Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yay... Its May 20th :D Haha... My Birthday :D Yay~

Had a early celebration and cake cutting on saturday with my relatives, so there arn't any celebration today. In fact, it was a normal working day for me with the day ending late with tuition. But I would like to thank all who wished me a happy birthday :) Thanks!

Well... I'm getting old... 21 yrs old already!!! Looking back, I've come a long way since my very first day 21 years ago when I first came to this world. Many things has happened. But still there are many more yet to happen.

HAha... kinda stuck here... Don't know how to continue writing. Oh well... thats all lar. Life goes on. :D Perhaps will blog more another time. Another working day tomorrow, so have to get some rest :) See ya~

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