Sunday, November 23, 2008

How? How? Tomorrow is my Biz law exams le. I am very very unprepared. Think I am going to screw up my result this sem. -.- I have not felt so not confident about an exam for a long time. And I think this feeling is really bad :S When you are not confident about something, more likely that you are going to screw it up. Haiz...

I have already stopped studying about since yesterday morning liao. Its only a occasional flipping through. I think there is no point carrying on. I have already been stuck at this stage for a long time. So if there is somethiing to be done, I would have done it long ago. So now I just need to relax myself and rest for the exams. Getting too stress out is bad for the exams as well. So since I can't really do much now, I can at least get my mind to properly relax first.

I think I might also be giving myself too much stress. I am expecting myself to get an A. And nothing less than it is acceptable. In the competitive environment. I guess its hard not to feel this way. But then in the mist of all these competition. I might have forgotten that as long as I had tried my best, it is good enough.

Really, I think I had never given myself so much stress before. All along, I just do my best and hope for the best result. And even if I don't get it. I wouldn't feel bad. But then this time round. I have this mentality that I need to get an A. Yar... I think this is why I am so stressed now.

Now that I have realised this, I must stop it. I cannot let this kind of things affect my performance. It never had, and should never be the case. Haha... so yar... I guess I am feeling much better now. Writing down, or perhaps typing down my thoughts into words is a good way to reflect and identify problems. I have gotten too obsessed with getting an A that I end up giving myself too much stress.

But anyway. I think I have already screwed up one of my mods liao. Based on the result that I gotten back. I can at most manage a B. And then, if there were to be moderation. My B might not hold and may drop to a C. Although moving up the grade is also possible. But then I am not very hopeful about that as there are quite a number of strong players in the game. Haha... but oh well... B isn't too bad a grade. Considering that my english is not fantastic and my presentation skills suck to the core. To be able to get a B for management communications could already be a great achievement. Haha...

Its already 10.30pm. By right I should be sleeping already to prepare for exams tomorrow. But then, because I wake up late today and also took a small afternoon nap. I won't be able to fall asleep so early. So might as well spend the time doing some other things to relax my mind. Afterall, tomorrow's exam is in the afternoon. So I need to wake up early.

So, perhaps I shall take this opportunity to blog more. Haha...

I have already confirmed my timetable for next term le. Actually it was confirmed long ago, but I was just lazy to blog about it. Haha... I taking 5 mods next term, which is one more mod than what I am doing this term. I think that for this term I am rather slack. Perhaps its also because of the mods that I took which isn't too heavy. Take for example now. I only have 2 papers to prepare for the finals. But then next sem. Things will be different. Some of the mods are quite heavy and time consuming. Then for the final exams. I got 5 papers to prepare for. Which is like more than twice the number I had for this sem. So yar... think I going to die next sem.

But then, maybe the more busy environment is good for me. Cos I think my this term is too slack liao. So my engine hasn't gone running yet. My intention for this term is to first warm up my engine and gain momentum. It has been 2 years since I last studied. So yar, don't know still can cope or not. Also I need to first try out how heavy a module is. Otherwise, I might kill myself in the first term by taking more than what I could handle.

So yar, hope next term will be better ba. Anyway. Its only 3 more days and 2 papers before I clear everything for this term. So yar. Very fast one :D After that I can switch to holiday mood again :D It has really been a hectic journey. Must take a rest first. Haha... woho~ long time never see such a long entry liao right. :P Bye~
Muahaha... tmr is my exam and I am still here blogging :X

Sibeh sian... dun feel like studying. No mood liao. Can no longer study like how I did for A lvls. :S
Haha... but someone say its okay not to study like that. A lvls is 2 years once, this one is half a year once leh. If study like that will die. Haha...

:S Aiya, I finish my preparation for the exam already. All I can do now is keep practising and practising. But then. Not in the mood to practise lar. Heck care. Will see how the result turn out ba. This time round the feeling is kind of different. For A lvls I can say that I was really confident that I will do well. Cos there was a lot of preparation work involved. I did like countless past year paper before the exam. But this time round, I only did like 2 past year paper. The older ones are not very relevant. So... I'm like so under prepared :S

Argh... not matter wad I hope to get this over and done with soon. :D

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Haiz... feeling rather demoralised now. Just went for my second driving session for today. Didn't perform very well. It was raining heavily and I was not accustomed to it. The rain made my visibility drop by half, and then its sound masked the sound of my engine. So my judgement of everything is off. I can't see the poles when doing parking, I can't change my gear appropriately. Everything is just screwed up. Somemore, I took a nap in the afternoon, so my mind wasn't in the correct state as well... Haiz...

The session in the morning went well. I was alert and could react effectively. The sun was bright and the weather was warm. So the whole session went on quite well. I thought I finally can have confidence to pass the test. But haiz... the afternoon session drowned all my hopes.

Oh well... I still have another session tomorrow morning. Hope I can do better then.

Anyway... it seems that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. The early few weeks was because I got too much school work to prepare. So yar, I didn't have time. But starting last week. Everything was cleared. But I was just lazy to blog. Haha... so yar.... drag until today.

I've cleared most of my work already. So now just need to prepare for the exams. But the thing is that I am not really in the exam mode yet. :S I study abit here and there, and then very soon be distracted to do other things. While it is still okay for this week. I'm not going to let it happen next week. Next week I'm really going into mugging mode liao. Have to catch up and grab back all my As. Although must of it is gone, but I still must try to grab as much as I can.

Why do I say much of it is gone? Because, I haven't been putting in my best for all my other assignments. So now, its very hard to catch up as the major part of my grade is already decided. Now what I can do it just to try as best as I could to grab as much as possible. I came to the realisation of how important my GPA for the first few sems are. So now... my term 1 is gone already. What I can do is to work harder for the next coming sems.

K lar, see if I got time then I blog again. See ya~

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hello... It has been quite a while since I last blogged. Life was hectic for the past weeks. Lots of projects and assignments due. Luckily it is all over now. Now, I only need to concentrate on 2 more assignments and then prepare for my final exams...

But haiz... I think I'll need a lot of effort for the preparation. I've been lagging behind both the subjects that are subjected to final exams. Which is.. biz law and stats. Biz law still okay, can still handle on my own.. But stats is the killer... I'm lagging very much behind and I have a hard time trying to catch up.... 2 more weeks left... I hope everything will turn out okay.

K lar... blog another time... haha... I know this entry also very short..
But I need to go have my dinner le... See ya~