Sunday, July 22, 2007

Haiz... having a headache now... kept thinking about work.... At this rate that I'm going I think my brain gonna collapse soon. Must do something about it... Think I shall limit myself to only 1 hour of brainstorming everyday. At the other time of the day. I must block out all thoughts of work. Haha... hmm... think thats a good idea... lol... must implement it.

Anyway... think I've been giving myself too much stress... but can't help it leh... I see a lot of people being successful in their business at a young age. Why can't I be the same? .... sian....

K lar... other than that also got another thing that is bothering me... not very convenient to write it out here... but... think I've decided.... I should stop that thing... its for my own good :)

Nothing much liao lar... going bk in tmr... sian... supposed to be a off... but got a cover tmr... so have to postpone the off... sian... bye~
Just finished reading this book. ' The Universe In a Single Atom : The convergence of science and spirituality ' by His holiness the Dalai Lama. Found the book quite interesting so wanna share some excerpts from it :)

" The buddist cosmos consists of three realm - the desire realm, the form real and the formless realm- the last being progressively subtler states of existence. The desire realm is characterized by the experience of sensual desires and pain, this is the realm that we human and animals inhabit. In contrast, the form realm is free from any manifest experience of pain and is permeated principally by an experience of bliss. Beings in this realm possess bodies composed of light, Finally the formless realm utterly transcends all physical sensation. Existence in this realm is permeated bu an abiding state of perfect equanimity and the beings in this real are entirely free from material embodiment. They exists only on an immaterial mental plane. "

" The evolution of human life on earth is understood in terms of the "decent" of some of these celestial beings, who have exhausted their positive karma, which provided them with the cause and conditions to remain in these higher realms. There was no original sin that precipitated the fall, it's simply the nature of impermanent existence, cause and effect that cause a beiung to change states," to die"

When these beings first experience their "fall" and were born on earth, they still possessed vestiges of their previous glories. These humans of the first era were thought to have godlike qualities.. They are said to have came into being through " spontaneous birth" , they had attractive physiques, their bodies had halo, they had certain supernormal powers like flying and they subsisted on the nourishment of inner contemplation. They were also thought to be free from many of the features that serve as the basis for discriminating identity, such as gender, race and caste.

over time, it is said , human began to lose these qualities. As they took nourishment from material food, their bodies assumed coarser corporeality and thus five rise to a great diversity of physical appearances and this gave rise to a great diversity of physical appearances. This diversity in turn leas to feelings of discrimination, especially animosity towards those who appeared different and attachment towards those who were similar, resulting in the convergence of the whole host of gross negative emotions. Furthermore dependence on material food lead to the need for the disposal of waste from the body and - I am not quite sure of the reasoning works here - this led to the emergence of male and female sex organs on the human body. The story continues with a detailed account of the genesis of the entire range of negative human actions, such as killing, stealing and sexual misconduct. "

"Why does modern biology accept only competition to be the fundamental trait of living beings? Why does it reject cooperation as an operating principle, and why does it not see altruism and compassion as possible traits for the development of living beings as well? "

" The idea of the "survival of the fittest" has been misused to condone and in some cases justify, excess of human greed and individualism and to ignore ethical models for relating to our fellow human beings in a more compassionate spirit."

I guess the greatest thing I realized from this book is the idea of using compassion as the operating principle for the evolution of human kind. I've always been a strong believer of the Darwinian theory of evolution after having read much about it. This book gave me an insight to an idea that never came across my mind.

So yar... If these excerpts got u interested. Do look for the book and read it. Its interesting :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

wee... just did a prototype for litbud keychain :D Haha.... a lot of fine tuning need to be made. Cos it still looks very 'hand-made' ... so must think of a way to make it good enough for commercial release :D Here's a preview. Do give me your comments :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hello.... well this is supposed to be a long entry but I forgot to bring what I wrote home! So yar.... shall save it for next week. Been writing my blog entry in camp... so I dun have to waste time thinking about it at home. And because entry is written not too late after the event, its much fresher and I would be in the mood to write more.

So yar... shall end here for now... later got to book in.... sian... army is fuck up because of fuck up people running it. Bye~

Sunday, July 08, 2007

. . . - - - . . .

Yeah~ Save the earth :) Its about time for people to recognize that we are really in deep trouble if we do not do something about global warming. There is no need to think far for a reason for u to act... the weather these days is so hot!

The hype about global warming reached a new milestone with the live earth event. Duno how it all started a few months ago where everyone starts to become so concerned about our climate. Countries and companies both pledge their support for the environment by becoming greener. Then there is also the recent policy of bringing our own grocery bag for grocery shopping that left many aunties grumbling about the inconvenience caused.

Well... so how much awareness did it bring to the world. Or maybe lets not look so far... How much awareness has our own community gain through the series of event. My guess is... almost none.

Its quite saddening to see that people around me are not quite concerned about how they could contribute to a better world. Some people do not even have a sense of responsibility towards the damage they bring to earth. I do not have to list down a list of what they did, or perhaps what they shouldn't have done. All of us know the correct way to do things. But we just don't bother. We do not see the long term impact of the stuffs that we do, and even if we were told and aware about it... we just don't bother as well as it is not going to have an impact on us anytime soon....

For me myself. I do consider the repercussion of my actions. Just an example... I do not switch on my air-con unless necessary. Because I believe that it is a vicious cycle. The more aircon we switch on... the more green house gases we produce... and then the weather gets hotter. And when the weather gets hotter. We switch on more air con.... and this cycle goes on and on. That is why I just on my air con for 1 or 2 hrs before I sleep just to lower the temperature of my room which is stored from the day by the sun. After that when my room is cool. Then I just change to using my fan to keep the room ventilated. It won't get any much hotter as the air outside my home is already cooled by the night. So this is a little effort I make to keep global warming at bay. Although I am still giving out green house gases. But I am using it responsibly and giving out what is necessary. Unlike my sis who turns on the air con every night no matter how cold the night is. It is people like her who saddens me as she just don't care. She just knows that the weather is hot, she'll turn on the air con. And when the temperature rise due to it. she will just raise the power of the air con.

So I appeal to all who are reading my blog... do your part for the environment. You know what you can do. You just need to act.

This matter aside. Well... this is gonna be a very packed and tiring month. There are like a record breaking 7 pages of cover for us. Which translates to almost having a cover everyday. Then there is NDP which we will be burning all our weekends. But well... Its both a good thing and a bad thing. The good is that time will pass faster... the bad... obviously... lots of work... haha.... But I believe that the most important thing is to have time pass faster... haha...

Hmm... then today also went to make a new pair of specs :D Haha... Recently felt that my eyes gets tired easily and I strain a lot when I'm looking at things. Resulting in my eyes being blood shot. Initially I thought its because I lack sleep. But I've been sleeping alot lately... haha... so it couldn't be that reason. So yar... my guess would be the need for specs lar. An interesting thing happened. Haha... When I was doing my eye test,

the lady said...
" I know this (the new adjustment) is better.... but I won't give you this "
I said...
" y? "
she said...
" Hmm... how do I put it... you like to over correct your eyesight. The previous adjustment was enough for you to read. But u want more.. "

haha... first time I know people can over correct their eyesight. lol... Hmm... but okay lor... I trust her professionalism lar... so I went for the adjustment she recommended.

Hmm... then thats all for now ba.... long week ahead... haiz... bye~

Sunday, July 01, 2007

HAiz... a super short weekend.... just booked out in the morning and have to book in tonite liao... sian.... stupid parade tmr lar... wanted to take off tmr to recreate my weekend lost due to duty... but because of the parade I can't take.... Then the rest of the days in camp take liao also not worth it.... so yar... in the end still have to endure and bear with it till the end of the week lor....

Been having some thoughts again lately.... thinking about my life... the way I live my life.... wad I've been missing out.... Hmm.... then I realised that although I've been grumbling about the things that I do not have.... but when the opportunity present itself to me... I do not dare to grab it. Haiz.... duno wads wrong with me... I wanted some things so much... but then I just dun dare to take it. I'm sort of afraid to step out of my little circle of comfort.

K lar... going for dinner liao... bye~ :)