Sunday, May 30, 2010

Haiz... feeling the dread of work again. Although there are few things to look forward to this coming week. Hope it makes time pass easier. We'll welcome our 4th intern on tuesday. Joining my department but doing other job functions. Coming from SMU as well. Kind of have this urge to go oasis to find his face. But aiya, lazy to do so, not a girl anyway. Haha... so yar. Just wait till he comes. Don't think I'll know him or see him anywhere in school before cos he's a year 4.

Then we'll have our department lunch on thursday to welcome me and the other intern. Although its not as much a welcome for me since I have been working there for more than a month already. But anyway, still a good chance to have extended lunch time and eat good food :)

Then friday I'm going back for my glass bead class :D Had stopped for almost 2 months as my instructor went to japan for an exhibition. He's having one in Singapore as well. Think I'll go take a look and support him.

There is still another event happening this coming week. Not much details yet. But its something that I have been looking forward to for a long long time. Really hope it'll turn out great :D

So yar.. quite happening this week. Other than the week itself. There are few more events that I'm looking forward to. I just can't wait to get out of this hell hole. Haha... Okay lar, not so bad. But I really do not like this job. Or perhaps its just my boss. Although he's quite okay. But I am still quite afraid of him. Last week got a little 'scolding' from him. So yar... its damn stressful. I am being put in an environment that I am totally unfamiliar with. There is no one to guide me along. How can he expect so much from me? My boss would just throw me something to do without explaining much. He expects me to just go out and ask every one else except him on how to do the stuffs. But that just goes against the very nature of myself. As much as I am willing to venture out of my comfort zone. I still need time to adapt to it. So I really hate the way he just throws work at me and expect me to find my own way. I know perhaps this is how things works when I go out to work next time. When you are no longer a intern, people expect you to know your way around and do your work. Well, I accept it. But just can't help to feel like shit about it.

Anyway... as I was saying, there are 2 other events that I am looking forward to.

My boss is going overseas the week after next :D So that means that I will only get to see him for 2 days of the week :D Then 1 week later after he goes on holiday. I will go for my reservist :D LOL. A whooping 2 weeks that I don't have to face him !!! Haha... But then when I come back I still got another 5 weeks to go... Haiz... Hopefully there will be more events happening along the way. Otherwise I can't imagine how I can survive the last 5 weeks. My other 2 interns will leave earlier than me. Then I'm left with the new intern. Hopefully we get along well with each other. Haha.. Oh well... he's doing a 6 months internship there. Haha... good luck to him. This isn't a company that you would want to work long for. :P

Will gossip about the company another time. Think thats all for tonight :D Bye~

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