Sunday, January 28, 2007

once again... its the end of the weekend already :) It also marks the last weekend of the month :) yay... haha... the next weekend would be in feburary le... Well... its a pity that I let time pass just like that... but... haiz... too bad.. haha...

Anyway... there is something bothering me lately... I hope it will pass and something good will come out of it...

thats all for now lar... not in the mood to blog... at first I wanted to write about the campaign for real beauty by dove... but maybe I shall leave it for next time lar...

K lar.. see ya...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

.... my installation is really pushing the limits of my patience... I feel like throwing my com out of the window now... haha... k lar... Can use it to train my patience.

anyway wanna share something that I read just yesterday. Its from the book Rich dad's : The business school. Just happen to browse through a few pages of the book when it was left on the table.

Shall share some excerpts from the book first.

The author is 15 years old and having biology lessons.
"I'm bored in school. I don't see any relevance between what we are required to study in school and the real world. I just want to learn to be rich. So how is a dead frog going to help me buy a new car? If the teacher would tell me how a dead frog can make me rich. I would disect thousands of them"

This is him on the topic of building network relations.
" As a young boy in high school. I began choosing my friends and teachers carefully because your family, friends and teachers are very very important element of your network."

The first thing that came to my mind when I read this book wasn't how great this person is at making money. Or be amazed by what a prodigy he is to have such strong financial mindset at a young age. My first impression of him is how shallow this person is.

Yes, money is very important, but there are other things that are as important. Studying subjects like sciences are not a waste of time. Human lives are not just about acquiring money. These subjects help us understand the world that we live in.

Imagine a person without any knowledge of anything else other than making money. How would he live his life? He wakes up every morning. Without any idea how the sun rises, drive to work without knowing a single thing about the machine he sits on. His mind just filled with thoughts about how to acquire more money.

His friends are all chosen based on their advantage to him in acquiring money. He chooses friends with a motive of using them to gain wealth.

Its scary isn't it?

I'm not saying that the author is totally wrong. but just feels that the way he does things is cold and unfeeling.

There are still some pointers that I agree with him. The school does teaches us quite a lot of unnecessary stuffs. I think the knowledge that we gain up till our secondary school is quite enough to help us appreciate the world. Anything more than that is going into the specialist field which we don't need. By the end of secondary school education. We should all be out working and gaining the relevant and up to date information in our specialist field. Rather than still studying so many things at one time. People like me don't have the courage to break out of this system. Thats why I'm still stuck at studying and have not gain any experience on my specialisation.

Just like what the book says, the education system is training us to be employess rather than the employer. We study so hard to earn a certificate and use it to beg for a job. People are encourage to study hard to make themselves more employable. But that is not the best way to get rich. The best way is to employ and not be employed.

This is something that I gained from the book lar. It helps to firm my stand to have my own business and not work all my life. But then I will still continue to study and use the qualifications as a safety net lar. I do not have the privilage to go all out and take a risk because there are things that I need to look after too.

So yar... thats all for now lar. Hope you gained something from this sharing session :) Bye~

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Haiz... another weekend gone just like that... but then looking on the bright side... another week closer to ORD :) Haha...

Feeling alot better than yesterday now... The giddiness and teary eyes are no more... but then I kind of realise that my eyesight is getting very bad. my vision is getting really blur... Think I gonna have to wear specs soon... But then I want to wait till I'm nearer to ORD then go make a nice one... haha... my current one is damaged from outfield... it will still last through my army life when I need it lar... after that not that I dun want to use it anymore... I think my eyesight worsen already, so also cannot use liao...

Met up with my insurance agent today for a review. Kind of made me realise something.... My net worth is so little... lol... I'm so worthless. I realise that the money I tried so hard to save are actually peanuts... its too little... Last week I saw a bed room furniture set... Just a simple bedroom set will cost half of my worth... Haha... that means I'm only worth 2 sets of bedroom furniture... isn't that a little pathetic. I want more money!!! But then I got no means of getting more income. I dun mind working, but then nobody wants to employ me... haha... sian lor...

Somemore my expenditure is quite high for the past months. Bought a lot of things. Think it will stay that high for the next few months to come as I still have some more things on my shopping list. Oh well... remember my new year resolution. I said I'm gonna spent money as long as I'm happy :) And yar... I'm happy :D haha... OKay lar... I will still spend moderately... but then I feel the pinch because I no longer save as much as I did last time. Nvm... as long as I'm happy :D

Actually why should I feel the pinch? Since my net worth is peanuts... then my spendings will be the nuts in the peanuts... lol... It is so insignificant... Think I must change my mindset... Now to me... 1k is still as big as a wheel of a cart. At this time and age... peanuts already worth 600K ... lol... so yar... hope I wun feel the heartache after some time when I get accustomed to it.

Next week is quite a boring week. Nothing special. Hope it will pass fast.

ARGH!!!!!!! I really dun want to go back to camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME PLEASE PASS FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GONNA GO CRAZY AT THIS RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kk... bye~

Saturday, January 20, 2007

feeling quite bad now... think on the verge of falling sick... my head is giddy... my eyes tired... but I just dun want to end my day like this... got very dissappointed at something...

K lar... really feeling terrible now... will blog again when I feel better... bye~

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Haiz... sian ar... super short weekend... Just book out this morning then so fast come to the end of the day liao... 1 day is really very short... got a lot of things I want to do but didn't have time.... anyway.... 5 more days to go before I get to book out again... haiz... just bear with it... by next week, half of jan will be over already :) Time should pass fast... Am really looking forward to the end of this year.... You know... actually it isn't good to hope that time pass faster.... Let me tell u a story that I've heard over the radio quite some time ago... Its something like this lar... can't really recall the details.

There is this guy who is very impatient. he always wish that time will pass faster. So one day a old man came and gave him a button. The old man said, " if you want time to pass faster, just turn the button" So yar... while walking home... the guy felt that the journey home was too long and boring, so he turned the button and time passed, he was home. And so... he started to use the button more and more often and to skip longer and longer period of time. He skipped the time taken to build his carreer, then skip the time to set up his family... One day... he finally realised that he is old and does not have much time left... Then he looked back... and regretted... the human life span is already so short, yet he skipped such a huge part of it away...

So yar... my life isn't that long either... By hoping that time pass faster is also equilevant to skipping this part of my life away. 1 year may not be a long time... but in reference to my total life span... I guess its quite a chunk. I really don't wish to do so... but then... I find no reason to enjoy this part of my life....

K lar... anyway... yar... still got 5 more days till the next weekend... Hope I'll feel better then lar.. I'm feeling lousy now perhaps because I can't finish the things I want to do...

But then... I still accomplished something today :D Haha... well perhaps not entirely done today... did some part of it yesterday... but then... Yar... digitallised it today... was also another accomplishment cos I used a totally unfamiliar and new program :)

Here's it

This is the new concept that I'm heading towards now... gonna open a character design studio. That will be my logo and the site name :)

Done entirely in adobe illustrator. This is the first time I'm using it... Had a lot of trouble cos I'm too used to using photoshop that it takes some time to adjust cos some functions are no longer there. Also perhaps my com is too lousy, so I faced a lot of lag-ness when using it... Perhaps gonna add some ram to my com when the next opportunity comes :) So do watch out for my new site coming to you soon. will soon cease to exist, but litbud will still live on under the new concept. :)

K lar.. thats all for now... bye :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Argh!!! sian ar!!! got to book in tonight... haiz... After my long long block leave, the weekends already seem so short then the fact that I have to book in on a sunday night makes it even worst. Haiz... cos my company having combat shoot next week. Then tmr got IMT... thats why have to book in the night before. Haiz... even those not involved also have to book in together lor. Including me... but I'm not exactly uninvolved lar... Got to cover them... haha... even for IMT... lame lor... cover them playing computer games...

Anyway... things may be getting better in the coming days. Last week the much awaited revolution in the life of the medics in my unit happened. Haha... cos yar. Because of what happened. the lives of the current and future medics in my unit will change for the better. But then its still too early to celebrate lar. Cos there are still many details not settled yet. We shall see how it goes ba...

So yar... start of a new year... its quite nice to have good things happening :)

Haiz... the coming week will be a long one for me... Other than having to book in later, I still got duty this coming saturday... that means that I will only book out on sunday... the next morning got to book in again... sian lor... but then... okay lar... at least after the 2 weeks we are more than halve way through january liao :D haha... Things will be moving very fast this year cos a lot of events coming up... Also my formation is also organising the NDP this year. So yar... there will be lots of things to do and hopefully, time will past even faster :D

K lar.. thats all for now... bye :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sian ar!!!! tmr got to book in liao... haiz.... Faster ORD!!!!!

Anyway... been thinking about my new year resolution in my previous post. Think there is really something missing in my life. After some thinking. I guess I've been doing things that I'm good at... and not things that I wanted to do.

It has been a long time since I deliberately did something challenging. Thats why my life became so mundane and boring. There is no excitement in my life. And as time passes, I became unhappy and dull.... I lose the brightness and sunshine in my life. I wasn't like that in the past. I used to be very naughty and do crazy things. Duno since when I start to lose my direction in life.

That is why... in the year of 2007... I want to find back my sunshine. I will do all I can to achieve it. If money is able to buy me happiness... I will spend it... Talking about money. I realised that I became quite a miser. On some occassions I hold on to money too tightly. Just few weeks ago... I could have spent that little amount of money to make myself happier... But then I just held on to it and dun want to spent it... Maybe thats why I'm not as happy as before.

Now that I've identified my problem... I will spend this year rectifying it. I will pull together all my available resources to grab back the happiness that I've lost. I hope to be a happier person when I blog about my new year resolution next year. Wish my success.

Thats all for now lar... quite sian lar.. got to book in tmr liao... anyway... lucky this is not a very long week lar since it starts on a wednesday. So yar... life is going back to the way it was again. Looking forward to the next holiday. All the best for 2007 and enjoy your first working or studying day tmr!