Thursday, April 15, 2004

Haha... yesterday was very tired so didn't post anything... So I shall make up for yesterday today :D HAha... that night my home got hit by the major blackout :P Haha... suddenly feel so hot while sleeping, wake up see air-con off... Then my mom came in and told me that there was a major blackout.... Then haiz... cannot get to sleep.... So hot!!! So open window and see see lor... Haha... didn't know that so many kiasu singaporeans have such high powered torchlight at home... Then can see lots of spots of lights around lor... Also got small red dots caused by laser pointer.... HAha... Then at that time still got bus mah.... Then I wondering... how is it like to be in the bus... Its like everywhere is black and no streets lights... So eriee ...
Then still got people shouting and jeering... Then some were playing with sparkles like some sort of party... Haiz... Then I thought to myself... so thats how 'mature' singaporeans are... What if it is caused by terrorist attack leh... Then you partying away.... No wonder singapore government so worried....

Haiz... then today is juz a ordinary day lor...

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