Sunday, April 27, 2008

Haven't been feeling well for the past week. Something wrong with my stomach... It feels bloated and I get on and off pain around the upper abdominal area. Hope it gets better by the end of the week otherwise really have to pay the doctor a visit liao.

Duno is it because of the discomfort... I feel very tired. Especially on friday. By friday afternoon.. I was really not in the mood to do anymore work. My mind feels like of pressured and I needed rest. Hope I can recover my energy after this weekend. We shall see about the tomorrow :)

Went out on saturday with the old mec gang to watch the forbidden kingdom. Finally can join their ORD gang le. Haha.. cos last time everytime we meet I'm the only one still stuck in the army. The largest gap between me and the earliest of them to ord is more than 1 year. HAha... Still remember the last time when we meet, we were playing lan games and I had to leave early cos I needed to book in that night.

Well... my review about the forbidden kingdom. The storyline is kind of crappy. I think its because although it look quite serious in the trailer, it actually quite a comedy. Haha... Its some sort of western fantasy idea of chinese kung fu. But I find the fighting scenes really nice. And there is no lack of it throughout the movie. So yar... the storyline aside. Its quite a fun movie to watch... for the comical parts and the fighting scenes.

Tomorrow have to start another week of work. Haha... and Pay day!!!!! Woho~ Well the rest of the company already received their pay check. But cos I'm a temp worker... my pay day is at the end of the month. After weeks of hard work I finally see my reward liao... haha... And I think my boss is going to extend my contract further :) But that is still not confirmed lar. Haha... have to wait till the day of my contract renewal before I can confirm that he will renew my contract.

But I have reasons to be optimistic about it lar. Cos the other day another colleague was asking him about my employment. Then he replied that he wanted me to work perm for him. But too bad I need to further my studies. HAha... so with that I was hoping that he will keep hiring me until my school starts :D

Duno why although work is not hard... but I always dread going back to work. Maybe because it will take away my personal time ba. K lar... thats all for today... bye~

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