Saturday, November 21, 2009

It has been a long long time since i last updated my blog. Guess i'm feeling so sian now that i even bother to update. Haha.

I just read a blog of person whom i kind of envy. He is about my age but yet he already has achieved so much. He loves what he is doing and excels in it. He has a vision, a drive, to pursue what he wants. This results in a confident young man full of life.

This is not a story of some character who is living under vastly different circumstances. He is just like me, a singaporean, studying in a local university, not very well to do. So how did he find so much energy and life? I guess abit part of it comes from doing what he likes to do.

So i start to reflect on what i am doing now. Am i doing what i like now? Its really very hard for me to answer.

This week is the study week. If i'm doing what i love, would i be dragging myself through all the revision? Would i need to force myself through all these? If i really liked what i'm doing now, then no matter how difficult it is, i'll still be happy right? So all these signs are showing that i might have made the wrong choice.

During my primary school and secondary school days, i cannot blame myself if i were to dislike what i'm doing. I didn't hav a choice then. But now i get to choose to take the course that i like, then why am i still struggling and not happy? Have i really made the correct choice?

I have no answer to this question now. But i am starting to realise the true meaning of university education. It seems kind of late though since i'm already ending my first sem of the 2nd year. But its still better late than never :)

University life is about gaining experience. Its less about the knowledge that you gain through lessons but more about the knowledge gain through experience. At this period of time we are at the prime of our life. We should be doing things and enjoying it. It is less about getting good gpa. Notice i said less cos we still need a reasonable grade for graduation. But really its the experience that counts. And i think its really true. I just need to look back for the past year. The things that i remember the most is not the contents of the books. But rather all the activities that i have taken part in.

So i plan to be continue being active and join many different stuffs :)

I guess this is also part of bringing my personal growth to a higher level. It was already a giant leap for me now compared to who i was a few years ago. Things are starting to change for the better and i have experience many firsts since the change. I am much happier now compared to the past. I guess this indicates that i like to be like this. So i will try to take this a notch higher.

This time round i'll focus on the things i like to do. Still on the topic of the things i like to do, i'll like to share some thoughts about my major. Out of all the majors offered i guess i liked operations management the most. However that doesn't mean that i liked it completely. There are still certain parts of it that i hated. Like all the statistics part. But i guess this is already the closest that i get in choosing the major that i liked. So well no choice but to make do with it. Regarding the second major, well i actually do not know exactly what i want. But i think i have decided to do without it. I think i might want to heed my senior's advice and take a sem off to do a ocerseas internship instead. It is all part of the experience and because since i cannot decide on what i like for my second major.

Hmm. Its a very long entry since so many months. Guess no one is even reading my blog now. But it doesn't matter. Its just an avenue for me to pen down and organises my thoughts. Am very grateful for sone unknown website to point me to the blog of this inspiring young man. I hope that i can keep this inspiriation going while i go back to mug for my exams. Wish me luck. Will blog again when there is a need to :)

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