Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy 2010! Its the time of the year to look back and review what had happened and to make plans and resolutions for the next year. There are a few entries that are long overdue and not posted. But we'll just leave it till another time. On this special day, we'll do our usual new year entry! This would be the 6th new year entry already! Its amazing how long I have kept this blog running. Although entries are lesser and less often than before, and I guess the readership is also on the decline too, I'll still try to keep this blog going :D So lets start with reviewing the year 2009!

2009 is awesome year! I really mean it when I say that. Its the year where the seeds that I sowed in the previous year are starting to germinate and grow. Many things have happened for the first time and it was a wonderful experience. I am very happy for myself to have realised what was missing in the past. Although it was a bit late but I am still glad that I could still catch up with what I have lost. And 2009 really showed the results. I am really glad that a few years back I have taken the first step to step out of my comfort zone and really experience the world. And I think one of the most important decision that I have made was to apply to SMU.

It is not about the academic knowledge that I gain, but about the opportunities that it provides. This may not seem much for normal people, but for introverts like me, I guess it really does mean alot. I know it seems embarrassing to share this here, I just want to share what I really feel. If there is one important thing that I have learned, I guess it would be to really accept my introvert personality and work around it. This is a small lesson in my MPW class, but it matters alot to me. I was taught that personalities do not change much over the years, so it means that I'll most probably stay a introvert for the rest of my life. But being an introvert doesn't mean it is bad. I just need to accept it and work around it. In the past, I used to think that I am just weird and anti social, so I get very awkward situations and I blame myself for that. But now, I accept that I am just like that and will try to find ways to minimise these kind of situation.

Another thing that really made a difference but is really really embarrassing to say it out here. But heck. Haha... I just want to say. I learn to be more comfortable when hanging out with girls. LOL... cos for the past few years I have only hang out with guys and I used to feel very awkward when I talk or hang out with girls. Its like during my secondary school, I usually hang out with the guys, then after that JC too and its followed by army. So for around like 6 years all the outings and gathering or hanging out after class is all guys! Haha. But now, I hang out with this bunch of girls. They really taught me alot of things :)

Haha... so who is this bunch of girls? They are my LTB group! Haha. I am really really thankful that we were put into a group. I can't imagine my SMU life without them. They are the ones that really make my school life fun.

I have also learned that friendship really takes effort to maintain. In the past I take a more passive role, but I have learned that to really achieve what I want, I need to be more proactive to maintain contact.

Hmm... K lar, enough for all these embarassing stuffs. Makes people think that I'm such a loner in the past. Haha....

So for the new year ahead. I hope to continue what I have done in the past. I would also want to try out new experiences. I want to continue to improve myself. Most importantly I want to do the things that really truly makes me happy!

Well I have already taken a step forward. I signed up for a art glass class which will start next week :D So excited. Will update again.

With that, I bid farewell to the year of 2009 and I wish that 2010 would be a even greater experience :D

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