Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hehe... received compliments about my writing skills.... happy~ happy~ happy~ HAha.... especially since it came from someone whom I believe have better language ability than me... :)

Anyway... every word is an agony when writing this entry today. Cos you know... my thumb have those irritating flaked off skin at the side... so when ever I press the spacebar... it hurts... maybeIshalltrywritingmyentry


kk... stop being lame... :) For the compliments that I receive... I shall literally PRESS ON... haha...

Other than that another reason for writing this entry is to give recognition to 4 brave AETC medics whom went forward to help a guy with fits yesterday... Haha...

Went to watch 300 with my group of medic friends yesterday. After the movie when we are about to return back to camp. We saw someone lying down on the floor,body shaking, around the taxi stand area at jurong point. It took awhile for us to realise that the person is having fits. For the brief moments in the beginning, we were undecisive of whether to go forward and render our aid. If we were not medically trained... we might just be like normal passerby... kapo abit go see see then walk off. But then because we are equipped with that knowledge, there is this innate obligation to go and help out. So we followed our heart and went forward.

Some interesting things happened along the way....

Because there is this misconception that a person with fits might bite off their tongue, a lady came forward and tried to put a key into the guy's mouth.... haha... Its a misconception okay... they won't bite off their tongue. If you put things into the person's mouth, you might cause other damage like him swallowing and choking on that object.

Another lady came forward and says she knows CPR. haha... but that situation then dosen't require the use of CPR. CPR is used when the casualty does not have any breathing of pulse. Mis-application of it may interfere with the person's breathing. Its good to have people learning CPR and offering to help. But then... do also emphasize on the correct usage :)

Then there are also cases of ugly and kapo singaporeans who just crowd around and do nothing but block the way.

Then there is this super inconsiderate lady. I'm not trying to be racist or nationalist here... but that f**king china women is unbelievably inconsiderate.

Cos the taxi stand only has one lane, it has to be cleared so that the ambulance could enter. So when the ambulance finally came, the security guard stopped the people from boarding and try to clear the remaining taxis left in the stand. Then there is the women whom just die die want to board the taxi. She chase the taxi all the way out of the taxi stand, tapping on the door demanding it to stop for her. The security guard asked her to stop it she just dun care and keep tapping on the door and running with the taxi. Can't she just let the taxi go off and wait for another taxi when the ambulance is done. Really cannot stand this kind of inconsiderate people. I believe this kind of people will have their retribution. Maybe next the next casualty will be her... and someone will try to do the same thing as what she did....

So yar... wanna acknowledge the effort put in by my friends lar. I didn't do anything cos I got nothing to do... u don't need 4 medics to attend to a person at one time. So yar... I dun really deserve the credit, but the others do :)

hohoho~ this is gonna be a long entry :) Long time since I wrote such a long one. Just nice that there are things worthy to blog about this week.

About the movie 300. Hmm... its a nice movie :D It made killing and battles beautiful. You see blood splashing around and heads severed.... but then you won't feel sick cos everything is filmed so beautifully. Somehow they are not splashed and thrown around,what you see is blood dancing and twirling elegantly around in the air.... and heads prancing in air. And I guess this is what made this movie different from others. So yar... I do recommend that you people watch it. Its not always that you get such beautiful killing scenes.

Oh well... its saturday night... but then its sunday already as its passed 12... So it would correct if I were to say I am booking in tonight... haha... Sian.... Have to book in on a sunday night again. Gonna have a outcamp activity on monday, so have to book in the night before. Coming week is the last week of march liao :D April is coming... I can already smell it.... lol.... hopefully time will pass fast enough to bring me to my ORD date without me realising.

K lar... thats all for now... bye~

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