Sunday, January 07, 2007

Argh!!! sian ar!!! got to book in tonight... haiz... After my long long block leave, the weekends already seem so short then the fact that I have to book in on a sunday night makes it even worst. Haiz... cos my company having combat shoot next week. Then tmr got IMT... thats why have to book in the night before. Haiz... even those not involved also have to book in together lor. Including me... but I'm not exactly uninvolved lar... Got to cover them... haha... even for IMT... lame lor... cover them playing computer games...

Anyway... things may be getting better in the coming days. Last week the much awaited revolution in the life of the medics in my unit happened. Haha... cos yar. Because of what happened. the lives of the current and future medics in my unit will change for the better. But then its still too early to celebrate lar. Cos there are still many details not settled yet. We shall see how it goes ba...

So yar... start of a new year... its quite nice to have good things happening :)

Haiz... the coming week will be a long one for me... Other than having to book in later, I still got duty this coming saturday... that means that I will only book out on sunday... the next morning got to book in again... sian lor... but then... okay lar... at least after the 2 weeks we are more than halve way through january liao :D haha... Things will be moving very fast this year cos a lot of events coming up... Also my formation is also organising the NDP this year. So yar... there will be lots of things to do and hopefully, time will past even faster :D

K lar.. thats all for now... bye :)

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