Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Yo! Holiday has finally arrived for the rest of my schoolmates, and they we all glad that they can finally enjoy their holiday. But for me... I will be going off to china tmr morning!!!! Haha.... and when I come back, it will be the last second day of the school holiday!!!! So yar.... my hoildays are gone~
But not to worry, this is also a very nice time to escape from the singapore lifestyle. Haha... I have put everything on hold and will enjoy myself to the fullest for the last 2 weeks of holiday. Cos I think that I've already done enough and I 'wen xin wu qui'. Cos I attended every single lesson for the past 2 weeks which is a holiday for people in other schools. I have done my part and I deserve this rest. Haha... but I have to prepare for tons of work piled up for the holidays :P.
Okie~ Now... hmmm..... tmr will be flying to china liao. But the feeling now is a bit 'weird' I don't really feel excited about it. Hmmm... really hope I can enjoy and learn things from the trip. Haha... really can't describe the feeling now.
For the regular 'customers' to my blog. Haha... you all gonna miss my post for 2 weeks :P But here's something worth waiting for. I will be carrying a notebook with me, and I will try to write down my blog every night. Then when I come back, I will publish a special edition entry for you all to read until siao :) And perhaps I may upload pictures online for all to see :D Haha... so yar~ good things are worth waiting for :)
Okie think I shall end my entry here. But just a reminder. Hey if you all miss me hor :P Feel free to leave a message in the shoutbox :D you know, it will be very touching to see people leaving message when you are not around :D Or if you really miss me until got lots of things to say to me. You all can e-mail me :D
Okie~ Goodbye everyone. See ya again in 2 weeks time :D BYE~ Aww... can bear to leave you people :'(
Haha... ok lar... really bye liao :P Wish me bon voyage :D

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