Monday, May 03, 2010

Feeling rather lethargic in recent months. No matter how much i sleep. There is this heavy weight on my mind. It is depressing all my feelings and emotions. I couldn't smile and laugh freely. And my daily life has been affected by this. This is especially prominent in the past week at work. During the first week of work, you need lots of energy to overcome the inertia and get the momentum going. You need to start getting the relationships with you colleagues up. Then u need to expand it to your business contacts. All these takes huge amount of effort to get it started and then the momentum will handle the rest by itself. So yar. I kind of wasted the first week at work cos i haven't been very receptive to the hospitality that my colleagues offered. As the first week was kind of a big change to my lifestyle for the past few years. I forgive myself of that. But starting next week. I've got to put in more effort in work.

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