Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy new year! Congrats to earth for orbiting another successful round around the sun. Haha... K lar... kind of lame... but I was just wondering, why are we celebrating the new year? Perhaps it is to mark another period in the short life span of humans.

For the next coming frame of 1 year. Here are the little resolution of a little human living in the big and vast world...

First thing... I dun want to spent the next new year eve at home again! Think I have been spending it at home for the past few years liao... So here are some plans and actions to take. I would like to get to know more people. I would be considering doing some volunteering work during the weekends. Or maybe take up some lessons. Like that I wun be wasting my time at home too... at least can get out and know more people. Another thing is to get my current contacts organised. came to realise the fact that my mind cannot store too much information. If I imagine my mind to my a computer. I would have very small hard disk space, average processor speed and very high ram... haha... cos I cannot store information, cannot think too quickly, can solve problems after a long processing time, but then cannot store information after I process it... So yar... decided to get a personal assistant... a digital one... haha... When the next opportunity comes, I would like to get a simple PDA to help manage my contacts and to do list. Cos really... my mind and memory really very bad. Only 2 years never get in contact I can forget a friend's name and even where I've met him... So yar... I think very soon I will forget all of you guys... haha... then also I realised that I never remember any of my friends birthday.... Quite sad right... not even a single person leh. So yar... hope it will improve things.

Secondly... I would like to take up a new performing skill. Cos now my skills cannot be shown to others as a performance. Just like I'm good at art so wad... I can't perform with it... So I would like to learn something like piano... or perhaps even magic.

next I would wish for the better life in the army... now quite sian and dissappointed in it lar... so yar... hope in the new year things will get better.

K lar... last but not least... wish everyone stay happy and healthy always :)

See ya~

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Its almost the end of the year again. :) Another year passed just like that. Well. Although there is still 1 more day to go before the year finally comes to a close. But I shall do my year end reflection and summary now :D Well... This is quite an eventful and exciting year. Although it seems to have passed long ago, it still hasn't been a year yet.

First up... 09 March 2006... Enlistment!
Haha... this is a date that I won't forget that easily. Haha... Its the start of a 2 year journey in almost every singaporean guy's life. Till today, it has already been like 9 months in the army liao. Many things have happened... and indeed... it was really alot..... Experienced quite a lot in the army. The days in BMT at Ulysses coy... the heavenly days at SMM.... and now... the working days at AETC. Things are starting to get boring now in the army. Life is mundane, or perhaps, there isn't any life at all... haha... everyday wake up do the same things. Then everyday thinking about how to slack off or hide somewhere without getting caught.... haha... Now... no feeling to work leh. No motivation. Actually... its more like somethings made me very dissappointed and unhappy about work... Thats why I dun feel like working anymore. If I am like working outside I would have quitted long ago. Its not because the workload is too much or I want to slack. I dun mind working hard. Something just happened that made me very dissappointed lar.. dun want to talk about it. Anyway... yar... I guess the fun part of my army life is over, along with the harsh part. The days during BMT, though was hard, but fun. Really... Didn't appreciate it during that time. But now thinking of it... its a very nice experience. Following that I'm very grateful to be posted to medic course. Not just because its slack... but also for the knowledge. Its a knowledge that I would actually like to have although I'm lousy in bio and have a strong dislike for large quantity of blood. Other than that, you also get to see more things as a medic. You are no longer a man in a platoon. You are able to step out of it and look at things in a larger perspective. And yar... its a nice thing to be able to do.

K... other than that... the next big event that happened only this year but seemed so long ago is the release of the A lvls result! :D Although I've already been through 2 major exams... the PSLE and the O lvls... this was different. The pressure is on as there is no alternative route to go if I dun do well. The only way was to press forward and upwards. And thus, the stress level is also there. On that lovely morning.... I receive a plesant call from the school that set my heart pounding... could it really be? haha... I could still remember that morning very vividly. The excitement and the anxiousness. It was unexpected that I would earn such honour... although frankly, I always dream and fantasize about it... haha... Anyway... yar... its one of the major events that mark 2006 and my life.

2006 is indeed filled with fun and excitement. I would say... perhaps one the the best years so far... With this, I think we can now bring 2006 to a close. 2007, a brand new beginning. I shall write on the expectation and resolution in my next entry :) Bye~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Yo, quite some time nv blog liao. Enjoying my block leave now :D Haha... shiok sia.... Can live 1 week of civilian life... Woho~ K lar... just have bear with it for a while longer. By the time I report back would be in the year 2007 liao! Haha... much closer to ORD liao. Just have to count down till end of the year cos I think the last 3 mths would pass quite fast. Or rather, I can bluff myself that I only left 1 year of service cos I just need to look forward to the block leave at the end of the year again, and then... :D I can go into ORD mood liao :D

The past few days of my holiday was quite nice lar :) Sang alot... haha... but then my singing still cannot make it... :S must practise more.... Then also did my first fake oil painting... lol... It was a budget painting. Instead of a pretty canvas, I bought cloth for curtains... haha... then also used acrylic paint instead of oil paint.... The result is okay lar.... one word to describe... budget... haha.... Although got the 'feeling' of oil paint, but it still lacks something that makes it a true oil painting.

Nothing much lar... plan to go shopping tmr, but then have to depend on the weather lar. Hope it won't rain... then tmr go out and see if there is any post christmas sales to grab some goodies :P

K lar... thats all for now... bye :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

SIAN AR!!!!!!! got to book in again tmr... haiz... I dun want... lol... Have been enjoying too much lately... now dun want to go back liao... haha.... k lar... nothing much... this week might be having cover for the whole week... Might only lar, not confirmed cos not on black and white paper... But most probably is got lar... Although its abit sian... but okay lar... like that time will past faster...

K lar.. nothing much... sian...
After some thoughts, I guess I won't go ahead with the litbud idea anymore. Guess its potential is quite limited. I am changing the direction I'm heading now. Instead on just focusing on litbud, I will diverse out to start a designing business. Litbud will still exist as a micro part of the new concept. I will still do character design and more.

There are a few factors that caused me to change. Firstly, I stumbled upon this website which has a collection of different character designed and contributed by other users. While browsing through the designs, I suddenly feel that litbud is so small and insignificant in this vast arena of character design. There are so many characters out there vying for a chance to get famous. My litbud would not stand out against them.

So I went back to analyse the growth potential of litbud and realised that its very limited, I'm almost touching the ceiling for it already. In the long term, nothing much can be done to develope it futher. It has already gone from just plain doodling on paper to having a website dedicated to itself. Anything more may be just creating a soft toy for it... So yar... I can't build a business just based on litbud alone...

Now I came up with a new concept. I will create a umbrella website encompassing all aspects of my designs. Then there will be a section for character design, and each character will own a small micro site dedicated to them. There will also be other sections for the other designs, which is still in the concept stage.

I guess this change is more suitable for me as I dun like my design to be constant. I realised that I keep changing and upgrading my designs too often. has undergone 3 major facelift within a year. And my personal blog, has been changing its design every few months. Except lately cos I haven't got the time to do it... haha...

So yar... somemore I dislike to dwell on a design for too long. I like to just finish it and move on. Thats why you see that my new website always last for like 1 months before I start working on a new design :S With this new concept I am able to keep changing my design. It somesort of like acts as a online portfolio for me.

Haha... then as I'm still in the stage of conceptualizing, will stay there until my new website is up lar... haha... My 3 months of effort into this version 3 will last for another 3 months before its taken down... lol... see how fast my designs get taken down each time.

Other than these few factors there is also the financal part lar. I am still not financially stable to develop litbut futher, and litbud also hasn't mature enough for me to take the risk lar. So yar... this new concept will let me have time to develop other characters and when the right time comes I will be able to decide on which of my design has matured enough for me to take it to a new level.

Meanwhile, I'm also trying hard to upgrade my skills :D I want to try to master adobe illustrator. Its a very powerful program that the industry uses. So yar... it would be very good if I can master it.

Went out for recently for a family gathering. Then my aunt is like saying, that nowadays its very hard for middle age people to keep their jobs. Companies are retrenching old people. So my aunt has to take up courses to upgrade her skills.

So yar... I dun want this to happen to me next time. I want a safety net for myself when I get to that age. Cos I know that competition is going to increase by the day and by the time when I get to that age, my skills will get obsolete even faster. I dun want to by the age still go back to studies in hope to keep a job... To spell it more crudely, I dun want to beg to retain a job. Somemore even if you are willing to study, how far can you go to keep your competitivness? The young are always more energetic than you. So I've decided that the best way to escape this is to own your own business by then. As when you are your own boss, no one can retrench you. Even if its not a very big business, but then if I can earn enough for a decent living I will already be very contented.

But I know this is going to be a long and tedious process. I just wished that I would be lucky and be able to break free from the fate of being obsolete.

K lar, nothing much liao... bye :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Woho~ this week is haven sia... haha... Got to stay out... somemore is like 3pm can go home liao... yseterday the best, can go home after lunch... lol... Nice sia... I think this month will pass very fast. Cos after this week, next week will be cover for ICT for the whole week, then another week will be gone. Then I still got 1 more week then can go for my block leave liao.. haha... after that the next time come back is in the year 2007! :D Haha... that will be much closer to ORD loh! haha....

K lar.. nothing much... have been thinking alot about my litbud business lately. Duno if I should start it now. Cos yar... the whole venture will cost about $6000 to me. And I duno how much I can recover. Although it may seem like a small sum, but it will make quite a big dent in my savings, cos I got some money tied up in deposits and periodical savings account. So the liquid cash I have is quite limited. After some calculations, my liquid assets will go into the reds for the first 3 months. Somemore it won't be long before I start my uni, and I need the money to get quite alot of things. So the time frame for me to sell all the products is actually quite short, otherwise I won't be able to recover my money in time for the uni spendings.

Other than the financial aspect, there is also the management side. Although this is a rather small business, but I doubt I can do it alone. Even if I can, it would be a hard and tedious process. I need someone who can stand by me. Give me support when the route gets tough. I am looking for that person who can become my partner. Someone who has an entreprenuer mind who wish to break off from the norm, take the risk in hope for greater returns. So yar, if you dream of having your own business, do contact me :) But be prepared to work hard for it :D

Its quite a sad thing that for people like me who comes from a below average income family, its quite a difficult thing to start your own business. Firstly, you dun have a rich father who can supply you with the capital you need, or even when you fail in your business, he can be a cushion for you to fall back on. Look at all those susscessful young singaporean entreprenuers in recent times. Almost all of them come from a rich family. They may claim that they didn't receive help from their parents. But then, they know that even if they fail they have nothing to worry about because they have a safety net to fall back on. For people like me, who can I rely on? I dun have the capacity to flush a few thousand dollars down the drain just to take a chance at starting a business.

So I still considering whether this is the right time to start it... I could maybe wait a few years, get a stable income, and at a time when $6000 is not too big a sum for me, then start the business. But then, there would be other considerations. Maybe I won't have that much time to focus on my business, of maybe I have other commitments like family. Will I still have the time and energy for such things. Now may be the best time as I'm still young. I do not have much other commitments or obligations. I am carefree. The lost money can still be earned back in future. So why not make use of this chance to just take the gamble and go all out for it?

So yar.... its quite a hard decision to make. Still have to consider it for some time before I cna make the decision. Perhaps I would also consult some people.If you people have any comments of opinion on this matter, feel free to drop me a message in my shotbox :D

K lar, nothing much liao. Bye~

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Yo! Need some help here. I'm currently trying to make a litbud plush toy. I've contacted a manufacturer and they have given me a quotation.

I just want to do a quick survey on how much are you all willing to pay to get a 7 inch sized litbud.

You all can drop your replies in my shoutbox. Thanks :D