Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Woho~ this week is haven sia... haha... Got to stay out... somemore is like 3pm can go home liao... yseterday the best, can go home after lunch... lol... Nice sia... I think this month will pass very fast. Cos after this week, next week will be cover for ICT for the whole week, then another week will be gone. Then I still got 1 more week then can go for my block leave liao.. haha... after that the next time come back is in the year 2007! :D Haha... that will be much closer to ORD loh! haha....

K lar.. nothing much... have been thinking alot about my litbud business lately. Duno if I should start it now. Cos yar... the whole venture will cost about $6000 to me. And I duno how much I can recover. Although it may seem like a small sum, but it will make quite a big dent in my savings, cos I got some money tied up in deposits and periodical savings account. So the liquid cash I have is quite limited. After some calculations, my liquid assets will go into the reds for the first 3 months. Somemore it won't be long before I start my uni, and I need the money to get quite alot of things. So the time frame for me to sell all the products is actually quite short, otherwise I won't be able to recover my money in time for the uni spendings.

Other than the financial aspect, there is also the management side. Although this is a rather small business, but I doubt I can do it alone. Even if I can, it would be a hard and tedious process. I need someone who can stand by me. Give me support when the route gets tough. I am looking for that person who can become my partner. Someone who has an entreprenuer mind who wish to break off from the norm, take the risk in hope for greater returns. So yar, if you dream of having your own business, do contact me :) But be prepared to work hard for it :D

Its quite a sad thing that for people like me who comes from a below average income family, its quite a difficult thing to start your own business. Firstly, you dun have a rich father who can supply you with the capital you need, or even when you fail in your business, he can be a cushion for you to fall back on. Look at all those susscessful young singaporean entreprenuers in recent times. Almost all of them come from a rich family. They may claim that they didn't receive help from their parents. But then, they know that even if they fail they have nothing to worry about because they have a safety net to fall back on. For people like me, who can I rely on? I dun have the capacity to flush a few thousand dollars down the drain just to take a chance at starting a business.

So I still considering whether this is the right time to start it... I could maybe wait a few years, get a stable income, and at a time when $6000 is not too big a sum for me, then start the business. But then, there would be other considerations. Maybe I won't have that much time to focus on my business, of maybe I have other commitments like family. Will I still have the time and energy for such things. Now may be the best time as I'm still young. I do not have much other commitments or obligations. I am carefree. The lost money can still be earned back in future. So why not make use of this chance to just take the gamble and go all out for it?

So yar.... its quite a hard decision to make. Still have to consider it for some time before I cna make the decision. Perhaps I would also consult some people.If you people have any comments of opinion on this matter, feel free to drop me a message in my shotbox :D

K lar, nothing much liao. Bye~

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