Monday, August 06, 2007

Argh.... hate to book in at night... the feeling is real bad... Gonna leave for camp soon.... so sian.... Prefer to book in in the morning cos morning wake up still blur blur... not in the right mind to feel sian yet.... But... no choice have to book in tonite... Having run tmr... so if bk in tmr I have to wake up super early...

This week gonna be a fast one... with NDP filling up almost half of the week. So yar... I'll only be in camp for 2 days... and then that brings us past the first week of august already! yay! Haha... Its finally august liao.... Hope that time will continue to move fast as there will be many events coming up. Another batch of ppl gonna ORD lor... haha... less than 1 mth to go... Can't wait for them to go... cos by then august will be over too! After that... next to go will be in nov! Haha.... can't wait for him to go as well... After he's gone then I can really smell mine coming... :D

I really feel my time is coming liao... haha... can't believe that I've served for 1 and a 1/2 year already! Woho! Another half a year to go! Although half a year still seems long... but... when u break it up into smaller parts... it seems alot shorter. I'm finally going back to my civilian life! Haha....

Hmm... K lar... just have to get past this week first. Tonite go in sleep one night... tmr another night and I'll be off to celebrate the nation's b'day! haha.... If u think of it that way... it seems shorter... haha...


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