Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hey hey, it has been a long time since I blogged properly. The previous few post are just rumbling about some stuffs.

Life has been good. Schoolwork is still manageable, in fact it is very manageable. I see my other friends like complaining and struggling with work but somehow my work load is quite light. Other than school work. Life in SMU is quite nice too :)

Oh no... I wanted to make this a proper blog entry but somehow I run out of things to write. So sorry.... I think I'll blog again next time ba... See ya...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All is not lost, I managed to get another slot for FTT on the 28th, which is next week. Have to constantly remind myself not to miss it again.

Oh well... first week of school is almost over. Actually its quite over since tuesday because I only have a 2 day week! It really feels good to not have any lessons after that. 2 days passes very fast, so it seems like the week ended just like that. Although I still have to go back to school for projects, the feeling is quite different. Its is very much more casual and relax.

First week of school, everything went on smoothly. It was better than expected. At first I was quite worried for some lessons like comms and biz law. But after the first lesson, it seems quite okay. Biz law is still quite comfusing but I think I can get over it soon.

All in all life is still going good :) Blog another time~

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed my FTT date!!!!! WAh... HEARTACHE sia!!!! It wasn't easy to get today's date and I MISSED IT!!!!! ARGH!!!! NOW HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THE NEXT DATE!!!!!!!!!! SIAN!!!! MUST CAMP FOR THE DATES LIAO :| ARGH!!! SO WASTED!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oh no! School is finally starting tomorrow! After more than 2 years of break, I'm going back to study again! Feeling quite worried now. Don't know what to expect on the first day of school. Its a totally new environment and system. Hope I can cope well. First day of school and its already going to be a long day. Last lesson ends at 6.45. By then it would have already passed my usual dinner time. Argh, just hope to get the first week of school over soon. There are so many things to do. Once this week is over, life will be more or less settled. So yar... really hope this week will pass by with any major problems :)

K lar... not really in the mood to blog now... argh... will try to sleep now. Hope tomorrow will be good :) See ya!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh no... school is starting next week and there is so much things still unprepared. I've not been able to secure all the textbooks needed for school. At this point of time I've only managed to secure 1 out of 4 textbook needed. And the most worrying thing is that one of the prof emailed us to read up on at least the first chapter before our first lesson. But I don't even have the textbook to start with! So how am I going to prepare for the first lesson? I'm kind of worried about the first lesson. Don't know how will it be like. :S

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I went to watch Money No Enough 2, after getting good response from my family and Alan who had watched it. Well, I didn't really find it nice. The whole movie is very draggy. The storyline is very weak. Its almost like a channel 8 drama. There are alot of scenes that just wastes time, and some scenes are a outright advertisement for their sponsors. I know they needed sponsors to help with the budget, but they can at least do it more tactfully. Sometimes it almost seem like a commercial break in the middle of the movie.

They wasted almost half the time in the beginning talking about MLM, which is not much of a interesting topic or rather it is totally boring. Then the next half they try to act pity on the topic of ageing. They tried to make it a touching movie. But, I think they failed. What they did was to make the actor act pityful, but without a solid storyline, they didn't really touch me.

All in all, I think this may be the worst movie that Jack neo has made. Really dissappointing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yay! Finally got my laptop fixed. Okay, it wasn't much of a big problem. I just went to school, logged in to the school network and changed a few things. Less than 5 minutes everything was done. But I spend more than 1 hr travelling to school just for that. But okay lar, meet up with EJ and managed to get some help from him. ( for other matters, not the laptop) .

Starting school in less than a week time. I just went to see the course outline and some seminar questions for week 1. Totally tio stunned. I'm so not prepared for school. Anyway, 船到桥头自然直。 So hope everything will be alright after the first week :)

Saturday, August 09, 2008

WAH LAU!!! SIBEH DULAN now... I wanted to set up my home connection so that my laptop can access internet through my home computer. End up I signed myself out of the school domain and now I can't set it up without going to school to do it. Argh... So troublesome. Now I have to specially go down to school to do it on monday. I don't want to wait till schools starts cos I already configured my profile on the account. I'm using the administrator account now by the way and everything is not customised for my use. Argh!!! ARGH!!!!! Totally spoil my mood.
Yay! Everything is almost finally over. I've finished my 2 camps and CSP. So now just have to prepare to start school. Just came back from my bondue camp yesterday. The activities are fun. Haha... The first day we already got very very dirty. We got mud+ ketchup+ soy sauce+ flour+ vineger+ toothpaste+ peanut butter+ tobasco+ egg+ banana+ watermelon all over ourselves. Then we also played captains ball with raw chicken. I think thats the most gross part. I didn't play in the chicken match, but I played with raw cuttlefish as the ball. There was really a conflict of feelings when I watch the chicken being tossed around as a ball. It was really hilarious but I kind of felt sad for the chicken. Like it died for us as a food source, and after he died we still play and toss it around. Its like we are still torturing it after its death.

Anyway, after that the activities are more tone down. We went geylang for supper, sentosa to play games and we had a drinking session the last night. Our team didn't drink too much, so we were more or less sober, but we heard alot of stories of those who drank over their limits.

It was quite a nice experience. But I think I should have been more enthu abit and talk more. Somehow I was very quiet. But overall, I still enjoyed the camp.

This would most probably complete my orientation experience. For the past weeks its really having fun all the way. I guess its part of the university experience and I'm glad that I didn't miss out the fun. Haha... And I'm like super tanned now lar. After spending so many days out in the sun.

K lar... will blog again when I'm free. Bye~

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hello. Just finished packing for the camp tmr. Its another 3 days camp. Hope that the activities are fun and the teammates are nice. But from the first looks of it, its kind of disappointing. The turn out for the pre camp dinner was bad. Don't know if they really cannot make it or just don't bother to come. I definately hope its not the latter. Afterall, we all signed up for the camp willingly, its not like FTB where it is compulsory, so I hope that everyone will be more enthu abit.

This time round I'm not feeling as sian as before FTB. Cos I know I'll be staying in school, at least the accomodation is much better. Haha... So now I just hope that the activities and the team members are fun.

Its the final big event for me before school starts . 2 weeks after this would be the start of school already. When school starts, I think the feeling will be quite different. I've been like in the orientation mood for the past weeks. Like just go school and play games. HAha...Its really a long long orientation. So since this is the last major event, I really hope it will turn out great. Haha.. I have high hopes and expectation for this camp,especially after my FTB. Haha... I hope it will be even better than it. So yar, must not dissappoint me okay.

Hmm... k lar.... its gonna be a long day tmr. Think I should get some rest. Bye~

Monday, August 04, 2008

woho! So happy now. Kio tio some good stuffs. Haha...

I logged in to BBDC website hoping to be able to change my Final theory date to an earlier one. Because its very very overdue. I should have completed it eons ago, but because of work I haven't done so. My original date was in sept, but just now I managed to bring it forward to Aug, about 1 month earlier! I'm going for the evaluation tomorrow. Hopefully I can pass, or I should say, I must pass it tomorrow. Otherwise the test date will be void. This something irritating about enrolling in a school. I'm like so so happy now. Because this means that my time line won't be that pack now. I have to complete everything by december otherwise I will need to extend my membership with the school. Pray hard that I can go through this in one shot, afterall its all theory, either I'm right or wrong. Very straight forward, so the chances of passing should be under control.

I've also gotten my school time table today. Well... they only allocated 2 modules for me. -.- That means that I need to bid for 2 more... So troublesome. Anyway, the 2 modules that I got. One has lessons at 8.30 on a monday morning... another has lesson until 6.45 on tuesday evening. Kind of extreme... I dun want to wake up so early on a monday morning, and I don't want to go home so late, not only for tuesday, but everyday. I was hoping that I can make it home for dinner everyday. One thing is that the expenses for eating out is high, especially in town area. Another thing is that I don't like to stay in school until so late. The night is for me to relax, watch TV, surf net... Its my personal time. Oh well, since it was allocated, I guess I will just have to bear with it for this first sem.

Thats all for today... bye~!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Starring has finally drawn to a close. Well, not officially, but the activities are more or less done. Well it was a good experience but things could have been better if there were better planning. The timing was badly planned and resulting in alot of time wasting waiting for events to happen. This is probably the most annoying part of the whole project. Another thing is that I think there are many people who are not totally commited to the project. People are just there to clear their hours. So the people needed alot of pushing to get moving. Thats probably another annoying part.

Anyway, since its all over I wouldn't want to say too much already. Overall, its still a good experience lar.

With that, there is still a final event before everything is more or less settled. Thats the bondue camp I'm going next week. That is my last major and troublesome event before school starts... Haha... hope it will be fun and I get into a good team too, just like FTB :)

Thats about all for now :) Bye~