Saturday, April 02, 2005

:) Its friday again :D Didn't blog yesterday cos I slept at 8 :S was very tired... Had a long day yesterday plus PE.... then these few days also got insomia.... so sleep very late..... Guess my back up battery also went flat yesterday.... do yar... after dinner.... rest a while... after feeling not so bloated already then went to bed..... Didn't get insomia yesterday maybe cos i was real tired....

Btw.... I was told yesterday that there is this inter school blog competition :D haha.... teacher in charge wanted to create a blog for the whole school... which I think is a great idea :D Haha.... But duno people will write entries for it or not.... I guess perhaps lar... cos it seems to me that they are giving us a moblog... which means we can update our entries using mobile phone... this way it is easy to use and people might want to try it.... Another good point about moblog is that with the limited text, spamming can be prevented..... but I guess moblog can also be edited online right? ... hopefully people won't abuse it :) Anyway... hope this thing will work out....
Oh guess wad.... mr leong actually came to my blog before :D haha... And I think that he was here within this week :S haha... cos he commented on an entry which I wrote about a week ago :D Oh... and he came after my new color scheme is up :S haha.... cos it was after the new scheme that I place the links to kevin's, sem min's and zhi ling's blog in that sequence... so when he asked me to ask you all whether you all are interested, he also wrote the names in that sequence :D haha... anyway.... WELCOME HERE :D haha.... Was really a surprise guest :D Do leave some comments in the shoutbox :) haha....

Anyway.... school had CCA exibition on wednesday to let the J1s choose their CCA..... so there are posters of different CCA all around the school....

Then these 2 interesting posters caught my attention....

This is the first one.... A poster by the YJC fitness club.... The way they advertise is like those porn site.... or those sex shops.... lol... they paste lines such as " You can't change the size of your ____ but you can make up for it " on the wall behind the toilet bowl..... And the above on the wall behind the urinals.... And guess wad.... someone did some editing... haha.... 21inch DICK... woho... water hose sia.... :P haha...And this one....

This is by the interact club..... The most cheepskate poster I've ever seen.... they just paste a stretch of masking tape on the wall and write on it.... Had to admit that it was rather creative... but.... hey.... thats not the way to do things.... So yar... someone did some editing on it too :S ....

Hmm... cos of all these poster... the toilet beside the PE room has turned into some eh... duno what word use... :S .... anyway... you get the idea.... the fitness club also place a photo of a mascular man flexing his muscles on top of the mirror.... -.-

thats about all for yesterday.... Oh... just checked the time... its the day before yesterday!!! haha.... cos its after 12 now :S haha....

So yar... for Yesterday.... which is friday... haha.... well nothing much happened.... School was as per normal.... oh yar... Got back my progess report.... HORRIBLE SIA.... especially the first block test.... F F AO -.- K lar... at least get an AO... haha... people get straight Fs.... So lucky that we arn't those advance cases where they will take into account this test before considering if you can promote or not... with that kind of paper and the end of year holidays before that.... those who can do well is really god liao....

Oh... also got back my GP paper for the recent block test... compa was expected.... just pass.... Cos that day wasn't really feeling well... just the start of the exam already urgently need to go toilet liao... then I started to panic... so end up miscalculate the number of main ideas I have.... thats why I failed my content... So yar... the GP tutor, miss lim wrote on my test paper, that my work is like an LDMR curve... the Law of diminishing returns.... after the peak... start to go down liao..... But.... the block test is an expection okay... cos I really not feeling very well.... Anyway... I have to admit that I've been starting to slack a lot nowadays... but really buck up liao..... :)

Another news.... my maths tutor will be changed liao... change to the HOD of MATHS!!!!!!!!! Aww... cos of the unexpected low turn out rate of the J1.... Only got 400++ leh.... so pathetic.... other schools got 1000++ people... and still got many more on the waiting list lor.... So yar... there is a over supply of teachers for the JC1s... so some teachers was moved up.... Then cos miss lee and mr woo has the most number of classes in JC2.... one class from each teacher will be given to mrs kwang..... Then.... SUAY SUAY tio my class.... -.- Haiz... gonna miss miss lee's maths tutorial now...... she is a nice teacher :) Always enjoyed her lessons... But now.... I've nv been taught by mrs kwang before lar... so I duno how is her style like.... but... I guess our maths standard would be pulled up..... cos yar... she is not the HOD for nothing -.- Haiz..... See... haha.... here's a use for the school blog :P With it... we can write something about how we would miss her lesson :D Nice right :)

Then yar... after that went home liao..... nothing much liao lar... bye~ :) Have a nice weekend :D

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