Tuesday, June 29, 2004

yay!!! after physics test tmr... finally got a little afternoon to relax myself :D Cos tmr after physics test, there will be no more lessons as MINDEF is coming to give us a talk. Then after that we will be visiting the officer cadet school. Haha.... So yar~ Can stop doing work for that afternoon. Then~ Next monday holiday again!!! Haha.... finally got another full day break. :D it will be a long weekend for me :) Can do work more slowly liao. Cos today had headache in school.... argh....
Actually nothing much to talk about~ Just wanna share this thing from my GP compre. Its about our brain power.

This paragraph is talking about how powerful a baby's mind can be. Here's some quotes:

'For some time after birth, his mother remains the extention of his own body she was during the months within her womb. The discovery that he has a unique identity, although seems obvious to us, is actually an intellectual concept in its own way as brilliant as anything we subsequently achieve.'
Yar~ So after reading this, I was like hmmm.... yar hor, how do we discover that we have our own unique identity?

'We are born only with the potential to attain such understanding, not with any ready-made mental image of the way our surroundings look, sound, feel. All must be painstakingly learned as the brain constructs, from literally billions of nerve signals, a world of images and noises, touch and tastes. From babble of information, the infant's brain rapidly discovers how to construct a world of shapes and color that is both consistent and meaningful'
So you can see how much brainpower a child needs....

Haha... so I shall end here for today. Let us marvel at the complexity of life.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Haiz... having a headache now.... Lots of work to do.... got physics test on wednesday followed by maths test on saturday... haiz... tmr still need to go for PW meeting.... Argh!!! Then still got maths tutorial to rush, physics tutorial to complete all by thursday wednesday!!!! Argh.... my headache getting worst.... Haiz... first day of school already like that liao.... Then somemore my maths teacher said, this is the decision you made 3 months ago... its too late to turn back, so you will just have to bear with it :| And she said that maths is going to be very tough with 2 major topics coming up. TRIGO!!! AND DIFFERENTIATION!!! thats wad made my a-maths grade drop and now they are back to haunt me..... Haiz... yar, just like she said, this is the path that I chose to take, BUT do I really have a choice? Going to a jc is the shortest way to the Uni... So wad choice do I have left? Haiz.... Life is so meaningless, they got this quote saying life is all about choices... yar right... thats bullshit. Yes, you can make choices, but you will have to bear the consequences. Life isn't that fair afterall...
Ok lar... should stop grumbling liao.... haha later scare away all my visitors.
Came across this quote today during GP. 'Even a stopped clock is right twice a day'
Hmm... wad do you all think of this quote? My interpretation of it is that even if you are as useless as a stopped clock... there are times where you are useful.
Hmm... does the society now tolerate any mistakes? If you are useless, would the society give you chance to make yourself useful? I believe not... So in order to survive in this society today... you can't be a stopped clock. Even if you really stopped, you still have to push yourself and manually turn the hands of the clock every now and then to keep up with the time. Otherwise, you would just be thrown into the rubbish bin~
Haha... I think I kind of not feeling very good today.... typed so much things. but I hope that these things do make some sense, and you readers will take some time to ponder over the points I made. Theres a shoutbox beside for you to post your views too :D
Think its enough for today. Hope tmr will be a better day. Goodnight~ :)

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Its the second day since I came back from china. think I won't be posting anything more about the trip. Nothing much to talk anyway....
Haiz.... its the second day liao.... started to feel abit bored....
Kind of miss dining with the people in the trip. You know, for the past few weeks... those people are like my family, we ate every meal together. You know.... then we will comment on the food, chat about whats going on.... we are just like a little family... I really love that feeling. But now.... haiz.... don't get the chance liao.... the atmosphere during meals is so different..... I wonder when can we get together to have another meal........
You know, now I have this feeling that cant be described with words.... It is almost the same as losing someone, loniness. We had so much fun during the 2 weeks.... why can't life continue like that?

Friday, June 25, 2004

Special Edition: China CIP Trip

Yo! Finally settled down in china. Haha... had a quite boring day. Am very tired now. Zzzz... But haha, the earlier part of the day was very lonely and boring. But now finally settled down and met my roommate, things started getting better, haha, at least got people to talk to. Saw many interesting things today but I think I won't be writing down. Just write down my thoughts enough. Very sleepy now. Hope tmr will be a better day. Bye~

Yo! Its the second day of my stay at the hostal liao. Its now only about 5pm, but they having break so here I am, writing my entry. haha.. Things start to become better liao. Finally went out to the classes to make friends. The people here are very very friendly. Haha... got to sit beside someone who resembles rong zuo!!! Haha... not only size lookalike his personality also very similar. Then also met the class monitor of the class. Haha... then follow them to have lesson lor. First lesson they had is maths. haha... their maths is the same topic we are studying now!!! I was like Uh oh... die... I didn't revise my work so I don't know how to do almost everything :P Haha... haiz... who ask my so lazy :P So yar~ then half-way tru the lesson, a bell sounded and music played. Haha... they had this practise here that 2 times a day, they will stop to massage their eyes. I was like -____- !. They already had morning exercise and now this....After that lesson carried on. Then finally lesson over the guys went to play basketball, so I tagged along lor. Midway 2 girls approached us to talk about singapore. The people here are very inquisitive, haha, can't imagine singaporeans doing that :P OOoo... just realised that I've written quite a number of pages :P Got quite a lot of things to say. And btw, the food here is fansistic!!! We are treated even better than the principal here.... You know, when we dine we are given a special room which look 100% like a chinese restaurant, while the teachers and principal eat at the canteen!! And while we are dining, there will be one person standing by to serve us leh!!! Woah... we are really treated like VIPs. The service here is also very good. The hostal was intended to be 6 person share 1 room, but because of us they change it to 3 per room. And every morning still got ROOM SERVICE!!! one leh.... I was really -__- !!! Wahahaha... I talk so much today... about the living enviroment, you have to take a look at the photo or you will never believe how nice we are treated.... got to go now. Bye~

Arlow!!! Has been quite some time since my last entry... was very tired for the past few days so didn't write any entry. Lots of very interesting things happen. During the weekend, we went to shao xing. Then went to their places of interest :) Those places are quite boring lar. See those exibits about those people like lu xun... I was like bored to geath... but we finally got a chane to stay in a hotel!! Finally had a very very nice and long bath and a think comfy bed and blanket through the night. Still got TV somemore!!!. Then watched the jacky wu show, guess guess guess. They found a 'urine man' That sicko made his family drink urine!!! They even have a urine lollipop, and a whole bath tub of urine for bathing!!! I really wonder how they go out on the streets after washing themselves with urine.... Then hor they even have a 10 yr urine used for treating wounds!!! Me and my roommate are screaming and 'eeing' while the show is one... It is so disgusting!!!! Then whie we are there finally got a chance to do shopping. Bought lots of potato chips!!! Haha, the flavours are so special. Then have the chilli crab flavour, five spice fish flavour and peking duck flavour!!! But I wonder how am I going to bring it back to singapore. Actually now hor nothing to write liao... cos just now got interrupted as I need to go for lesson... OS yar~ now brain blank blank liao. So I'll just end here for today

16-6-04 cont...
Yo! Backed here writing. Just went to have a bath and have some spare time before going for debrief.... Haha... So lets talk about something. Recently a girl caught my attention. She is the kind of girl that I always wanted lor. You know ... have courtesy, quite average looks and got this feeling that she is also motherly as well. You know, on the point of courtesy. I find that she is some sort of like me lor, always put other people piority above self. And one indicator that she has very good background is that she pushed in her chair after meals lor. OF cos I also do that lar. But you know, the whole table only me and her pushed in the chair lor. So that gave me a very good impression of her. About her looks, yar though she is not those very pretty kind, but I think its pretty enough for me lor. Cos I also not very suave either :P. So yar~ then the motherly part, this morning saw her hanging out her clothes to dry after washing lor, so this gave me a impression that she will make a perfect wife in future... And one more point, from how she dress. I can some sort of infer that she is not those kind of people who to town like from everynow and then or go clubbing and all those sort of not very 'decent' things. So yar~ I think I finally found what I'm looking for lor, but hor... I think its still early to go in depth into relationship lor. Must observe her a bit more first. So okie shall end here.

Yo!!! Got free time again so here I am writing my entry :D. Haha... today almost the same thing happen lor, but in the morning we gave the class a english lesson... Haha, things didn't go s smoothly as we thought. Our english also not very good either, so we taught a few mistakes... but overall managed to finish the lesson... today, I finally realised how VIP we are.... They even let us plant a tree in the school~~~~ I was like -__- Wah..., we so tua bai ar!!!! haha... then thats about all for today... And about the girl I like... haha, duno if I have mistaken or not, I think , got some indications from her liao.... duno is it real or not. :P Ok yar~ there is also this other guy who like want to try to woo here, kind of always stick to her... Guess I'll try to pay more attention to her to let the guy have minimal contact with her. But I believe that I am better than him, if I really lose to him, I'll just wish the girl good luck for the rest of her life. Cos thee few days living with him (he's my roommate) Hm.... can tell that he will not make a good husband, though he can be a good boyfriend... So haha, wish me good luck and maybe you all will get to attend my wedding dinner in 4 yrs time :P Then have babies after another 2 yrs, cos need to get a job first :P Then I can be a father at the age of 24!!!! Then I can retire at the age of 55, when my child will be already 31, then I will have grand children too!!! Then I can enjoy the rest of my life after 55 ont he money given by my children and maybe grandchild and maybe from some investments and savings :) Then I can like go abroad once a year. A 4 room HDB is good enough for me... and I will choose a location near to thje community center and take part in all sorts of activities and make friends and even organise some activities and get to mix around with young people :D Whahaha.... talk cock sia... but I really hope I can live this kind of life in future... :D
Think thats enough for today. Bye~

Yo!!! has been some time since my last entry, was busy making presends to give my class, so was quite busy. Haha.. now lying on my bed writing this entry... kind of sleepy now... received quit a number of presents from the student here :) Haiz... Okie~ shall share some gossip about myself :D. Haha... just learned that news started spreading... but now feeling confused, should I go for it? Do I really like her?

More entry in the next post. Very tired now :P Happy reading :)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Yo! Holiday has finally arrived for the rest of my schoolmates, and they we all glad that they can finally enjoy their holiday. But for me... I will be going off to china tmr morning!!!! Haha.... and when I come back, it will be the last second day of the school holiday!!!! So yar.... my hoildays are gone~
But not to worry, this is also a very nice time to escape from the singapore lifestyle. Haha... I have put everything on hold and will enjoy myself to the fullest for the last 2 weeks of holiday. Cos I think that I've already done enough and I 'wen xin wu qui'. Cos I attended every single lesson for the past 2 weeks which is a holiday for people in other schools. I have done my part and I deserve this rest. Haha... but I have to prepare for tons of work piled up for the holidays :P.
Okie~ Now... hmmm..... tmr will be flying to china liao. But the feeling now is a bit 'weird' I don't really feel excited about it. Hmmm... really hope I can enjoy and learn things from the trip. Haha... really can't describe the feeling now.
For the regular 'customers' to my blog. Haha... you all gonna miss my post for 2 weeks :P But here's something worth waiting for. I will be carrying a notebook with me, and I will try to write down my blog every night. Then when I come back, I will publish a special edition entry for you all to read until siao :) And perhaps I may upload pictures online for all to see :D Haha... so yar~ good things are worth waiting for :)
Okie think I shall end my entry here. But just a reminder. Hey if you all miss me hor :P Feel free to leave a message in the shoutbox :D you know, it will be very touching to see people leaving message when you are not around :D Or if you really miss me until got lots of things to say to me. You all can e-mail me :D
Okie~ Goodbye everyone. See ya again in 2 weeks time :D BYE~ Aww... can bear to leave you people :'(
Haha... ok lar... really bye liao :P Wish me bon voyage :D

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Arlow everybody :D Haha... was very tired yesterday so didn't blog. Haha... yesterday was quite a nice day :D Finally went out to 'see the world' rather than be a 'jing di zhi wa'. So yesterday morning went school till 2pm, after tat went home to rest a while before going out again. Haha... saw joan ong on the way home. Haha... she is in JJC now. I almost couldn't recognise her, she is very very slim now. Haha... then talk a while then continue walking home liao. After resting, went out to suntec. Was intended to visit elgin who went for the singapore idol audition. But sms him nv reply. So decided to meet my cousins who are also shopping there. After meeting talk talk a while then went for dinner. Then after dinner my cousin and I went to expo for the PC show. But this year the PC show seemed very 'quiet' like got no atmosphere one. After walking like less than a minute, the announcement came that they are closing in 15 minutes time, I was like Hur? 8pm only leh. So we faster walk walk then go to Palmone booth to hide hide :P haha... then went to visit james and minzhong who are working there. Haha... heard from them that business not very good. After that go home lor.

Then today also very sian, rot the whole afternoon at home. Then at night went to buy things for my china trip. Haiz... boring day. Somehow, I don't feel excited about going china. Think is beacuse of the people whom I'm going with lar. Cos you know most of them are the chinese A students, then all the nerd nerd kind of face, then also no common topic to talk about. But luckily there is a more 'normal' gal from my class going. So yar...

Haiz... actually a lot of thoughts these few days, but somehow don't have to feeling to post it in my blog. I just feel like just wanna pour out all my fustration? or wad ever here. So haha... hope you people reading my blog can give a listening 'eye'. lol.

Okie~ Thats all for today Bye~

Friday, June 04, 2004

Aww.... haiz... had chinese oral today. Think I fail already. Duno why am I so nervous. I kind of have the same feeling as that time when I took my staff sergeant test. Haiz... I keep forgeting a lot of things and my brain cannot process information and think. It was like completely blank. Maybe because I was in an unfamiliar enviroment cos normally we have oral like there is a table in between then can rest my hand or somewhat play with my hand so as to make me calm down. but this time round there isn't any table, then my hands keep trembling. Somemore, this time round it in an enclosed area, I took the oral in the control room. Haiz.... luckily this is not the actual A-lvl oral exam or I sure die. Hope I won't be so nervous during the actual A lvls.
Okie enough for today. Haiz... nowadays my hands getting itchy liao. I want to buy new 'toys'!!!! Haha... feels like I haven't quite spent any money to buy 'toys' for myself. Haha... So I prepared some money, not too much, to spent on the PC show :D Haha... I'll be going tmr, see if there is any fun and cute little things that are not too expensive to pamper myself :P Haha... think I'm still like a kid hur :P only that my 'toys' are now more expensive :P
Haiz... nowadays also quite busy. After blogging I'll have to go back to do my PW, was at it the whole afternoon. Hope to finish it during the weekends :D Think thats enough for today :) BYE~

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Sian AR!!!!!!!! Deadline for the stage 1 of PW is due this weekend!!!! And there is still so much things to do....
Then there is also a lot of things to be done. Haiz... kind of have this 'zhi tao ku chi' feeling. Cos I brought all this upon myself. Who ask me go and be so enthu, sign up for so many things.
Haiz... let me see what are the things I have not done.
1)My PW deadline!!!
2)I'll be flying off to china next thursday and I have not packed a single thing yet!!!
3)I have now officially signed up for the flash movie competition due in november!!!
4)I also sign up for video production....

Argh!!! Really have to stop liao. Otherwise later fail my promos, everything wasted sia..... Now I finally feel the stress of JC life!!! Haiz... but I keep telling myself. Just bear with it for 1 more year. 1 more year and everything will be over. 1 year is a very very short time. Like this I've already endured for 6 months. So 1 year is nothing to me :P Haha.... haiz... life is so meaningless. Hmm.. I guess after my A lvl, and after my NS, I will go NIE to train to be a teacher :D Haha... then I will teach my students well so that they will have a more meaningful time in school :D

Okie lar~ I think thats all for tonight :D ByE~

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Life is so meaningless. Haiz... was thinking of why I exist in this world. Saw this picture yesterday

Makes me recall the days during OBS. You know, during that time, life was back to the basics. There are no TVs, no computers, no handphone, no school,no homework, no exams. It is just plain survival. I think I enjoyed the camp alot. During that time, my mind is free of stress. I do not have to worry about what homework have I not done, what exams are coming, or even, whether my computer is going to crash again. Everything was so relax.

The title of that picture is [Better than TV]. Yar~ A simple flower could be much better than a complex TV. Can you imagine yourself as that character in the picture. Under the stars and squating down on the field. Looking at the flower. In your mind, you think of nothing, you feel light~ A gentle breeze.

How I wish my life would be like that of the character in the picture. But will it ever be possible?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

OH no... I got this feeling that my com is going to crash again. Cos my programs are starting to crash one by one. Firstly, my dreamweaver crashed. Then my sis complain that gunbound also got problem. Then now, my bittorent also crashed. Argh!!!! I thought I finally can enjoy a stable system. Then now... haiz... I don't wish to reformat everthing again. But I can't seem to find the problem. So now, have to play safe. Need to back-up all my files first, in case suddenly one day really crash I still got my files. Haiz... now no mood to talk about wad happened today liao. Bye~ go and back-up files now.