Saturday, April 30, 2005

damn pissed off now...... Just typed a lot of things then when I publish my entry the site cock up... and everything I typed was gone.....

Argh!!! dun feel like retyping .... really a lot of things.... haiz.... well... too bad.... you people will miss one entry....

Okay... this is a new addition to my blog.... Its a guage of how close am I to finding my missing piece.....

There are a total of 15 levels of the bar.... Equilibrium is set at 8 ..... Everyday I will change the bar according to how I feel that day.... When I felt that I'm closer to finding my missing piece.... I willl add one square to the bar from my previous entry... when I feel that I'm further... I will minus one square from my previous entry....

The day where my bar reaches the full length is the day that I found my missing part....

So yar.... Lets hope that this day will come :)
Hmm... okay... time to blog again....
Been very busy for the past week... lots of homeworks and assignment to complete... then also very tired....
Changed my blog template.... felt that the previous one not that nice anyway.... so changed to this.... simpler a bit....

K lar.. nothing much to write now....

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

haiz... dun really feel like writing these few days -.- Nvm.... think will be neglecting this blog for quite some time.... bye bye~

Monday, April 18, 2005

-.- Just realised that I made a stupid mistake when filling up the registration for NS.... Can't change the thing now cos I've submitted it -.- It was nothing serious though.... but it shows how stupid I am.... think those people processing the details will have a good laugh -.- Argh!!! Why am I always so blur.....

K lar.... today went to cut hair.... and Finally!!! haha.... the barber didn't ask sec school? haha.... so happy :D but instead he asked NS? -.- I'm in JC.... next year then NS.... but nvm... dun blame him.... 1 year difference is not much... :)

Nothing much liao.... gonna sleep now.... sian... bye bye....

Sunday, April 17, 2005

:P Have been neglecting my blog for the past few days... hehe.... not in the mood to type lar....

But yesterday and today.... I feel rather cheerful :D Haha.... spoke alot.... Cos yar.... normally when I am at home during the weekends, I seldom speak :S Not that I dun want lar... cos during the weekends I'm normally in the half asleep mode..... cos trying to catch up with sleep mah.... But this weekend I very awake... haha... maybe cos I slept very early on friday.... then recharged all my energy already :D

OKay... anyway.... want to share some interesting facts I learnt :D

First one.... about the Dice :D You know which number has the highest probability?
Its the number behind one, Six :D haha.... know why.... cos the one face, only got 1 dot mah.... so there is more plastic there, but the 6 face, got 6 holes drilled out mah... so its lighter :D .... Thats why the heavier part which is the 1 will always face the ground :P haha..... but... there is only so little difference in the mass lar.... you play a few times won't affect much.... unless you play a lot lar.... :D Now I know new year want to bet which number liao... hehe....

Second one... about electricity..... Wonder why electrician usually use the back of their hands to touch something that might be live? Cos yar..... electricity would cause your muscles to contract. So if you touch the wire with your palm. The muscles will contract and you will grip onto the wire.... Thats why you see in the movies that people keep grabbing to the wire when they get electrocuted... its not that they want to grap... but its they can release.... :S Interesting right :D haha....

Hmm... then yar... on friday I got back my PW result :D Got a band 2.... nothing to be happy about.... cos yar... like what kerling said.... with the national average of 70++ % people getting band 1 and 2..... the band 2 I got only put me on par with the majority..... I am not any much better or worst then the majority.... So yar...... the value of band 2 is negated.... Its kind of scary nowadays that the first few grades is so common.... The value of second grade has dropped so much, since so many people can get it.....

Btw... there is this funny thing about the grading of PW.... there is this colummn that says exceeding expecation. Then they list down what they EXPECT you to do to get that grade.... -.- They already want us to exceed their expectation, but yet, we are graded upon their expecation of the 'exceeding expecation' -.-

K lar.. nothing much to talk about liao... bye bye :) Have a new week ahead :D

Thursday, April 14, 2005

:D ITs 10.11 now... just got home... had maths revision lecture from 7 till 9pm today... Nothing much happen.... Was rather surprised at the attendence :S haha... cos yar... I thought nobody would come as it is not compulsary and so late at night..... but in the end, about 200+ people turned up.... even people like chou chun, andy and kerling also turned up :P haha.... Chou chun very funny... after dinner, when we were heading back to school... he left us for home, then after walking awhile, we turn back and saw him behind us... haha.... then yar... eng jin who left school at 3 also came back :S haha... All say dun want to go in the end still all turn up -.-

Today also had NAPFA test... as usual, failed my pull up. But this time round I also failed standing broad jump and 2.4, Haiz.... maybe too long nv go for PE lesson liao lar.... so cannot perform, missed 2 lessons consecutively.... First tiem cos of gastric pain, second time whole class pon : So yar... when I was running.... a lot of thing went tru my mind..... Its was a struggle both physically and mentally.... Cos yar... keep thinking to myself.... whether to give up and start walking or not... so yar... first 3 rounds still okay... but after that, I decided to give up.... and start walking..... I've never walk during 2.4 for almost a year liao... everytime I try to push myself to run and try my best not to walk... but this time... duno is I become slack liao.... or I really cannot take it...... haiz.... must try harder next time.....

Oh.... I also find out that I'm overweight!!!! -.- I dun want to do extra 3 mths BMT!!!! Argh.... think they going to take our weight during the medical check up... so yar... I haven't book my date, but guess by now should be left those quite late dates liao lar... which is around june.... Haiz... so yar... within 1 month I need to reduce my weight by 6kg!!!! Well.... it dosen't seem too much lar... 6 kg.... but hmm.... hope I can make it :S

And tmr is the release of PW result liao!!! haha... so excited :S haha.... waited for it for so long liao.... and its finally coming out!!! Hope that my group will get gd results :D Wish me and my group good luck :D

Okay... shall end it here for today.... will come back for more tmr.... very tired now.... bye :D

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

:) Hello Haven't been writing much recently... well... there are some thought that I have but.... dun feel like writing it down.... cos yar... things that happen already, dun really feel like bringing it up again...

K lar... shall end it here for today..... maybe will come back when I feel that theres something worth writing ;)

Haha... okie... see ya....

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Okie.... haha.... another addition to my gallery :D haha...

Here it is :D

Full version here:

:D haha... as I was saying in my entry not too long ago, this is the season for nice sunsets at my house :D Haha... and I finally got a chance to capture it :D Cos yar... previous few days was raining, then very cloudy, so cannot see the sun.... but today :D The weather is great :D haha.... Got this very nice picture of the sun :D

Okie... got to go off for now :S have to study econs test... haha.... see ya.... and have a nice week ahead :D Bye~

Saturday, April 09, 2005

OKie... here's something from yesterday.... I typed something, but in the end I can't upload....

So here it is...

OMG.... A cockroach just ran across my table right in front of me!!!.... -.- I was surfing the net then wasn't paying attention also cos cos it was running real fast.... So at first I only saw something black black and it looks slimy slimy with tenticles.... Haha... looks like some creature from the sci fi film.... Then when it ran to the floor then I realise that it was a cockroach.... Then cos it didn't came to my mind to kill it, I just want to get it out of my room first... so I open the door.... Then the cockroach ran straight into my parent's room which was right opposite mine.... haha.... Then my mon quickly took a rag and tried to kill it.... but the cockroach was lucky to escape leaving a limp behind -.-
Haiz... duno why insects are so fond of my room.... the whole house hor, insects love my room the most.... there are countless beetles that flew into my room.... I slept with a cockroach before... and squashed it... haha.... cos in the morning when I was folding my blanket, it fell from inside FLATTENED -.- Then also got one morning... there is this giant moth at my main door, then when I was about the leave the house and open the door.... the moth flew across the living room.... into the corridoor leading to the rooms... there are 3 rooms leh... but duno why it just chose my room -.-
Then yar... my room also like got house lizards.... but I seldom see them... last time you know my window, they have this sticker on it.... then the glue of the sticker melted and drips down, then one day I saw a baby lizard being stuck onto the glue.... Imagnie how sticky the glue is that it can immobilise a baby lizard -.-
Haiz... duno why leh.... my room is rather clean and tidy leh....
K lar... then hmm... nothing much in school today lor.... Had our first maths tutorial lesson with mrs kwang... K lar... the not too bad... abit slow.... still acceptable lar...... but I still prefer ms lee..... haha.... cos yar... like got a bit of generation gap.... although she tried to joke, but... hmm.... not too funny lar :) haha.... But nvm.... though she teaches slower abit.... we get extra lessons.... so yar... it kind of make up for the slow pace... :)
Then today also feeling much better liao :) Though still got abit pain, but the pain is not that intense... but well... still have to take medication for the next 2 days.... -.- haiz.... the syrup very disgusting lor.... haiz.....
K lar... nothing much liao... bye :)
Hmm.... k lar... nothing much liao....

OKay.... then for today... also nothing much lar... did some maths tutorial.... Can't finish everything.... but tmr must study econs liao.... cannot afford to keep failing.... My previous block test result was horrible.....

Then at night went for dinner lor... then on the way back home from the MRT station, the whole place is infested with flies!!!!! Its really scary you know.... kind of like that time during the OBS, you can see everyone on the street waving their hands trying to get the flies away.... Too bad I didn't have camera then, otherwise you can see for yourself how bad the situation is...

but can roughly guage from this pic below....

A small little light outside my flat already got like 20+ flies.... and you multiply by the number of street light on the streets and other lights from other sources.... The number is terrifying....

But hey... haha... because of this, I got opportunity to take some really nice photo :D Haha...

The first one...

I named this golden flight... because this picture is taken using the candle mode due to the lighting, and the slower shutter speed, I managed to capture the path of the flight Cool hur~

And this

This is another photo of the flies.Used a different mode (forgot which mode) as used in the Golden Flight. Named this the last flight, cos after I took the photo... my grandma took a insecticide and killed them all.... :S haha...

See the magic of photography... haha... it transformed the flies from what we see in the very first picture to pictures like Gloden Flight and The Last Dance :D

okay... thats all for today..... bye bye~ :)

Friday, April 08, 2005

Yay!!! created another bud :D haha....

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Btw.... just a note.... DUNO WHICH F***ING IDIOT PEE IN THE LIFT .... then now the urine dry up the stench is HORRIBLE!!!! If he did it on purpose.... LET HIS DICK ROT!!! -.-
Just came back from the clinic.... had this reccuring acute pain in my stomach for the past 2 days.... Then yar.... went to see the doctor and found out that it is gastric pain -.- haha... cos I nv had gastric pain before, so at first I thought it was something serious... but.... it turn out to be gastric pain... Now I know how it feels like.... haha.....

Anyway... must not starve myself liao... gonna arm myself with biscuits for those days with 4 hrs of lesson straight.... :P haha....

Hmm... then today nothing much happen lar.... skipped PE, cos I duno whether is it serious or not mah....

.... K lar.... nothing much to write liao.... Gonna rest well..... tmr is a rather 'not too hectic' day.... so yar... actually this week kind of slack... cos going tru test paper... then haven't been doing much tutorial... but I didn't enjoy much cos wasn't feeling very well... had slight fever at first, then now gastric pain.... Hope I can recover by next week cos tutorials will start again... can't afford to slack liao....

Thats all for today.... bye~

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

-.- I still look like a kid in my photo -.- Will take another pic next time -.-
Anyway.... changed abit of things... cos I found that the previous link to my art gallery is not working... then I didn't put my e-mail up.... Actually I uploaded this thing 2 days ago... then they now then refresh....

Okie... changed my photo... but will take another 2 days for it to take effect... nvm.... this time round did some photo shop effect to it :D So yar... it dosen't look too kiddy... Talking about kiddy.... Everytime I go cut hair.... then when paying the barber will ask... sec school? Its kind of irritating lor... everytime I will have to say jc.... Do I look so kiddy? -.- If this happen last year, I still okay with it lor... cos yar... some people are sec 5 students... so perhaps the same age as me.... but now I'm 1 year older liao... still sec school? -.- Very irritating leh... and its not only 1 barber lor.... all of them ask me the same question... Haiz..... How do I look more grown up? -.- I've been thinking... perhaps my clothes? Cos always wear those old clothes when cutting hair.... which is a few years old liao.... which I bought when I am still kiddy.... But then thinking again.... izzit my built? But not likely leh... cos I dun really have a small frame.... then I think its my face liao lor.... maybe I still have the kiddy look 0.o

Anyway... nothing much for today.... going for dinner liao... bye~

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

not feeling very well... got slight fever... won't be writing today liao... bye... hope to get well tmr :)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Back :) haha... second time I writing today.... Haiz... I'm really getting worried.... I have so much time on my hands and I am wasting it away!!!! its only about 9 now.... there's at least an hour before my regular bed time.... but I can't can't motivate myself to do somthing... Argh.... K... K.... I go try to study now.... perhaps read tru some maths stuffs... Think I decide that I'll spend most of my free studying time doing maths.... Must make myself love maths :S haha.... must see maths all day long until I feel numb about it.... Must psycho myself to love maths... Whahaha... think I'm losing it :S

Kk... really going off to do some maths liao.... bye :)
Wee... :D haha... another addition to my gallery :D

Cos yar... today dun have to go school so early so got a chance to take this photo... cos yar.... normally when I go school the sky still dark dark one lor.... See... so poor thing... have to go school so early... :P haha... anyway.... cos yar.... wanted to try taking photo at different time of the day, cos got different effect one.... :D And the season for taking sunset pictures at my house come liao :D haha.... cos yar... during this time of the year... I get to see very beautiful sunset from my house :) So hehe.... nowadays... every evening I would look out of the window to see if I can see any sunset :D Cos sometimes its too cloudy, then not nice liao :)

Named this picture monday blues.... Cos yar... it was taken today... Monday... and its blue :D So its monday blue... :D Hope ya like it :)

Btw... if you look closely.... see the middle part of the building is straight.... but the right colummn is slanted... I duno why it became like that :S There is kind of some distortion there. :S

Anyway... talk so much... here is the pic :P haha....

If you can't see it or want the full view.... pls click here

K lar... thats all for now... may or may not come back later to write about wad happen today.... nothing much actually...

So see ya :)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Haiz... yet another sunday afternoon.... so boring... just finish my GP essay.... this time I really put in effort hor :P haha... spent quite some time doing it.... Ms lim cannot say me work LDMR curve already ar~ haha....

THen still got maths tutorial.... dun really feel like doing leh.... so sian.... Think I am starting too neglect my maths liao.... cos yar... haven't been keeping up with maths.... then now dun feel like doing it.... SIAN AR!!!! I can't carry on like this... otherwise I will fail badly for my maths!!! Actually I didn't want to take maths one lor.... but haiz... no choice... maths is so important.... bo bian.... have to force myself to study it.... During primary school... I like maths more than science and english.... so everytime when I have homework.... I will first take out my maths homework and do... followed by science and then english..... but now.... I will take out my science first... then GP... econs.... then maths is the last subject I want to touch.... Haiz.... wad to do? ... duno how leh.... actually I feel very worried for myself.... cos I think I'm really slacking so much.... Take for example kerling..... he was not that good in physics... so now he is trying very hard to do TYS questions to improve.... but me leh? I suck at maths yet I didn't even want to finish my tutorials, let alone TYS.... I really want to study.... but everytime when I look at the things.... I get very tired.... Arh.... can someone FORCE me to do TYS!!!! really leh.... I really need someone to FORCE me to study.... I can't motivate myself anymore.... its very tiring.... so if you think you are fierce enough.... please do me a favour.... FORCE ME TO STUDY!!!! thanks :)

Anyway.... was feeling bored yesterday.... then was thinking... my life is so meaningless... other than activities in school.... theres nothing else... thats why I spent so much time online... So I went to yew tee community center to look for something that I can take part in... you know.... like once a week can learn something different.... and also make new friends... but... the activities there very sian leh.... nothing for me.... Cooking class? Flower arranging class? -.- these are for those auntie lor... haiz... Maybe next week I make a trip down to teck whye CC to see if there is anything for me....

Hmm... guess theres nothing much liao lar.... thats allf or now... gonna slack until tonight then start to do maths tutorial :S ARhh!!! slack....

Oh... taking about slack... have you read the sunday times? Haha they got this article on the 7 sins on the front page.... Let me do a short review :D

If you haven't read, Sloth is the second most sin singaporeans are guilty of, with 69% ....

It quoted Dr Donglas Kong, a consultant psychiatrist at Mount Elizabeth Hospital saying that " Our work ethnic makes us feel guilty if we don't work hard, so we make a big deal out of being lazy."

I found it to be rather interesting :) haha... especially the part that says we feel guilty if we don't work hard.... oOOoo... this is what I am feeling now :D haha... I'm guilty cos I didn't work hard for maths!!! Do you all feel that way too? Are you all guilty that you are slacking? Guess andy isn't :P haha.... slacker! Guess I am one too lar :S

K lar... thats all for today.... haiz... another long 5 days ahead.... Wish you have a enjoyable week ahead :) Bye~

Saturday, April 02, 2005

:) Its friday again :D Didn't blog yesterday cos I slept at 8 :S was very tired... Had a long day yesterday plus PE.... then these few days also got insomia.... so sleep very late..... Guess my back up battery also went flat yesterday.... do yar... after dinner.... rest a while... after feeling not so bloated already then went to bed..... Didn't get insomia yesterday maybe cos i was real tired....

Btw.... I was told yesterday that there is this inter school blog competition :D haha.... teacher in charge wanted to create a blog for the whole school... which I think is a great idea :D Haha.... But duno people will write entries for it or not.... I guess perhaps lar... cos it seems to me that they are giving us a moblog... which means we can update our entries using mobile phone... this way it is easy to use and people might want to try it.... Another good point about moblog is that with the limited text, spamming can be prevented..... but I guess moblog can also be edited online right? ... hopefully people won't abuse it :) Anyway... hope this thing will work out....
Oh guess wad.... mr leong actually came to my blog before :D haha... And I think that he was here within this week :S haha... cos he commented on an entry which I wrote about a week ago :D Oh... and he came after my new color scheme is up :S haha.... cos it was after the new scheme that I place the links to kevin's, sem min's and zhi ling's blog in that sequence... so when he asked me to ask you all whether you all are interested, he also wrote the names in that sequence :D haha... anyway.... WELCOME HERE :D haha.... Was really a surprise guest :D Do leave some comments in the shoutbox :) haha....

Anyway.... school had CCA exibition on wednesday to let the J1s choose their CCA..... so there are posters of different CCA all around the school....

Then these 2 interesting posters caught my attention....

This is the first one.... A poster by the YJC fitness club.... The way they advertise is like those porn site.... or those sex shops.... lol... they paste lines such as " You can't change the size of your ____ but you can make up for it " on the wall behind the toilet bowl..... And the above on the wall behind the urinals.... And guess wad.... someone did some editing... haha.... 21inch DICK... woho... water hose sia.... :P haha...And this one....

This is by the interact club..... The most cheepskate poster I've ever seen.... they just paste a stretch of masking tape on the wall and write on it.... Had to admit that it was rather creative... but.... hey.... thats not the way to do things.... So yar... someone did some editing on it too :S ....

Hmm... cos of all these poster... the toilet beside the PE room has turned into some eh... duno what word use... :S .... anyway... you get the idea.... the fitness club also place a photo of a mascular man flexing his muscles on top of the mirror.... -.-

thats about all for yesterday.... Oh... just checked the time... its the day before yesterday!!! haha.... cos its after 12 now :S haha....

So yar... for Yesterday.... which is friday... haha.... well nothing much happened.... School was as per normal.... oh yar... Got back my progess report.... HORRIBLE SIA.... especially the first block test.... F F AO -.- K lar... at least get an AO... haha... people get straight Fs.... So lucky that we arn't those advance cases where they will take into account this test before considering if you can promote or not... with that kind of paper and the end of year holidays before that.... those who can do well is really god liao....

Oh... also got back my GP paper for the recent block test... compa was expected.... just pass.... Cos that day wasn't really feeling well... just the start of the exam already urgently need to go toilet liao... then I started to panic... so end up miscalculate the number of main ideas I have.... thats why I failed my content... So yar... the GP tutor, miss lim wrote on my test paper, that my work is like an LDMR curve... the Law of diminishing returns.... after the peak... start to go down liao..... But.... the block test is an expection okay... cos I really not feeling very well.... Anyway... I have to admit that I've been starting to slack a lot nowadays... but really buck up liao..... :)

Another news.... my maths tutor will be changed liao... change to the HOD of MATHS!!!!!!!!! Aww... cos of the unexpected low turn out rate of the J1.... Only got 400++ leh.... so pathetic.... other schools got 1000++ people... and still got many more on the waiting list lor.... So yar... there is a over supply of teachers for the JC1s... so some teachers was moved up.... Then cos miss lee and mr woo has the most number of classes in JC2.... one class from each teacher will be given to mrs kwang..... Then.... SUAY SUAY tio my class.... -.- Haiz... gonna miss miss lee's maths tutorial now...... she is a nice teacher :) Always enjoyed her lessons... But now.... I've nv been taught by mrs kwang before lar... so I duno how is her style like.... but... I guess our maths standard would be pulled up..... cos yar... she is not the HOD for nothing -.- Haiz..... See... haha.... here's a use for the school blog :P With it... we can write something about how we would miss her lesson :D Nice right :)

Then yar... after that went home liao..... nothing much liao lar... bye~ :) Have a nice weekend :D

Friday, April 01, 2005

Yay!!! haha... just finished another piece of work :P haha... was bored to I took a photo out of my window and manopulated it :P haha... here it is :D Hope u like it :) Feel free to give comments :D

If you can't see the above or want to see the full sized version.... click below :)