Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm blogging again. Haha. Well after reading a little bit more about the person whom has inspired me. Well found out that he's not as great as i think he his. His achievement is built on something less glamorous. But i still admire his courage though. Its not easy to tread down this path and not many people dares to do it, especially singaporeans. Therefore if you are daring enough, you are most likely to succeed. 

Haha. You may be wondering what and who am i talking about. Well. I raher not name and mention cos it might lead to other complications. 

Would just like to pen down the thought that although it is still inspiring but its not as good as i thought it would be. 

I guess i'm a kind of person who need constant inspiration to push myself forward. So i'm still very glad that i chance across this blog of his. I would not have been thinking abou what i am thinking and planning to do somethin about it without this trigger.

Hmm. Somehow typing on my ipod touch is surprisingly draining on the battery. I thought using wifi was the worst. I guess typing would rank as second.

Anyways i'm also glad that i've return to blogging lately. Its kind of nice to keep track of your thoughts. It brings back memories when you refer to it in future.    

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