Sunday, April 03, 2005

Haiz... yet another sunday afternoon.... so boring... just finish my GP essay.... this time I really put in effort hor :P haha... spent quite some time doing it.... Ms lim cannot say me work LDMR curve already ar~ haha....

THen still got maths tutorial.... dun really feel like doing leh.... so sian.... Think I am starting too neglect my maths liao.... cos yar... haven't been keeping up with maths.... then now dun feel like doing it.... SIAN AR!!!! I can't carry on like this... otherwise I will fail badly for my maths!!! Actually I didn't want to take maths one lor.... but haiz... no choice... maths is so important.... bo bian.... have to force myself to study it.... During primary school... I like maths more than science and english.... so everytime when I have homework.... I will first take out my maths homework and do... followed by science and then english..... but now.... I will take out my science first... then GP... econs.... then maths is the last subject I want to touch.... Haiz.... wad to do? ... duno how leh.... actually I feel very worried for myself.... cos I think I'm really slacking so much.... Take for example kerling..... he was not that good in physics... so now he is trying very hard to do TYS questions to improve.... but me leh? I suck at maths yet I didn't even want to finish my tutorials, let alone TYS.... I really want to study.... but everytime when I look at the things.... I get very tired.... Arh.... can someone FORCE me to do TYS!!!! really leh.... I really need someone to FORCE me to study.... I can't motivate myself anymore.... its very tiring.... so if you think you are fierce enough.... please do me a favour.... FORCE ME TO STUDY!!!! thanks :)

Anyway.... was feeling bored yesterday.... then was thinking... my life is so meaningless... other than activities in school.... theres nothing else... thats why I spent so much time online... So I went to yew tee community center to look for something that I can take part in... you know.... like once a week can learn something different.... and also make new friends... but... the activities there very sian leh.... nothing for me.... Cooking class? Flower arranging class? -.- these are for those auntie lor... haiz... Maybe next week I make a trip down to teck whye CC to see if there is anything for me....

Hmm... guess theres nothing much liao lar.... thats allf or now... gonna slack until tonight then start to do maths tutorial :S ARhh!!! slack....

Oh... taking about slack... have you read the sunday times? Haha they got this article on the 7 sins on the front page.... Let me do a short review :D

If you haven't read, Sloth is the second most sin singaporeans are guilty of, with 69% ....

It quoted Dr Donglas Kong, a consultant psychiatrist at Mount Elizabeth Hospital saying that " Our work ethnic makes us feel guilty if we don't work hard, so we make a big deal out of being lazy."

I found it to be rather interesting :) haha... especially the part that says we feel guilty if we don't work hard.... oOOoo... this is what I am feeling now :D haha... I'm guilty cos I didn't work hard for maths!!! Do you all feel that way too? Are you all guilty that you are slacking? Guess andy isn't :P haha.... slacker! Guess I am one too lar :S

K lar... thats all for today.... haiz... another long 5 days ahead.... Wish you have a enjoyable week ahead :) Bye~

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