Sunday, October 22, 2006

My broadband is back :D haha... finally... called up singnet to ask then they sent a technician down to check. Its a technical fault with them... so yar...

I'm now enjoying my super long weekend... Yay :D haha... was on off on friday, then monday also off... so in total plus the weekend and hoilday... I got like 5 days in total :D Woho~ HAha.... But then thats my last chance of going for off liao... cos with effect from 1st nov... those who didn't pass ippt cannot go for night out, off, canteen break and have to stay back on sat for RT!!!!! Thats like the worst thing that could happen lar... no more friday bookout!!!! No!!!!!

Haiz.... sian ar!!! Have to start training liao... but then... miracles don't happen over night lar... so I think for the next couple of months until I can finally pass my ippt... I would have to resign to booking out on sat....

Remember the book 'Porn Generation' that I said I was reading... well... its really a very nice book... haha... it quotes alot of examples about how sex is everywhere is the media... TVs, magazines, music, movies... it gives real life examples which we know of.... this is also quite a newly published book... so the examples used are also quite updated.

Just to share a idea I find very interesting in the book.

Do you consider oral sex as sex?
Meaning... if you have performed oral sex, do you still consider yourself as a virgin?
If yes, does that means that virginity to you is nothing more then physical penetration?
Because, if virginity has its spiritual and moral aspect, then by having oral sex, you are already breaching it...

Heres an excerpt from the book " Teens don't see it that way. According to a 2003 northern kentucky university survey of almost 600 teens who had taken abstinence pledges, 61 percent had broken them; of the remaining 39 percent, who are still in their opinion "virgins," more than half said that they'd oral sex, " some people feel like they can maintain their pledge and still have oral sex and that oral sex dosen't count," NKU researcher and psychologist Angela Lipsitz osbserved"

hmm... thats all for now ba... bye :)

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