Saturday, November 28, 2009

My mind is damn saturated now. I spent the whole day memorising my bp notes and now i cannot do anymore work. I tried to do ms but it was just too much thinking for my brain to work properly now. The thing that i hate about exams is that it forces you to memorise things. I suck at memory work so very often have to struggle for exams. I do have ways to force information in to my mind, but i don't like to use it. Its a very terrible and long process. It's not like last time when during O or A lvls where u just need to go all out for it. This time round it's just an exam and i see no point in putting myself through the pain. It leads me to wonder again whether i have made the wrong choice of studying in a business school. It is still a long road ahead for me and there are still many more exams that requires memory work. How am i going to cope for the next few years?

Anyway. I came across another inspiring person online again. This person is also very much similar to myself. He is interesting because he loves film making but then somehow he enrolled into a business school too. Yes, its smu! He is the pioneering batch of smu student. It is very inspiring to read that although in a business school, he has never given up on his passion. He continued making films for many of his projects. After a while he created a good portfolio and had even set up his own film making company.

This made me realisr that many things are possible and it depends on whether you want to do it or not. Although not going to a film making school means you lose out on alot of techinical knowledge but if you really have the passion for the things that you do. It does not matter, you will still find your means of getting hold of this knowledge. In fact, if he had just gone to a film makig school, he might have missed out a lot of things that a business school has to offer. Like for myself, although i am not in a design school. But i continue to observe and read up on the latest happenings in the world of design. But if i went to a design school, i might never get the chance to learn about business as wihout the interest i wouldn't be reading up on it on my own.  

Haiz. Really regretted slacking this semester. Am suffering the consequences now. Don't know why i became so slack. I almost always not pay attention to lesson and not revising my work till the last minute. Its a good wake up call for me and i hope to put in more effort next sem. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heya, i came across ur blog while i was searching for current students studying in smu biz.

all th best for ur current exams. on a side note, i am curious about that inspirational blog of a person u came across. if u dun mind, can you share it to me?

would like to have some inspiration too to start my studies in smu next august, thanks =)
