Saturday, May 31, 2008

I just uploaded some photos from my phone :) So I decided to picked some out and share it here :D

Durian! Haha... very cute right! It taste just as nice too!

Sunset out of my window

Too bored at work... haha...

Gloomy bear! The hand gripping the doll can actually move. Haha... got a slight shock when I first discovered the function when in the shop. I was expecting it to make a sound, the hand moved instead.

This the the crystal I've been growing for about 2 months :D Nice right? It is made from epsom salt. ie. Magnesium sulpate. You can get the salt from the pharmacy. I've long been fascinated by crystals. During secondary school I took part in the crystal growing competition. At that time I lost very badly, the largest crystal that I grew was smaller than a M&M. So now I finally get the technique right :D

So enjoy the pictures~ :D Bye~

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hmm.. its another sunday night. My legs are aching from all the walking this afternoon. Went out to meet a old classmate. Well, seems like she is doing very well. Starting a business and running it. I am very glad that many of my classmates have big ambitions and are working in successful steps towards it.

Although I have been complaining about work, saying how much I dread going to work, I still extended my contract. :S I guess, the lure of money and the dread of boredom has a greater hold of my mind then my laziness. So, thats means another 6 more weeks of waking up at 6.30am, thinking that I should never had extended the contract. Another 6 weeks of taking the long ride to office. Another six more weekly reports. Another 24 nights of giving tuition with a half dead mind. 6 more weeks. I hope I can survive.

Anyway. I just watched the charity show for the earthquake. Looking at all the footage and the stories, I really felt very sad for them. I was especially touched about this story. Its about the mother shielding her baby from the rubble during the earthquake. The mother died, but the baby survived because the mother's body had cushioned the impact. What really made me felt the sadness was that she typed a message on her handphone and left it with the baby. The message says that, If the baby survives, she wants him/her to know that she loves him/her. I was almost brought to tears when the last line of the message was shown on the screen. I could imagine the scene where during the earthquake. Everything is shaking violently, the mother is down there, over the baby trying to protect it. She knows that she might not survive the event. All she could do was to hope for the survival of the baby. And in that kind circumstances, she still took out her phone to type a very last message. There is no way a baby could read the message, so that action would quite possibly be meaningless. But she still did it, and I guess she probably felt that that is the only thing that she could leave behind for her child, a life and a declaration of love. When the child grow up, s/he would still feel the love of the mother even though she is not longer living.

So I sincerely hope all the best to the victims of the earthquake.

Alright, its almost 11 already. Got to catch some sleep. Its another long day tomorrow. Argh... why did I prolong my suffering?!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yay... Its May 20th :D Haha... My Birthday :D Yay~

Had a early celebration and cake cutting on saturday with my relatives, so there arn't any celebration today. In fact, it was a normal working day for me with the day ending late with tuition. But I would like to thank all who wished me a happy birthday :) Thanks!

Well... I'm getting old... 21 yrs old already!!! Looking back, I've come a long way since my very first day 21 years ago when I first came to this world. Many things has happened. But still there are many more yet to happen.

HAha... kinda stuck here... Don't know how to continue writing. Oh well... thats all lar. Life goes on. :D Perhaps will blog more another time. Another working day tomorrow, so have to get some rest :) See ya~

Monday, May 19, 2008

Its monday night :) Short week ahead. Hope that this week will pass peacefully without any major mistakes. After which will bring me to the second last week of work already. Am very much looking forward to the end of my contract. I can't continue working there anymore although its a very pleasant environment to work in. The people are nice, boss is nice, the pantry is nice. Work desk is spacious. Aircon is cool. Everything is nice, except for my job scope. I have almost zero aptitude for accounting. I am careless, and most probably care - less as well.. In other words either I make mistake unknowingly, or I couldn't be bothered to make things perfect. I am imperfect. My work is imperfect as well. But there is beauty in imperfection, although that beauty is not appreciated in accounting. So I have been working under tremendous amount of stress in trying to make sure that things turns out alright. It was alright in the beginning as when you are new, you are more easily forgiven. I've been there for 3 months already, the tolerance for mistakes has almost gone down to zero. But it is just me to make mistakes. So in order not to tarnish the good impression they have of myself. I would leave before the expectation soar beyond what I could fulfill. :P

Oh, I celebrated my birthday with my relatives on saturday. Had a BBQ at my home. Would want to thank my parents for organising it. A lot of effort was put in by them to prepare the whole BBQ. :D

Thats about all for tonight. Start of another working week tomorrow. To all those who are also working. The weekend is one day nearer :D Just bear with it! See ya~

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hello... Sunday nite again... Feeling very bloated... Every weekend at home my stomach will be stuff fully with food. Either from my grandma who never feels that I ate enough or from the excessive ordering of food when eating out with my family. But heng ar... today I weight myself... never increase.. haha... although I feel that my waistline had already increased by quite alot. The pants that I bought a year ago when I am still in the army can no longer fit... they are too tight... :S Had to go shopping soon....

Talking about shopping... Had wanted to go shopping for a long time already... But everytime when the weekends come... I just feel lazy to go out. After all the work during the weekday.. I just want to stay at home... do nothing... and then pass the day....

Oh... by the way... I'm thinking of blogging in better english... Haha... cos I realised that my english deteriorated by alot. My grammer is in a total mess... So yar... From the next paragraph onwards... I shall use lesser of 'So yar' '....' and 'haha'.... OKie~ So lets start.

I guess it would be easier for the reader to read too if I write in proper english. Alright, my english is still broken, but at least I tried. :)

Start of another week tomorrow. I've been kind of counting down to the end of my contract. I don't know if it is the job that I'm tired of or the working life. Work wise, I have to admit that it is quite tough because the work requires me to go face to face with my shortcomings. I have a hard time controlling myself to not make any mistakes. It is very tiring and stressful to live under this kind of pressure. I am very lucky to have a boss that is understanding. If not for him I would have been fired long ago.

The coming week would be the first week of my extended contract. 3 more weeks to go after that. I am still considering whether to accept another extension if offered. I really want to stop working, but I can't bear to part with the money. I have many things that I want to buy so its hard to decide whether to give it up or not.

Well, perhaps its still early for me to worry. I might not even be offered another extension. Haha.

Lets talk about other things. Recent excitement about the EPL final few matches had got me interested :D So I decided to join in the fun and place some bets :P I don't watch soccer, its boring, so the only way for me to get some trill from the game would be through soccer betting. But I don't bet much too, just enough to make me interested and join in the excitement :) I placed some bets on some unpopular results. I have this feeling that these kind of big matches, the results always surprises people. So I chose not to follow the crowd and bet on the popular choices. Although the chance of winning may be lower, but its only a small amount. I just take it as paying for some entertainment :) Hope to see some good results tomorrow :D

Okay. Think thats all for today. Have a nice week ahead :D

Sunday, May 04, 2008

ANother Sunday nite :) Haha...

Last week was great... having a may day holiday really shorten the week. Haha... But that also means I got lesser time to clear my work. Running a little behind time now. Tmr will be a busy day trying to clear the stuffs. I've also got my contract extended :D Haha... so will be able to continue working for another month. That will bring me to the first week of june le... time passes very fast. If things goes well... I might be offered another extension after june... but I am still considering whether to take it or not cos it will be in July when the contract ends... very close to the start of school le. So yar... might want to relax and do some things that I always wanted to do.

K lar... nothing much to blog about... feeling abit tired... but somehow can't get to sleep... Gonna have a hard time sleeping later cos I took a afternoon nap. It always keeps me awake pass midnight... haha... But okay lar.. coming week I got 2 lesser tuition lessons :) Having a break when the kid finished his exams. :D So should be quite a relaxing week :D