Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wee~ Just came back from hong kong... HAha... although it was a fun trip but I can't help but to feel abit sad... My longest stunt ended liao... LOL... now in another few hours time I'll have to book in to camp. One whole month out of camp... and now I have to go back and face reality... to continue the super sian camp life.... Haiz....

K lar... must look on the bright side..... Only few more months to ORD :D:D:D haha... can't wait for that man... But sian... this week also long week cos got duty on sat... Just came back only leh... like that stunt me....

Wun be blogging about the hong kong trip yet lar... not in the mood... haha... the mood all drowned by the thought of having to book in later. Next time ba.... But just wanna say that I've accomplished my two aims in hong kong.... Yes~ I did the Bungee Jump!!! haha.... Will tell u more about it the next time I blog... See ya~

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tonight is the last night I'll be spending at home before I embark on another overseas trip :) Haven't really been home for the past weeks... and now I have to go again. Well... not that I'm lamenting... I should be feeling quite happy that I can get out of this routine and mundane life. Haha... just that I have to burn a big hole in my pocket to do so.

Gonna be an enjoyable week ahead in hong kong. But not sure if I'll have more fun than the taiwan trip... haha... Thats the new benchmark leh... Really miss taiwan.... and I hope after this trip I will miss hong kong too :D Haha... cos like the last time I went hong kong... I was only like 12 yrs old... so I have almost no recollection of what I did there... only a few vague memories. HAha... one unforgettable one was the adult channel in the hotel room... LOL... hmm... was a very naughty boy since young... hehe... but what happened that time was really funny... cos I share the hotel room with my grandma... then when I switch to the channel... my grandma took a pillow and block my view :S while she herself continue to watch until the show is over... LOL... luckily it didn't take long or I might suffocate to death... haha... K lar... other than the more adult rated memories.... I only have some other memories of ocean park where I bought alot of seashells :D Haha.... I also bought 2 shells from taiwan too... actually to be exact... one seashell and a sea urchin . Wahaha.... that adds on to my extensive collection of shells :D I have like almost every kind of shell u can find on the market. So now when I go into shops that sells sea shells... I'm like... I have this one already... I have that too... eh... there's nothing that I don't have... LOL... Maybe I can start a museum for sea shells :D haha...

Hmm... so this trip to hong kong... I have 2 main aims... haha... no no... no more adult channel... LOL.. although I had a great time watching it with dong and filbert until 3am in the morning... HAha... its more like a comedy than porn.... Had a great laugh.... OKOK... anyway... back to the main topic... yar... have 2 aims.... First one to go Bungee Jumping of Macau Tower!!!! Woho~ Had always wanted to bungee jump.... But say only lar... go there later legs turn jelly then cannot jump... LOL... But anyway... I'm like 70% going for it already lar... Hope to come back with good news :D Haha... Its the world's tallest commercial bungee jump... height of 233m.... that is about 60 storey high.... Scary sia... HAha... but if I really succeed... the scarier part would be another big hole in my pocket :S It cost like HKD 1088 for a jump... so its S$200+ !!! Haha... well... I'll only be going macau on the last day of the trip... so if I return without attempting that... perhaps one reason would be I run out of money... haha....

Hmm... the second aim would be to go shen zhen to buy pirated goods :D Haha.... Wanted to buy a rado watch... duno if they have it there.... If not I'll just get any nice watch there :) And perhaps anything else that catches my eye :)

K lar... thats about all for this trip :) Hope I'll be a memorable one :D Next pending overseas trip would be the taiwan ORD trip coming march :D HAha... still pending lar.. subjected to changes.

Today also met up with the K box remedial training group... LOL.... Its a group started by my upper study to get together and train our singing... haha... but I think after so long we still sing like crap.... Anyway... its more like a periodical gathering for us lar... like everytime after some event we will organise a get together... this time is because of our return from ROC :) Anyway.... main point is that I got some updates from them about the happenings in camp....

One very annoying news is that I have to take part in the AMPT next year... btw... AMPT stands for annual medic proficiency test... an annual exam that all of us have to take... Anyway... the problem is... Why they set the cut off point for those who are not required to take the test ONE WEEK BEFORE I ORD!!!!! Its like if I ORD ONE WEEK earlier I wouldn't have to take the test!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( Sob sob.... Bully me sia....

Anyway... camp life seems to be getting more '''''''''''''exciting''''''''''''' ( with lots of inverted commas) haha.... Argh... I just wanna ORD... ORD~ ORD~ ORD~ lol.... Already in ORD mood liao lar...

When I go back I will start clearing all the shit I've piled up.... then I can start handing over to my under study liao :) HAha... then I can switch to the ORD mode :D But then I wun be so fuck up as to throw everything behind and rot till I ORD lar.... Haha... I got a good upper study that I came to respect cos he worked till the very end.... SO yar... I must continue this practice :) Although I dun really want to do so... but haha.... at least I wun feel guilty :D

K lar... this entry is really getting long... duno why... In a good chatty mood tonight :D See ya soon :) Bye~

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another rather sian day... still being bothered about work and not returning to camp. Haha... staying away from camp for such a long period of time makes me feel uneasy. Can't help but to worry. Duno what I'm worried about.... its not as if my unit can't function without me. HAha.... perhaps its the thought that I will still have to return one day that is bothering me. If I've already ORDed.... I wouldn't have to care... Think its because I know that I'll one day need to go back to pick up the shit I left behind... and in my absence... the shit might duplicate itself into a gigantic pile that would fall and crush on me upon my return.

Argh... heck care lar... I'll just have to make myself think that its alright to behave fuck up once in a while... and its alright to have that big pile of shit crushing on me. I wouldn't die from that.... ( hope so ) ... haha.... k lar... its not that I dun want to go back and clear the shit. Its just that I've no chance to do it... I promise that I will do it the first thing I get back okay... so please wait for me and remain as a small little pile k? ... I'll be very thankful for that.

K lar... hope that the next few days will be busier and I'll occupy my mind with other things. And soon I'll be back to clear the shit... must wait for me okay! haha....

Hmm... wonder if u watch the TV drama showing at 7pm on channel 8.... If u have... then u should know Fang Wen... JianYi new girlfriend.... Woho~ I totally love wat she did in today's episode. Steady sia... haha.... For those who didn't catch the show... I give u a very brief introduction.

FangWen is JianYi girlfriend, but JianYi was already married before and have a child (FangWen didn't know that at first)... but they broke up and his wife ran away many years ago.... so FangWen is a new girl he's dating after his wife left with the son. Then suddenly one day the wife came back with the son and want to get back together.

So yar... when fangwen knew about it... what she did really earn my admiration. HAha... Instead of like breaking up with JianYi... she said.... Lets not get married now... but lets also not break up... I'll give you time to settle things... Wah... Perhaps you won't get the feeling from reading my text... but... if u have watched it... the scene is very beautiful and touching....

How nice to have a girlfriend like her who is so understanding.... like normal girls would just get angry and make a big fuss without giving you a chance to explain... Yet she is so calm and understanding.... This is a beauty beyond her looks... Haha... she is already pretty already... but her response to the problem made her even more beautiful....

:D Hope my future girlfriend and wife will be like that too.... :)

K lar... thats all for today... bye~

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Woho~ Back from taiwan! Haha... Really miss that place. Dun feel like coming back. Had a really great time there, especially during the R&R time.

The training period was tough, although initially it felt quite cool as the weather was nice and everything was new and fresh. But then as time goes by, the initial excitement fades and life gets harder. Perhaps it's just me that is not accustomed to being outfield for a long period of time. Since after BMT, there were only a few long outfield that I had. So yar... this 2 weeks of continuous outfield is really quite tough for me. Halfway through it I already almost cannot take it already. The late night training.... sleeping in a cramp space behind the rover. There were some occasions that I thought to myself, why am I torturing myself to volunteer for this trip. It was then that I realised that its not that easy doing work here. haha... cos from what I've heard from the other guys who went and came back, its all the good stuff about the fun they had there. So I never thought that it would be this tough.

But when all the training is over, we had a really good time. It makes all the hardship that I've been through all worth it. The food, the people, and the weather all makes me want to go back again. There is no problem with communication or getting around. It was also great fun with filbert and dong around... haha... the jokes we had... and the channel 15 that we watched till 3am in the morning are all unforgettable memories that we shared.

Really looking forward to my ORD trip back to taiwan with dong and alan... too bad filbert can't go cos he haven't ord! LOL... haha... k lar... ur turn will come soon.

Talking about ORD... WOHO!!!! Its really near liao :D Those enlisted one batch before me already ORDed... so the next in line is me liao :D:D:D:D Haha.. can't wait for the day to come.

After 3 weeks of packed and exciting lifestyle, a sudden changed in it for the past few days has left me feeling quite lost. Cos its like for the past 3 weeks, everyday is busy and packed with activities, now that I am back to my usual lifestyle of having no specific events in a day... I feel kind of lost. Not only that, its back to the same environment that I've seen for like the past 20 years of my life... So there's only 1 word to describe it... sian...

Another thing has also been bothering me for the past days. Its a work that I've delayed for some time. I can't do anything about it since I won't be going back camp for the next week... but then I can't stop worrying about it. This sense of responsibility for my work is killing me. I duno how some people can just be so irresponsible and not worry about their work.... I've tried to sometimes be irresponsible too... but my guilt is killing me. I am really very tired from trying to be a good and responsible person. It takes lots of hardwork and commitment. But then I can't help but to feel guilty. Haiz... really duno what to do sia. Help me! Please brainwash me to think that its okay to be irresponsible sometimes.

Argh... K lar.. nothing much liao... I'll be uploading the photos on the trip once I finish collecting the photos from dong and filbert's camera. Bye~