Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Testing testing...
Yay!!! Just added a mood section on top :P So I will be posting with emoticons :D Haha.. then my blog won't look so lifeless :D And as you might already have known... my blog changed color again :P Haha... I change so many times liao.... :P haha, me nothing better to do :P
Loneliness... found me again... Haiz... today I finally realise.... I am still a lonely soul... Though I have friends around me... none of them are close.... They still haven't understand me enough.... Haiz... then me myself also haven't really understand them enough too... But... they never give me a good impression... Haiz... so I am still alone, mentally. Haiz... friends are easy to find, but close friends are not... It is not easy to find someone who shares the same interest, same thoughts and someone who really understand and concern about you. I miss everyone in my secondary school... they are the ones who really know who I am... who really cares about me. And the memories we share. Memories is important in maintaining a friendship.. but I takes time to accumulate. Hope that the coming OBS camp will be part of the memories and let me understand my friends better and for my friends to understand me better too.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Hmm... maybe I shall stop writing down what happens everyday... Feels more like a log rather than a blog. Read liao also very boring. So I shall try to post more about my thoughts... unless something really interesting happens :P So that mean I won't be posting as frequent too :D

Wahahaha... such a great ending for today :P Elgin just found me :D:D So fun... Haha... he went to commonwealth channel and ask for me... Then he fake ger too... haha... Actually the clue I gave very big lar, I said I only go to 2 channel, commonwealth and yishun. I thought he will one by one whois. Haha... surprised when he came into the channel to ask :P One more thing is that there is someone in commonwealth channel that actually knows me.... hmm... strange... I thought I always in low-profile? :P

Monday, March 29, 2004

Haiz... yet another day. Today loy han finally came to yj :D Haha.. then I showed him around. Then hor suddenly a gal came up to loy han to ask him for his number. Haha... he was a victim of a truth or dare game... someone dared the gal to ask loy han for his number... then after much persuation, loy han gave her his number. Haha... duno why he kanna chosen :P

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Haiz... another day has passed just like that...

Duno why these few days feel like staying home... very tired... so turn down some friends who ask me out. Pai say... I really very tired. First mz ask me go imm.. then I turn him down, then jason and gang ask me go bowling... I think yat piu addicted liao :p , but I turn them down too, then my cousin call say got job for me tmr, but I turn down the offer once again... Haiz... duno wads bothering me...

Then today loy han finally called me :D He appealed to come to yj cos jj dun let him take the subjects he want :D Yay... finally another commomwealthian in yj... He will be reporting on monday :D

Special thanks to min zhong again for changing my shoutbox's background color to white :D Haha... so thoughtful. Thanks :D
Yay... just added a shoutbox to my blog :D Special thanks to min zhong who helped me installed it :D But then now the shoutbox is black.... will try to change my blog to suit that color otherwise it looks odd. So keep a lookout for more changes to my blog :P

Hmm... today very tired... went to school in the morning, as usual, there were lots of free period, if all the periods are compressed together, I would be able to go home before 11!!! Now I have to stay until 3... Then after that went to get my pay :P Haiz... pay also very little... Then met up with min zhong... Haiz... duno why feel very tired... maybe cos I never got any rest cos I went straight after school. After then go home lor... made it just in time for feng shen bang :D Haiz... very tired ar...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Wah... bad news bad news... the company which I worked for the 2nd time paid me so little!!! Haiz... but luckily enough to cover up the cost of my new prodikey.... Haiz... dun think I will work for that company again....

Another bad news today... I only have 6 weeks to train up and pass my NAFA test!!! Otherwise, I will receive 'special training' twice a week in school!!!! Argh... must go gym to train pull-up liao... :'(

Haiz... then ok lar, today isn't filled up with bad news.... I had my first PE lesson after 5 months of break!!! And the best thing is, the lesson ended after the PE teacher gave a speech!!! :D:D Didn't have to do anything at all!!!! What a wonderful start for me :D

Then in school also got some quite annoying thing happened... Today I was in the IT resource room doing my designing, alone, teacher went to the art studio for lesson... Then a while later a girl came in... chio or not.. depends on who is looking lar... then we started talking a while, after that I continued my designing. Moments later, I went toilet. Then hor when I came back, I found that my bag is opened... she took my pencil box without telling me.... SO RUDE!!! what if I have something indecent inside leh... Hmm... then I also dun want to tell her off cos she gal gal lar... so when she returned my things I let the matter rest lor...

OKie so as said in the pervious post... my blog is getting a fresh new look :D This is my brain-child after spending my free period in the IT resource room this week. As promised, this design is 99% original, 1% is the font. Then the template is as usual, adapted from may*design. :D:D The feathers is I draw one leh, every single strand is I use tablet one by one draw in one. :D:D So enjoy :D If you have any comments feel free to e-mail me :D I will continue making new designs and upload it onto my blog :D So always keep a look out for new things :D

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hmm.. back here posting again... yesterday didn't post cos I was so tired... Cos I can't get to sleep the night before so yesterday was like half-charged only... So I had a early rest.

Yesterday was just another normal day... But I saw one chio bu :P She is not those kind of xiao cha bor type... more like those ancient china beauty :D Haha... she also has a unique name, man2 man3. Didn't find out much about her as I don't plan to get into relationship soon. Just admired her beauty :D

Today was also another boring day, so I went to the digital art room and played with photoshop. So watch out :D this blog is going to get a new background soon :D and its 99% original as every single thing is drawn free handed by me... except for the fonts... :D

Monday, March 22, 2004

Yay... just received a good news :D... but actually not a good news lar... Loy han may be joing the YJ family!!! :D But hor very sad, he is being forced to go there... but nvm, as long as we work hard, we can succeed wherever we are!!!

Haiz... today is another boring day... Everything is in a mess.... Haiz... today is the first day for the JC 2nd intake students, so before they are finally sorted into their permanent classes, the JC 1 will run on a temporary time-table. So I get tons of free period everyday.... Then also if they are not sorted out, I don't really know who are my new classmates and who are my tutors, I hope that we get back out past tutors. But I think for GP we weren't so lucky, today another teacher came... haiz... actually she not that bad lar, but not 'friendly' enough...

Haiz... so the day goes by like that lor... Early in the morning the principal talk crap about how the school performed for A lvl last year... After that we wen back to class to sort our admin stuffs. Then we start going for lessons liao.. Actually cannot be considered lessons lar... the chinese lecture talk cock about the chinese A, then the gp did some super cheem crossword puzzle. Then physic did a revision test!!! Haiz...actually that was the best thing I ever did today... Then for the free period, I thought of going to the art room to play with photoshop, but then the teacher isn't in. So I started floating around the school like a wandering ghost....

Haiz... duno when will this stop... It has been almost more than 4 months since my last serious studying. Now with everything still in a mess, when can I settle down? Now I start to worry about the year end promos. We have to squeeze so many stuffs into our brain with only about 1/2 year...

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Saw this poem on

Drink The Tears From My Eyes..
Taste The Blood From My Pains..
Only Than You Might Know..
What Runs Deep Through My vains..

Feel The Depts Of My Soul..
Smell The Scent Of My Fears..
For To Know Me By Heart..
Will Take More Than Just years

Duno who the author was...

Hmm.... so does anyone really knows me?

AH!!! Tmr start school already... hmm... still in a holiday mood.... Haiz.... Muz start working hard to reach my target liao... Target: To graduate next year!!! Haha... seems very soon right? We are now at the ending of march already, and if everything goes on smoothly, I'm gonna graduate next year already!!! Seems like yesterday when I graduated from my secondary school... Haiz... now on a 'super express course' After graduate then go NS liao... wah... haha...

Okie, gtg tmr school start liao :)
Yay... Finally... fixed some technical problem :D So let me add on to my previous post :D Hmm... on friday we went watch the movie 20 30 40 :D:D Haha it was so fun :D:D Actually we plan to watch the haunted mansion at first. But when we reached the cinema, we walk around the 'now showing' posters then that movie caught our eye. Then because everyone was so 'bo liao' So we all decided to go catch that movie :P Then I was the one who bought the tickets :S . Ha ha it was so fun. We went into the cinema 5 min earlier then there was no one there. The we thought we went into the wrong cinema so we came out to check again.... Then finally the show started... actually it wasn't the content of the movie that was so funny. Its that all the people around... most of them are like couples or a group of girls... then the 4 noobie boys sat in the cinema. It was like so EXTRA lor.... Haha... I think if I carry on I can write a compo liao. So I'll end here :D

Haiz... school starting soon... back to normal life.... nothing special. So I think I won't be posting everyday unless something 'special' happen. :'(

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Testing 123 :P

Hmm... today very tired. Post more tomorrow.
Yay... finally today not so boring. Went watch movie :D:D Ha ha , my first NC-16 movie :P Haiz... now very tired. Tmr then post more :P Bye

Friday, March 19, 2004

Yay. Just made a major face-lift for my blog. Now it looks more pro :D:D. Hmm... spend some time designing the background. But a lot of work is last minute because I only chose my template last minute, and my design dosen't fit... See the curly curly things over at the side? I last minute use the smudge tool to fill up the space :D

Now back to the things that happen today. Today very boring so decided to do something that I have wanted to do long time ago. I made a box so I can keep all my memories in. Eg.. my year books, and every little thing that is part of my memory. So I went popular the buy cardboards and some nuts... the cardboards were so expensive!!!. Hmm... then nothing special happen just another boring day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Yay. Finally created my blog :D:D Haiz... today very boring ar!!! But luckily got some 'food' for my brain. At least better than yesterday. Woke up in the morning then started designing header for my friend (My brain food). Then afternoon took a nap to kill time. Haiz... life is so meaningless...

Anyway, this is my first post :D:D So should be more happy :P Hope to post more in future :D