Sunday, August 05, 2007

Dated 020807

Hmm... got a few spare moments before I sleep so decided to write my blog now. Will start using som time at night in camp to write blog entry since I've lots of time in camp. Gonna start scheduling stuffs to be done in camp so as to better manage my time. Then I can have more spare time to do the stuffs that I cannot do in camp. And also not to waste time in camp doing nothing. So yar... lets start.

The past few weekends had been great for me. I found back the kind of happiness and liveliness in me that has gone into hibernation for many years. It has been a long time since I last felt such high level of happiness. The feeling is great.

In recent times I've taken to a path which I thought would give me happiness. Yes, I did feel happy at times, and I thought this is the happiness that I want . However, the experiences for th e past few weekends made me feel what it is like to be truly happy. Its different from the happiness I thought I had in the path I took.

Now that i realise what true happiness is, I plan to give up the other path towards happiness that is unreal. However, as the path has been already tread on. There will inevitably be footprints left behind. Well... that will be a regret in my life. And I hope that will just remain as a regret and not have any other dreadful consequences.

Hmm... think u must be wondering what am I talking about... haha... well... there are some things that cannot be told. I've left out the details...

Anyway... just came back from the happy hour by my coy. Well... wasn't really 'happy' for me. Not because of anything bad lar... just that I don't have any bonding with the guys. It;s quite sad for me as I do not have a fixed 'home' I'm always shuffling between the medical center and my company. Like recently everyone went to do NDP... but I'm left out. So I seldom get a chance to work with people in my company... I'm the kind of person that needs a stable environment before I can settle down comfortably. Sometimes i think I'm like a seed. I need to have a fix ground and overtime I'll grow my roots in. When you keep moving the seed around, the seed will never be able to sink its roots. So yar... sometimes i may seem anti social. But then I'm only anti social in places I'll be temporarily staying. If I know that I won't be moving anymore. I'll stop and grow my roots in....

K lar... gonna catch some sleep le... Bye~

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