Monday, March 26, 2007

Haiz... wanted actually to blog something... but then... am too tired today... gonna sleep now... hope I'll still be in the mood to blog about it next time :) Bye~

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hehe... received compliments about my writing skills.... happy~ happy~ happy~ HAha.... especially since it came from someone whom I believe have better language ability than me... :)

Anyway... every word is an agony when writing this entry today. Cos you know... my thumb have those irritating flaked off skin at the side... so when ever I press the spacebar... it hurts... maybeIshalltrywritingmyentry


kk... stop being lame... :) For the compliments that I receive... I shall literally PRESS ON... haha...

Other than that another reason for writing this entry is to give recognition to 4 brave AETC medics whom went forward to help a guy with fits yesterday... Haha...

Went to watch 300 with my group of medic friends yesterday. After the movie when we are about to return back to camp. We saw someone lying down on the floor,body shaking, around the taxi stand area at jurong point. It took awhile for us to realise that the person is having fits. For the brief moments in the beginning, we were undecisive of whether to go forward and render our aid. If we were not medically trained... we might just be like normal passerby... kapo abit go see see then walk off. But then because we are equipped with that knowledge, there is this innate obligation to go and help out. So we followed our heart and went forward.

Some interesting things happened along the way....

Because there is this misconception that a person with fits might bite off their tongue, a lady came forward and tried to put a key into the guy's mouth.... haha... Its a misconception okay... they won't bite off their tongue. If you put things into the person's mouth, you might cause other damage like him swallowing and choking on that object.

Another lady came forward and says she knows CPR. haha... but that situation then dosen't require the use of CPR. CPR is used when the casualty does not have any breathing of pulse. Mis-application of it may interfere with the person's breathing. Its good to have people learning CPR and offering to help. But then... do also emphasize on the correct usage :)

Then there are also cases of ugly and kapo singaporeans who just crowd around and do nothing but block the way.

Then there is this super inconsiderate lady. I'm not trying to be racist or nationalist here... but that f**king china women is unbelievably inconsiderate.

Cos the taxi stand only has one lane, it has to be cleared so that the ambulance could enter. So when the ambulance finally came, the security guard stopped the people from boarding and try to clear the remaining taxis left in the stand. Then there is the women whom just die die want to board the taxi. She chase the taxi all the way out of the taxi stand, tapping on the door demanding it to stop for her. The security guard asked her to stop it she just dun care and keep tapping on the door and running with the taxi. Can't she just let the taxi go off and wait for another taxi when the ambulance is done. Really cannot stand this kind of inconsiderate people. I believe this kind of people will have their retribution. Maybe next the next casualty will be her... and someone will try to do the same thing as what she did....

So yar... wanna acknowledge the effort put in by my friends lar. I didn't do anything cos I got nothing to do... u don't need 4 medics to attend to a person at one time. So yar... I dun really deserve the credit, but the others do :)

hohoho~ this is gonna be a long entry :) Long time since I wrote such a long one. Just nice that there are things worthy to blog about this week.

About the movie 300. Hmm... its a nice movie :D It made killing and battles beautiful. You see blood splashing around and heads severed.... but then you won't feel sick cos everything is filmed so beautifully. Somehow they are not splashed and thrown around,what you see is blood dancing and twirling elegantly around in the air.... and heads prancing in air. And I guess this is what made this movie different from others. So yar... I do recommend that you people watch it. Its not always that you get such beautiful killing scenes.

Oh well... its saturday night... but then its sunday already as its passed 12... So it would correct if I were to say I am booking in tonight... haha... Sian.... Have to book in on a sunday night again. Gonna have a outcamp activity on monday, so have to book in the night before. Coming week is the last week of march liao :D April is coming... I can already smell it.... lol.... hopefully time will pass fast enough to bring me to my ORD date without me realising.

K lar... thats all for now... bye~

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Haiz.... weekends are getting shorter and shorter... need to book in later by 8 for gunnery tmr... sian leh.... slept early yesterday cos was very tired.... slept like for 12 hours till this morning... haiz.... now can only look forward to the next weekend lor... cos this weekend is wasted... getting really sick of army... duno how to go through another year....

well... passed the mid of march already..... april is coming soon... just have to endure till the end of the year... 10 more months to go.... After that... its only 2 more months to ORD... :)

Duno why... feeling very stress lately... my mind feels heavy.... duno whats the problem... but I think I'll just take a break this coming week... gonna stop thinking. Haven't had any good inspiration lately... may be due to the overload of stress...

K lar... thats all for now... bye...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

haiz... another weekend just like that... I really hate booking in.... I cannot take it anymore.... There was one period of time when I felt okay with it already... but then now I start to not be able to take it.... I want to ORD... and I want it now!!!!!!! haha.... 1 more year leh... duno how to endure it... But okay lar... its march now... and soon march will be over...

Feeling abit tired now... dunno is it tiredness or the dread of booking in... How long do I still need to suffer from this pre-booking in syndrome?

Weekends seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Duno is it because I've been busy... Has been quite some time since I last ate dinner at home. Usually its lunch and then I'm off... then when I come back... its the end of the day liao.... Is that what happens when u are busy working? I duno... I've never been as busy as I'm now. I longed to be busy last time... cos I was really bored... I thought I would be happier when I'm busy.... But am I really happy? Well.. I guess so... I only feel sad cos the time is short... All ns fault lar... haha... cos yar... whenever I come home... then I realise my day is just gone like that... then I sian liao... hope that after I ord... I wun feel the time restrain anymore :) And I would be even happier!

K lar... I'm working towards my new year resolution... to meet more people and improve my social life. I'm making good progress... so yar :D Must cheer myself on :D

thats all for now lar.... gonna try to sleep now... shorten my misery.... just sleep and the resign to the fate that I'm gonna be stuck in camp for another 5 days before coming out again... Looking on the bright side... thats another week nearer to ORD... haha.... bye~
wow... I am really impressed by a portfolio done by my friend. Its really nice. Has been a long time since I am so excited about a design. Its truly innovative.

Do visit it. The navigation of the site is very well done.

haha... here I am trying to set up my own design studio... thinking that I'm good... but after looking at his portfolio... I think nah.. lol... I still got a long way to go.

But then nvm... I seem to move away from that idea already. :S haha... I think designing is not my main competency. I got other plans... and I hope it will work :) lol... I guess I can't stay with a idea for long. I just keep generating ideas and then get excited about them and forget about my old ideas. Haha... maybe that what I do best lar... generating ideas... lol... but not staying commited to them...

Gonna spend the next week rethinking about when I am going to do... organise my thoughts abit... cos its really in a mess now... I got like 3 projects that I want to do on hand.... so yar... have to decide which one to focus on. :X

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hmm.... seems like blogger has merged with google...

anyway... I wanna spend some time blogging about something. Its about the education system. Not too long ago was the release of the A levels results. There were many articles about how people in the top JCs were unhappy because they did not score the perfect score.

Well... that may not concern me directly but then an incident happened right at home that compelled me to write something about this issue of unhappiness created by our education system.

To cut the story short, my sis changed one of her subject to Art, and my mom is very against it. So yar... some things happened at home lar. Don't want to say too much... as the saying goes "dun wash ur dirty linen in public"

At first I was also very against the idea of her changing the subject, as I see that art is not an easy subject and from what I see is the standard of my sis, she wouldn't really make it. But then, just in the afternoon, she came to me and showed me her first assignment. It wasn't really very well done... but she was happy. And I guess that is really what matters. To be happy. Whats the point of having her stick to her original subject when she's not going to be happy even when she score good grades?

When I got my A levels result... I was really really happy... I even got to collect my result on stage. It became such a big affair... I really thought I was smart... haha... but then... now... thinking of it.... my result is nothing.... there are tons of people scoring perfect score.... and many others near perfection... so what is my result compared to them?

But at least I was happy... and I think this is why my results are more valuable than the others.

So yar... lets all make choices that will make us happy! :)

Life is short.... make it a happy journey.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Haiz... sunday night again... tmr booking in liao... suddenly the weekend seems so short.... Been too used to having long weekends... now... haiz.... coming week will be one full week... no more off or leaves liao... not even public holidays... haiz... but okay lar... at least got something to celebrate this friday.... Haha... My 1 year soldier!!! lol... finally... I completed 1 year of service already... 1 more year to go!!!! Come on!!! Haha... :D

Been rather tired recently... duno why... but really tired... both physically and mentally as well. My eyes are pinkish... dark eye rings are darker than usual... I duno is it the lack of sleep or not... but then I should have enough sleep wad... slept for like 9 hrs yesterday... okay lar... maybe the sleep debt I owe is too much for it to be repaid with 1 or two days of longer sleep.

Tmr going to start chalking up a whole week of sleep debt again.... Hate my bunkmates... Every night so late then sleep. Then I am the kind of people that can't get to sleep easily.

K lar... 1 more year to go... then I dun have to sleep with those irritating people again. Haha... guess this might be the last chance I get to sleep with other people lar. Cos next time I wun have any Halls of hostels to stay in. So yar... wun have this kind of problem anymore... Argh.... just bear with it for ONE MORE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hey... I'm trying to get a christian name for myself. So as to facilitate my introduction next time when I meet people. I've been thinking for quite some time and Desmond seems like a nice name :) Haha... what do you think about it? Or you all got any better suggestion?