Sunday, July 08, 2007

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Yeah~ Save the earth :) Its about time for people to recognize that we are really in deep trouble if we do not do something about global warming. There is no need to think far for a reason for u to act... the weather these days is so hot!

The hype about global warming reached a new milestone with the live earth event. Duno how it all started a few months ago where everyone starts to become so concerned about our climate. Countries and companies both pledge their support for the environment by becoming greener. Then there is also the recent policy of bringing our own grocery bag for grocery shopping that left many aunties grumbling about the inconvenience caused.

Well... so how much awareness did it bring to the world. Or maybe lets not look so far... How much awareness has our own community gain through the series of event. My guess is... almost none.

Its quite saddening to see that people around me are not quite concerned about how they could contribute to a better world. Some people do not even have a sense of responsibility towards the damage they bring to earth. I do not have to list down a list of what they did, or perhaps what they shouldn't have done. All of us know the correct way to do things. But we just don't bother. We do not see the long term impact of the stuffs that we do, and even if we were told and aware about it... we just don't bother as well as it is not going to have an impact on us anytime soon....

For me myself. I do consider the repercussion of my actions. Just an example... I do not switch on my air-con unless necessary. Because I believe that it is a vicious cycle. The more aircon we switch on... the more green house gases we produce... and then the weather gets hotter. And when the weather gets hotter. We switch on more air con.... and this cycle goes on and on. That is why I just on my air con for 1 or 2 hrs before I sleep just to lower the temperature of my room which is stored from the day by the sun. After that when my room is cool. Then I just change to using my fan to keep the room ventilated. It won't get any much hotter as the air outside my home is already cooled by the night. So this is a little effort I make to keep global warming at bay. Although I am still giving out green house gases. But I am using it responsibly and giving out what is necessary. Unlike my sis who turns on the air con every night no matter how cold the night is. It is people like her who saddens me as she just don't care. She just knows that the weather is hot, she'll turn on the air con. And when the temperature rise due to it. she will just raise the power of the air con.

So I appeal to all who are reading my blog... do your part for the environment. You know what you can do. You just need to act.

This matter aside. Well... this is gonna be a very packed and tiring month. There are like a record breaking 7 pages of cover for us. Which translates to almost having a cover everyday. Then there is NDP which we will be burning all our weekends. But well... Its both a good thing and a bad thing. The good is that time will pass faster... the bad... obviously... lots of work... haha.... But I believe that the most important thing is to have time pass faster... haha...

Hmm... then today also went to make a new pair of specs :D Haha... Recently felt that my eyes gets tired easily and I strain a lot when I'm looking at things. Resulting in my eyes being blood shot. Initially I thought its because I lack sleep. But I've been sleeping alot lately... haha... so it couldn't be that reason. So yar... my guess would be the need for specs lar. An interesting thing happened. Haha... When I was doing my eye test,

the lady said...
" I know this (the new adjustment) is better.... but I won't give you this "
I said...
" y? "
she said...
" Hmm... how do I put it... you like to over correct your eyesight. The previous adjustment was enough for you to read. But u want more.. "

haha... first time I know people can over correct their eyesight. lol... Hmm... but okay lor... I trust her professionalism lar... so I went for the adjustment she recommended.

Hmm... then thats all for now ba.... long week ahead... haiz... bye~

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