Sunday, April 25, 2004

Yo! Let me start of this post again with this week's horoscope. My horoscope says that, I will daydream a lot this week. Then ask me to drown myself with work so that I won't have time to daydream, so I won't be wasting time. Lucky object: Lighter.
Whahaha..... Haiz... daydreaming ar... hmm.... dun think so lar, should be quite occupied during obs.... Haha... if really start to daydream, then must try to control myself lor. And about the lucky object :) I will have to bring a lighter to obs so dun need to worry :D
Haiz.... tonight is the last time I will be posting here liao, tmr will be my obs. I will have to wait till friday to post again..... Haiz.... the night before OBS.... haiz.... the feeling a bit weird weird one. I know that obs is fun, but hor, you imagine. Everyweek monday when you go school you will like be thinking, haiz.... Firday faster come!!!! then you know, you wait and wait, day after day, then finally your weekends. But now you imagine I have to pass each day in some ulu ulu place doing some so primative things, living a life without technology, without my computer, handphone and air-con. Duno how am I going to survive till friday... Haiz... I have already packed all my things, thats why I am here to settle all my net things before going... clearing my mail box... otherwise friday my mailbox sure flooded one. Now feeling a bit sleepy, tired. Can't imagine what I will be doing for the next few nights. Cos everynight, I will usually come online to update my blog and stuffs. Now for 4 nights, I will be in ubin, duno doing what. Haiz.... 5 days is not very long, but I dosen't seem short either. Lets hope for the best. :) Haha.. this post very long cos I won't be posting for the next 5 days. So haha... must have something for people to read, and also beacuse the kind of feeling is really different lar :)
Okie So goodbye everyone. See you again on friday :)...............
Must miss me hor :P

Friday, April 23, 2004

Hmm.... life a bit going haywire these few days... Seems like everything is going wrong. Haiz... Brain also not functioning properly. Haiz... hope everything will be alright after my OBS....

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Yay... the busiest part of the week is finally over!!!!! Yay... yesterday rush through all my work now today left only a few :D:D Haha... but hor, yesterday then realise that OBS is next week!!! HAha... so when you are here reading my blog next week, I will be at pulau ubin counting stars... haha.... So nothing much to talk about for now. Bye :D

Monday, April 19, 2004

I shall start off today's post with my horoscope for the week. I says that I will have a busy week, but I will have the energy to deal with it and my friends will help me too. It also warn me that I will make mistakes.

Hmm.... today is only monday and everything except for the energetic part came true. The energetic part is wrong as I caught a mild flu and is feeling very very tired now. Then about the busy week, haiz... it is really busy. Just rush through so many tutorials during the weekends and more to come. There is also a test this week.... Haiz.. busy busy busy. Then about the mistakes, haiz... first day of the week make mistake liao.
Cos we got econs lecture on sat mah... then because we receive no official announcement. We thought dun have mah. Then on the way home got people say got, then we went lor. Then I as a chairman have to inform the class about it mah. But hor I duno what got into my mind, I didn't inform one of my classmate. In the end he never turn up... Haiz... feel so guilty.... Haiz... but I told myself people make mistakes and we learn from them, so I realise my mistake and I will not do it again. Just hope that everyone will forgve me and give me another chance. You know, I'm still at a learning stage. This is my very first leadership role throughout my entire life. So I want to say sorry to my class if I ever make any mistakes. Please forgive me, I will do my best to serve you all better :)

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Hmm... nothing much happen these few days...

But haiz... that day teacher give maths quiz [but its a test lar ] ... Then I did very badly :'( I misread the question... Haiz... then no time to redo...15 min nia mah. Then haiz... very wasted leh... Is I know how to do one lor then haiz... Sad ar..... :'(

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Haha... yesterday was very tired so didn't post anything... So I shall make up for yesterday today :D HAha... that night my home got hit by the major blackout :P Haha... suddenly feel so hot while sleeping, wake up see air-con off... Then my mom came in and told me that there was a major blackout.... Then haiz... cannot get to sleep.... So hot!!! So open window and see see lor... Haha... didn't know that so many kiasu singaporeans have such high powered torchlight at home... Then can see lots of spots of lights around lor... Also got small red dots caused by laser pointer.... HAha... Then at that time still got bus mah.... Then I wondering... how is it like to be in the bus... Its like everywhere is black and no streets lights... So eriee ...
Then still got people shouting and jeering... Then some were playing with sparkles like some sort of party... Haiz... Then I thought to myself... so thats how 'mature' singaporeans are... What if it is caused by terrorist attack leh... Then you partying away.... No wonder singapore government so worried....

Haiz... then today is juz a ordinary day lor...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

:'( today is such a long day.... haiz... 7.10 then reach home... All because of the stupid enrichment point for my CCA... haiz... then got to stay back to have a 'dreamweaver crash course' so that we can teach the noobs tmr... Haiz... wad they teach is so basic lor.... then wasted 2 hrs there cos we can't run away... Then haha... saw sean on the way home on the MRT.. duno wad he doing there... Then at night go cut hair lor... Haiz... very boring right? Brain also no mood to think liao... so I shall end off here... hope to have more interesting post in future :D

Monday, April 12, 2004

Today is a fine day haha... everything is the same lor... Then just now half-way doing my homework... I was thinking, it has been like so long since I receive any present or surprise gift from people.... Haiz... So sad right... Kind of miss the feeling of receiving a gift from someone... So I was just thinking... is there anyone who would like to exchange presents :D Haha... you know... just to have the feeling, the element of surprise? :P Anyone interested and contact me lar :)

Haha... my first official post after my blog has been revamped. HAha... the mood thingy I haven't add in yet cos I haven't design the smilies :D:D I want this site to be 100% original :D

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Yay!!! Finally!!! My blog is back up again!! Haha... can't wait till wednesday.. so started designing it during the long weekends :P Haha.. ok... quite late liao... go sleep already... post more tmr :D

Thursday, April 08, 2004

HAIZ.... still haven't solve the problem... juz any how use this default template... haiz... Then can only wait until next wednesday lor... Then I can go browsing for blog template during my IT club :P Don't want to waste my time here. So I think I also no mood to post until then lar... HAiz... so be sure to come back after wednesday :D I think the blog will have to wait till next next week then be completely ready. Cos I need a day to go to the IT resource room to do my photoshop again :D Muz try to customize my blog :P

OOps MAjor problem with template.... I'll try to solve it tonight. Please come back later :D

testing testing

A shocking discovery... All the pics on my site can't be viewed by others!!!!! Whahahaha... then you all nv see the design I made right fromt the start!!!!!! OKOK... I'm going to change things and be back again :|

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Wahahah!!! My dream phone!!!! All that I want out of a phone is finally here!!!!! Big big screen, high resolution digi cam and big big memory!!!! But the price sure also very big big one... Haiz... haha, just saw this in today's TODAY newspaper.... Really is love at first sight :P

Siemens S65
Introducing the first Siemens mobile phone with an integrated 1.3 MegaPix video camera. This high-class handset sets new standards in design and functionality for today's mobile market.

With the S65, Siemens enters a whole new era of mobile excellence. With this powerful device it is really easy to send video messages in a convincing quality. A built-in 1.3 MegaPix video camera records your life's greatest moments to MPEG4 format. You can store plenty of such clips onto the exchangeable 32 MB MultiMediaCard. And from there share them with your friends or transfer them to your computer. Of course this state-of-the art camera also allows for still digital imaging.

The Siemens S65's massive display lets you see the world with different eyes. With those of a 132 x 176 pixel 65 k TFT display. And what you can see on this majestic screen is as impressive as it is clear: A complete package of business tools that allow you take your business with you wherever you are. Bluetooth technology lets you move around freely through wireless networks and extensive synchronization tools let you stay updated with your PC's applications.

Almost needless to mention that this sophisticated mobile features triband functionality to let you stay connected to merely any mobile network on earth.

The S65 comes in a premium silver finish and is poised to become Siemens' next design classic.
From [,2241,hq_en_0_27139_rArNrNrNrN,00.html]

Wahahah!!! Really hope to get it next year!!!!!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Guess there won't be anything special happening later so I just write my blog now :D

Today was a normal day nothing special, but I just found a picture which describes me very well :P

A print by *hexentanz

This is a picture by the above author. I found it very interesting. So does it remind you of me?

Monday, April 05, 2004


Yay, I saw a beautiful rainbow today :D Then I also saw a white pigeon which I think should be a dove :P but theres none in singapore, so heaven sent me a pigeon instead :P Early in the morning see all these, wah... good omen sia [Is there such thing as good omen? or izzit bad omen only? My english lousy ler :P ] So haha everything went on smoothly today, then somehow I've been made class chairman for my class :P MY first leadership role after so many years. But it wasn't a easy job, especially under my CT... she very 'auntie' one leh... But I think for the sake of my CCA points, I will just bear with it :P Haiz... but I think I not fierce enough... later get bullied :'(. But luckily I know 1/3 of my class as there are my classmates in the temporary classes. So at least got some people who can get along easy with. Hope to get to know the rest of the class soon :D But hor, something very worrying is that I read my horoscope for this week.... It says that I will have a somehow big quarrel with someone, and I have to handle it carefully. I wonder is it because of my new position, then got people buay song me... Haiz... really wonder if I should carry on being the chairman....

Friday, April 02, 2004


Haha, still the same old happy emoticon, haven't manage to find the other happy emoticons. Wah... today was the yjc orientation... it was quite fun, but very tiring. We had mass dance and many other usual ice-breaking games. Then got along quite ok with the new classmates. Although I had been a bit thick-skin today :P Wonder if anyone find me annoying.... Then today one of them told ghost story about the school. Then it is rumored that there is ghost in LT2, then in the middle of the dance we went to LT2 but it was locked. Haha, very fun and lame... cos there are some rules like must go in even numbers like that... but still in the end nv go in lar.... :P Then hor, our CT very irritating one leh, keep on interupting our games, haiz... duno how to live with her as our CT for the whole year....

Thursday, April 01, 2004


:P I know this emoticon looks like very excited like that, but I am not, I'm just happy... Couldn't find the happy smilie... Haiz..

Today was fine... loneliness just brush pass me today... :D Got to interact more with my friends. Played basketball with them. Then loneliness came and went away... cos there was some point of time in the game that I felt discomfort. But nvm, just be thick skinned and continue to hang out with them.
Then today also met up with my new class :D Then appointed the temporary ic for the class :D haha, cos the teacher only know me :P But hope that I can continue serving the class as their permanent chairman. But if someone else can do the job better, I dun mind being a small small NE rep :D

Hmm... below is a conversation about philosophies in life between me and kenneth. You may wish to take a look if you have nothing to do :D


So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
hey..ask u..
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
do u think ignorance or truth is better?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
see the situation lor
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
let me set a few scenarios...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
say...if lots of pple dislike u think it's better to be innocent abt it or is better to know it?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
Hmm... I think it would be better to know why they don't like you
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
cos you cannot carry on having people disliking you for long term
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
maybe when you know what is wrong then you can change to make yourself a better person
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says: u think it's better to know it?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
Yup, not only knowing it, maybe change, and make yourself a better person
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
But if they are unreasonable then it is better to ignore it
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says: scenario...
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
do u think it's good to continue searching for the truth if they dont wish to tell u?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
let me think q while
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...{I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
Ehh... hmm.... it would be good to continue searching for the truth, but you may not force them to tell you if they don't want to...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
cos there are many ways you can search for the truth
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
like sometimes you can observe the people around, like when you are doing something, how would they react
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
or sometimes observe the people around you, see their behaviour, how is it different from you...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
where you have gone wrong...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
something you don't have to do it openly...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
slowly observe, if you think there is something wrong, try to change a bit... test out their reactions
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
eh...would u mind if i set another scenario?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
say this time...u know abt a truth which may be hurting to someone...would u tell them if they ask u abt it?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
Eh... hmm...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
this depends...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
if that person is your very good friend
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
then I think you can tell him/her whats wrong
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
but don't do it to directly
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
make it more like concerning about them...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
then how this/her actions/behaviour is not favourable....
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
cos a friend is more easy to talk to
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
as they won't think that you dispise them or being unfriendly...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
IF that person is just an ordinary friend, I think you can still tell him... but must wait for the right opportunity..
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
otherwise it could result in adverse effect....
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
but if that problem is not too major, then you can just let it be lar... but still if there is an opportunity to tell him/her... then tell
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
btw... why you ask this? you alright?
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
haha..i'm alright..
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
not abt myself
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
just rethinking abt philosophies in life
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
lol... icic...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
but that is only what I think lar may not be the correct way to do it
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
so u think truth is gd? but must be expressed n handled appropriately?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
Ehh... hmm...
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
yar, truth is always good if you can handled appropriately, otherwise ignorance will always be an good alternative
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
eh..ask u abt smth else...
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
do u think it is gd to 'live for the moment' or 'live for the future'?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
... lol
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
For me, I think it is good to live for the moment, but think of the future
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
cos, you never know what will happen in future
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
some would say live for the moment, cos who knows you may just die tomorrow
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
but what if you didn't die?
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
So it is good to live for the moment and think of the future
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
then you can enjoy the best of both worlds,
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
it is important to live for the moment, but also equally important to think about tmr,
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
you can't like eat all the food today, cos you think you may die tmr, but if you never die, then what do you feed on tmr?
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
So Yesterday...Relinquish my possibly False Hopes...Ignorance or Truth? {I aM kEnNeTh Ng} says:
great comment..think u should record it in ur blog...hehe
ŦåŋßĶ~~ [] says:
