday season where I will start to clear my leave and offs.... And then that will bring us to the year 2008... where I continue to enjoy holidays and then ORD!!!! Haha... So if I am not able to pass.... then I will have to endure all the way till end of year... and time will pass slowly... I've been training very hard... and I start to see a little result :D Haha... my muscles are getting more defined :D Hope this is a good motivation for myself to strive for my pass :D

Okay... shall end the entry here... bye :D Have a nice week ahead too :) Oh... other than Dong going overseas... my cousin andrew is also going to taiwan for atec tmr.... and sen min also going to australia for live firing... Wish them all the best and hope they come back soon :D

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