Monday, August 04, 2008

woho! So happy now. Kio tio some good stuffs. Haha...

I logged in to BBDC website hoping to be able to change my Final theory date to an earlier one. Because its very very overdue. I should have completed it eons ago, but because of work I haven't done so. My original date was in sept, but just now I managed to bring it forward to Aug, about 1 month earlier! I'm going for the evaluation tomorrow. Hopefully I can pass, or I should say, I must pass it tomorrow. Otherwise the test date will be void. This something irritating about enrolling in a school. I'm like so so happy now. Because this means that my time line won't be that pack now. I have to complete everything by december otherwise I will need to extend my membership with the school. Pray hard that I can go through this in one shot, afterall its all theory, either I'm right or wrong. Very straight forward, so the chances of passing should be under control.

I've also gotten my school time table today. Well... they only allocated 2 modules for me. -.- That means that I need to bid for 2 more... So troublesome. Anyway, the 2 modules that I got. One has lessons at 8.30 on a monday morning... another has lesson until 6.45 on tuesday evening. Kind of extreme... I dun want to wake up so early on a monday morning, and I don't want to go home so late, not only for tuesday, but everyday. I was hoping that I can make it home for dinner everyday. One thing is that the expenses for eating out is high, especially in town area. Another thing is that I don't like to stay in school until so late. The night is for me to relax, watch TV, surf net... Its my personal time. Oh well, since it was allocated, I guess I will just have to bear with it for this first sem.

Thats all for today... bye~!

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