Saturday, October 06, 2007

Today may be the last time this month that I'll be able to sit down here and concentrate on typing a nice long blog entry. I'll be leaving for taiwan for 3 weeks starting next sunday. Been feeling very anxious and abit worried these few days. It'll be my longest stay abroad till today... my previous record was only a 2 week stay during my immersion program. Somemore this is not a luxury trip. Its gonna be a hard time having to go outfield for 3 continuous weeks. So yar... can't help but to feel this way. I never thought I'll ever miss home when I'm abroad. But maybe for the first time I will.

Things are more or less packed for the trip. Actually there aren't much to pack. Just some toiletries and clothing. Maybe that one of the reason that is causing the uneasiness. By right there should be lots of things to bring along for such a long trip, so I kind of have this feeling that I've missed out some things.

Well... although feeling nervous and anxious about this trip. It has been a trip that I've wished for a long time. From the time I stepped into my unit. I've been hoping for a chance to go abroad with the armed forces. The first trip that came my way was to india. But then as I've not passed my IPPT I wasn't allowed to go. Although I missed that chance I wasn't much disappointed as that wasn't really that good a place to go to... haha... Then there was the taiwan trip, which I missed the opportunity when I didn't again pass my IPPT. So after that trip, I've set my mind to pass it so as to qualify for this trip. Then again I still didn't pass my IPPT. But this time round, with a stroke of luck, my RSM gave his approval of the trip despite me not having pass my IPPT. So here I am, set for the taiwan trip. But then, I still hope that I'll be able to pass my IPPT when I come back, part of it to show that they didn't have any mistake sending me there without me passing the test. So yar... I'll try to do some self training with my time there and hopefully see some good results when I come back :)

It will be a significant event in my army life. From the feedback of the people who went, you get to experience many things there and I look forward to experiencing it myself. Army life starts to get mundane after all the events at the start of it. First 3 months was busy in BMT, next 3 enjoying in medic course. After which I was posted out to my unit. Life there was fun initially... but it gradually gets boring after spending close to a year in it. Another thing that makes me want to leave this place is also the people and their policies, this, which I'll talk about in the next part of my blog entry. So yar... its time for me to add something more interesting to my army journey.

Although I may be away from the luxuries of having a computer to blog about my thoughts, the blogging effort doesn't stop. Back to the primitive method, I'll be writing my entries with pen and paper and I'll type it in when I come back :)

Yup... now I shall continue to talk about how people have changed, together with their policies too. We serve 2 years of our active army life and the leave to continue our civilian life is our short little life span. And thus so, the army experience a cyclical renewal of personals every 2 years. When I first came into my unit, the familiar faces that were around are now gone. with less that 4 months before I leave, almost all of the people that I saw when I first came in have gone to pick up their civilian lives from where they left off to serve.

And with recent unfortunate change of events. I say unfortunate because in my point of view, the changes are bad. Changes should be made for the better, but from what I see its not the way. I believe many, if not all, have heard about the recent case of Dave Teo. One person's mistake had caused such widespread damage. Because of him, the already hard life is gonna get even harder. I won't be playing the blame game and start blaming him for committing such a foolish act or the higher authority for raising the level of security. Because I believe that such abnormality will always happen. Perhaps its not even considered as a abnormality, it may be part of a even bigger and complex theory that will plot out the abnormality as something predictable. Haha... before it gets too confusing.. lets move on. Anyway, what I mean is that I submit to the fate that there will always be such weird people doing weird things. So things that will happen, will happen eventually. It's just my luck that it has to happen during my span of service.

Another event that I consider to be much unfortunate would be the change of CO. I believe that maybe its not the person's fault that makes him implement lousy ideas. Its the system's fault. It seems that in today's system, it is a requirement for a new appointment holder to implement a new policy, no matter its feasibility. It is just like the USMS system where suggestions are being forcefully squeezed out of us. I strongly believe that there is something terribly wrong about this system. Changes should be made out of our own initiative to make things better. So if things are going on fine there is no need to make any changes. By making unreasonable changes so as to please the top that one is doing work, you are making those people below suffer for no good reason. Especially in the army context where the people below have nothing to defend themselves.

Hmm... so yar... with all the changes that are happening... I'm glad that I'm able to take a 3 weeks break in taiwan.

K lar... thats all for now ba... I believe I still have the time for a few more entries before I fly off. Bye~ :)

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