Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hello... It has been quite a while since I last blogged. Life was hectic for the past weeks. Lots of projects and assignments due. Luckily it is all over now. Now, I only need to concentrate on 2 more assignments and then prepare for my final exams...

But haiz... I think I'll need a lot of effort for the preparation. I've been lagging behind both the subjects that are subjected to final exams. Which is.. biz law and stats. Biz law still okay, can still handle on my own.. But stats is the killer... I'm lagging very much behind and I have a hard time trying to catch up.... 2 more weeks left... I hope everything will turn out okay.

K lar... blog another time... haha... I know this entry also very short..
But I need to go have my dinner le... See ya~

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