Sunday, June 06, 2004

Arlow everybody :D Haha... was very tired yesterday so didn't blog. Haha... yesterday was quite a nice day :D Finally went out to 'see the world' rather than be a 'jing di zhi wa'. So yesterday morning went school till 2pm, after tat went home to rest a while before going out again. Haha... saw joan ong on the way home. Haha... she is in JJC now. I almost couldn't recognise her, she is very very slim now. Haha... then talk a while then continue walking home liao. After resting, went out to suntec. Was intended to visit elgin who went for the singapore idol audition. But sms him nv reply. So decided to meet my cousins who are also shopping there. After meeting talk talk a while then went for dinner. Then after dinner my cousin and I went to expo for the PC show. But this year the PC show seemed very 'quiet' like got no atmosphere one. After walking like less than a minute, the announcement came that they are closing in 15 minutes time, I was like Hur? 8pm only leh. So we faster walk walk then go to Palmone booth to hide hide :P haha... then went to visit james and minzhong who are working there. Haha... heard from them that business not very good. After that go home lor.

Then today also very sian, rot the whole afternoon at home. Then at night went to buy things for my china trip. Haiz... boring day. Somehow, I don't feel excited about going china. Think is beacuse of the people whom I'm going with lar. Cos you know most of them are the chinese A students, then all the nerd nerd kind of face, then also no common topic to talk about. But luckily there is a more 'normal' gal from my class going. So yar...

Haiz... actually a lot of thoughts these few days, but somehow don't have to feeling to post it in my blog. I just feel like just wanna pour out all my fustration? or wad ever here. So haha... hope you people reading my blog can give a listening 'eye'. lol.

Okie~ Thats all for today Bye~

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