Sunday, October 31, 2004

Arlow.... haiz... today was another boring sunday.....
rotting at home for the whole afternoon.... then drawing fanart.....
Then evening.... wanted to scan it and CG it.... but my farking scanner just dosen't work.... Made so me stressed up.... Spent so much time drawing it ( a week ) then now cannot scan.... Really feel like throwing it out of the window.......
Haz... cannot scan because the driver cannot support XP.... That stupid company.... intresource.... nv go and make driver for XP.... Next time dun buy anything from them ar.... such lousy services.... Haha... I also didn't buy from them lar.... got this from, you know, last time the pertol station they got this point reward system.... yar... then my dad redeemed it for me.... Think its a cheapo brand lar, thats why such lousy service..... Haiz.....
So yar... duno why got so stressed up... so after dinner, went out walk walk again... actually was to return the VCD I rented yesterday lar... haha... today felt much better, this time was a different person who attended to me... Much much better than the one yesterday... this time one looked friendlier and at lest dosen't have a black face lar... like everyone in this world owe her money.... So yar.... felt better now.... Next time see that person yesterday on duty, I won't go in ar.....
OKay... I took bus there lar, cos just rained I scared some places got mini floods.... But when I came home, saw that the ground was quite okay lar.... So decided to walk all the way home from lot 1 ( I always do that :) ) But this time round... didn't want to take the usual route along the main road.... So I just went tru the blocks :) Was pretty fun thou... cos when your are inside blocks, you can't see any landmarks... so you have to just rely on your sense of direction to guide you... :) Yar.... so I just kept walking straight, then I reached senmin's block.... Then continued to walk around lim bang center... also nothing to see lar... then continued to the community center.... thought of see see got wad activities going on.... but the place looks dead leh... nobody playing basketball as well...
So yar.... continued all the way home.....
Then along the way... kept telling my self to relax..... Duno why I get stressed up so easily these days... Think I got depression liao.... you know nowadays got this advertisment on depression right.... I think I got like 8 out of ten of the symtoms..... die ar.... haha.....
Anyway... now exams over... want to go out play leh.... Wanna go bowling.... or pool.... or just hang out somewhere.... or go rollerblade :P haha... Anyone interested ask me out hor :)
K lar.... think thats about all for today.... goodbye.... and have a fruitful week ahead :)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

:) Another saturday night.....

Today was erm... lonely lar...... Actually.... I'm lonely everyday......

Was intending to go out to walk walk today.... but got very very heavy rain.... so had to stay at home..... Then the rain ended at around 6.... So went out for dinner.... Went looking for a stall selling western food which is positioned third in a food programme by channel U... Since its around CCK area, so decided to go looking for it....
So took bus to CCK interchange to look for CCK ave 2 from the locality map..... Check out the bus service, took the bus.... and went off.... Cos I didn't remember the map, so roughly remembered CCK primary school, so I alighted once I saw it...
But looking around.... Can't find any place that is selling food.... So wander around.... from my memory, there was a place near the MRT station which looks like a market.... So decided to go check it out..... Then wander around... going between blocks... haha... people might think I'm lost, since I keep going round and round and often coming back to the same place....
Finally found that place, but guess it wasn't the one featured.... So haiz.... decided to walk back to sunshine place for dinner....
The kopitiam there was erm... in very bad condition lar.... There are pails everywhere, think the roof leaked when it was raining.... THen the floor very slippery, not from the water, but it feels oily..... Haiz.. was totally different from when it started business few years ago.... last time still got air-con.... now I think it became a heater...... Blowing warm air out...... Haiz.. looked around.... 12 stalls only 9 stalls in business... and the food dosen't look appetizing.... So decided to settle for western food lar.... But haiz... big mistake...... I started out looking for the best western food stall, but ended up with the worst.....
I ordered fish and chips, the fish were okay... but the salad... OMG.... the veggies very tough.... then the fries... not very nice.... the garlic bread.. also not that nice either.... Haiz.... sad ar.....
So after that bought soy milk and decided to walk all the way to Lot 1 to walk walk see crowd lor.....
Then was walking tru the blocks... haiz... scary sia.... looks very dead... no life at all, the lights also very dim.... Haiz... sian ar... then slowly walk and walk reach lot1 liao.....
Wanted to look for some games shop to see got any games to buy or not... nowadays very sian.... no games to play... But, haiz.... there's no game shop in lot 1.... So haiz... went into laserflair to see see got any new movies or not.... then remembered they got this rental service.... So decided to rent some movies home.... (review of the movies will be below) ... me first time renting VCD.... so a lot of procedures I duno.... then :S very malu.... then the shop assistance also give me those black black face.... see liao also sian....
Haiz....... sian ar....... doing that all alone.... how I wish for someone to share these kind of things with me.... you know, I love to wander around singapore (can read my past entries if you want)..... But I lack of someone whom can wander around with me..... I need someone..... are you someone whom like to wander around too? Pls msg me if you are, so I can ask you out next time I go wandering round singapore :)

OKay... I rented 2 movies.... 50 first dates and the league of extrodinary gentleman.... was looking around the shop for spiderman 2, but think not out yet... so decided to rent these 2...

So... haha... just watch 50 first dates.....
Very nice show... very touching too :) haha... its about his girl whom dosen't have short term memory due to a car accident...
then bla bla bla.... the story continues....
The thing I found very interesting is that, the girl, cos she dosen't have short term memory, she will watch a video tape every morning.... telling her what has happened to her for the past year.... then she will have to get over the fact that she has lost her memories... then after crying and getting over it, she will carry on with her life for the day, then the next day, she will forget everything and have to start all over again.....
Haha... can you imagine yourself like that? you know.... have to do someting again and again evryday... and think that it is always the first time doing it.... Feels kind of weird....
Well... was quite a nice show... so... haha.... if you missed the screening, can go buy or rent it to watch :)

OKay, next thing... wanna share this news I found on the streats newspaper....

Swearing makes you impotent

London- Too much swearing can make men impotent and women develope male characteristics such as facial hair and extra muscles, BBC Online reported on Saturday.
Russian scientist Gennady Cheurin led a team at the Centre for Ecological Safety and survival in Yekaterinburg, on a research based on the popular belief that water has a type of 'memory' that can be influenced by positive and negative forces.
The team swore at a glass of water for several hours and then poured it over wheat seeds. only 48% of the seeds watere with the 'foul' water sprouted as opposed to 93% watered with 'holy' water from natural springs.
Dr Cheurin said: "We hen looked at heavy swearers and others who never used bad language, and found whenver men use these words in their daily life, this immediately leads to sexual dysfunctions that is, impotence.
"If a women uses these words in her daily sppech, she slowly begins transforming into a man, getting more hair and muscles."

Haha... so guys out there ar.... dun swear too much sia.... Later you become impotent then cannot 'chuan zhong jie dai' already ar.....
Another this I find interesting is that, water really got memory sia... haha.... now got scientific proof that those 'holy' water being chanted upon everyday in the temple can really work lor... haha...

Okay lar..... Bye for today :)

Friday, October 29, 2004

Arlow :D haha... had been quite some time since I last blogged :D
Was really busy for the past few days....
Got PW and need to help out with some things cos got thai visitors coming to school....

So hehe... lets start :)

OKay~ Just finished watching 2 episodes of FMA..... Was very nice and touching.....
Cos the 2 brothers mother died, and they try to revived her. But as a result one of them lost his body, and the other lost a arm and a leg.

So yar... this 2 episodes are talking about how they learn alchemy at first.

Was very nice, they were put into an isolated island for a survival test, and also make them understand the theory of One in All....
So while they were on the island many things happened......
Reminds me of OBS :D haha.... really would like to go for another one if I had a chance :)
As for the details, you all go download and see for yourselves lor :P
So... I just want to share this theory of One in All, with all of you :) I find i t very interesting, and true :)

This is the theory.....

One in all

If I die,
this world would continue to move along as if nothing had happen
You are just a small existence, then
When the small existence dies
the body remains.
Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorous, potassium nitrate, salt, sulfur, magnesium, flourine, manganes and aluminium
It is only a combination of those and some other elements
We are destined to be decomposed by bacteria
and become nutrients for the plant
But those plants will nourish herbivores
And those herbivores will nourish carnivores
These things move in a cycle even in places we're not aware of.
We are a small part of that flow.
The one in all.
But the all exists when the ones are put together.
This world flows by following a grand law we can't even conceive of.

I wonder how many people, would stop and think about what is life? What are we? Why are we here?....... I think a large majority of people nowadays never think of such things... they would instead be thinking of.... what to do tmr? What will happen if I dun do work?.... all those things related to work and studies lar.... Have you all spend some time thinking of things besides these?

I think life isn't just about work, studies and play lor....

... actually.. I also dun wad to say lar..... got that kind of feeling, but duno how to put it in words.......

Maybe, I'll just highlight this point....
"If I die,
this world would continue to move along as if nothing had happen"
I feel that this is very true.... If I really die... the world wouldn't stop because of me....
Then why am I here for? I am such a small part of the world..... Why am I studying so hard, or working so hard? The world still continues to turn even without me.... Why should I waste half of my life time doing so much work..... And how is my short life span compared to eternity....... We are all so small and insignificant.........

And in the first place, why should there be life? What are lives used for? If you live and work hard just to make your life better... then why not just save the trouble and not live in the first place?

So are we worth living? Or even.... is living necessary in the first place.....

This is also mentioned in the anime

When you live, your life will end sooner or later.
The body will return to the earth
Grass and flowers will grown on top of it
The sould will nourish the hearts
and it will live on in the hearts of other people
Everything in the world flows around and circulates
That goes for human lives too...

When everything is just a cycle.... Why is there a need for a cycle? Cos eventually, you will still be back in the same place you first started. Everything could just remain at a stage in a cycle..... Then it would save a lot of trouble......

So... hmmm.....
Lets think about our existence :)

OKay.... would like to hear your comments.... So hehe... if you all are willing to share, you may want to send an e-mail to me, I will transfer it here, or just type it in the shoutbox..... the length is not a problem :)

Wahaha...... talk so cheem today.... Really got some enlightenment....
So hehe... sometimes you people might also want to find out more about life, and your existence..... and not just about work and stuffs :)

Have a broder view of the world we are living in..... Understand it...... Appreciate it...... And since, we have no choice, everyone has to go tru the cycle, I truly hope that everyone would make full use of our lives, and not just go through this cycle for nothing :)

Also hope you people will have a nice weekend ahead :)

Monday, October 25, 2004

Haiz... Life sux....Even after promos still dun have a easy life....Still have so much things to do....really is ' yi bo wei ping yi po you qi'.....Stupid YJ have this INTENSIVE mother tongue and PW time table....We have to stay back everyday until earliest 3pm to do nothing but Mother tongue and PW...Imagine more than 4 Hours each day on this kind of stupid things.....And it last for an entire WEEK!!!!Wonder how am I going to get tru this week.....Then haiz...But there is something to be happy about lar...Cos the Oral presentation exam is due next week...And the file is due the day after that....So hehe....that means that I will no longer need to do PW after next week!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!But for now still have to suffer a bit lor......

Haiz.....then about the flash movie... hahadeadline is 1st november... Also next week!!!!!
And cos this is by mail, I need to send it by this thursday to make sure that it dosen't arrive late......
Argh!!!!!So much things to do...Still got PW sia.....

The file must be in by this thurs for a final read tru by ST to give comments for the last time.... Then we still got a lot of evaluations to do!!!!! Then tmr lesson end very late..... think the school sux lar.... Like purposely make us stay until 3pm everyday one lor....
When they have nothing to fill up the time table, instead of letting us go early... they put wad... supervision class.... Super lame lar.... waste time only lor....

Haiz... wasn't a very good start of the week....

Today also whole morning stomachache.... Stupid sia... dun wad I eat wrong in the morning.... Suspected it the 'mee pok' instand noodles I bought yesterday...... then throughtout the chinese paper I was like 'ren!!!' 'ren!!!!'..... Then the audi still so cold.... Argh... was living hell down there.... Still managed to finish the paper lar....

Today also got back our chinese promos result.....
A bit ' xin tong' lar.... My 'zhong he tian kong' Only got 2 marks out of 20..... The teacher mark until very song..... The first question correct, then all the way down, the rest of the nine question... All cross cross cross.....
' Xin tong' cos my compo rarely got such high marks.... but because of the 'zhong he tian kong' pull down my marks by so much..... And the mutiple choices questions also a bit 'xin tong' though not as much, cos quite normal lar.... 'xin tong' is beacuse ALL THOSE I GOT WRONG... is I got the correct answer at first.... But recheck paper that time... duno why go and change the answers in the end got it all wrong.... About 3 questions like that leh.... Make me lose so much more marks.... Hmm..... still remember last time CWSS invite some people to give talks.... HE said that our first instinct is always correct.... When you write down the answer, just leave it... dun change it unless it is a confirm wrong.... If you have doubts, just put in wad your first instinct tells you.... And in this case, really regretted not heeding that advice.... So must learn from mistake.... this is only promos.... Hope that I will not repaeat this mistake in the A levels... which is round the corner....

Okay lar... thats all for today.... Bye~ Have a nice week ahead :D

how's your's 's's's's

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Arlow :D Its me :D lol.... Yay!!! Promos finally over... haha... now my brain wun be cluttered with all those 'not very useful stuffs' :D
OKay~ Lets start today's entry with.... hmm.... the word ' Revulsion'

A sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.
A withdrawing or turning away from something.
Medicine Counterirritation used to reduce inflammation or increase the blood supply to the affected area.

Well... encounted this word in the GP compre.....
Felt this this is a rather nice word.... But in this case the meaning given wasn't that of what is given in the passage...

What was given is like.... something that you feel is just not right.... like incest... and forgot wad was there liao.... it gave a lot of example.....

Find this word quite interesting... cos haha... sometimes you really have the feeling that it just isn't right to do so. Even if it dosen't harm anyone or even yourself.... you just somehow from your subconscious know that you should not do it.....

Anyway.... my explanation may not be clear... but... hehe... just want to make a point that I found this word interesting....

OKay... lets change topic :D

Recently noticed a trend that more and more hair care products and using this thing called silk protein.... You know, the organics silky straight shampoo, the silk pro series and another bath by forgot who which also uses silk protein....
So that makes me curious, is it a new break tru recently and everyone starts using it in their product....

So went to find out a little more...

What is silk protein?
By hydrolyzing silk fibers (subjecting the material to alkali), water soluble silk proteins are produced.While silk fibers can not be absorbed into the skin or hair, the proteins are readily available.Silk proteins are excellent hair and skin conditioners. They add a lovely, silky feel to soaps, lotions and gels.Typical use rates are .5% to 2.0%. Add to the water phase.Imported from Japan.

Well thats wasn't a really good explanation. But I can't find anything else.... I made a search and it just came up with many brands of shampoo....

So... hehe... duno izzit real or not lar.... but I am using the organics silky straight now :S Erm... wasn't really very effective lar, only a little improvement :P

So yar~ Lets change topic again :D

Today... kerling got a sony erricsson K700i !!!! AWWW!!!!! I LOVE THE CLEAR CLEAR SCREEN!!!!! the images are so clear, even if the camera is not that good, the screen compensate for its quality. But in this case, both camera and screen is very good, thus producing astonishing images...... AWWW!!!!!!! I WAN THAT PHONE!!!!

Anyway... this phone also caught my attention....

IT IS SO SO SLIM!!!!! Really love the design.... if the price is not too high... I might decide to change phone... but think not likely lar... cos the price for this kind of good phone will not fall too low...

Actually duno why I have this crave for better phones.....
You know... mrs crothers said that the figured out that teenagers want good phones because they have nothing else to show off.... They go to school everyday.... and have the same things as everyone... The only way they can show off is through their phone....
Wonder if I am also one of those....

Haha... really 'pei fu' elgin... Still using the 8250..... he is not exactly poor though, having a plamsa TV at home... but he still stick to a 8250.... Thats perfectly alright... just 'pei fu' his will power to be able to withstand those influences of peers and the intensive advertising by the phone makers....

OKay~ Think thats quite a lot for today... Bye~
And wish everyone a happy post-promos period :D

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Arlow :D haha....
Hmm.... these few days was.. well nothing much happened lar... was studying for physics.... but kind of like slacked off already...... So hope for the best tomorrow :)

Then.. hehe... me and the someone still 'Ba zhi hai mei yi pie" ( Direct translation: Eight character haven't got one stroke ) So hehe... dun bother me with that lar hor.... Wait till things confirm liao then I will tell you people... Otherwise wun be fair to me and the someone if you all start saying things...otherwise I also dun dare to write these things down in my blog next time as well...
This is my blog so I wish that I can really write out my thoughts without any 'cencorship' otherwise wads the point of reading something that has a big portion taken out of it... So just wan to ask you all to please respect me and my thoughts.....

OKay~ let talk about the 'someone' now :P haha.... haiz.... sad leh.... duno got feeling for me or not......
I've tried to take initiative to sms to ask her hows the exams... then she replied... then post the question back to me... but then when I replied, she didn't give an reply anymore..... So haiz... was pretty sad for that night... waited for her to sms but haiz.... So began thinking.... did she sense something wrong and avoided me?.....
The day after... she msg me on MSN asking me some physics questions..... That I feel, proved that she wasn't really avoiding me..... But now comes a new question.... Does she just treat me as a normal friend? Well... guess thats it normal for her to treat me as a normal friend cos I haven't really done anything yet : Was really busy for the promos and stuffs.... SO really hope that once the promos over, I can find a chance to ask her out.... But hiaz...... there is so much uncertainty to it.......... really hope that we will be together :D

OKay... thats all about the someone for now lar.... As said earlier.... please dun start saying things.... wan to say just leave something in the shoutbox will do.... Spare me the embarrassment please :)

OKay lar, change topic....

Saw something recently that make me wonder, is that the cause of the laziness in younger generation?

Was alighting from a MRT then saw this father and son. Then you know the MRT station got 2 sides, one with both up and down riding escalators and the other with only the upriding....
Then the kid was like wanting to take the stairs.... then the father didn't want to.... then the kid ask why won't they take the stairs..... so the father replied that there was escalator on the other side. Haha... then a thought immediately came to mind, why you you just say you were lazy instead.........
Then.... hmm..... you know, when kids are young they are very receptive to ideas.... so in this case, he grow up to think, why should I do something more when I can take the easy way out....

Haha... actually to think of it.... I was really thinking crap lar.... I would also walk all the way across the station to take the escalator down... So wads the big deal :S

Btw... have been busy drawing fanart for yesterday and today :P Haha... was really addicted to FMA :S So hehe you find that my posts are shorted for the past few entries. Cos after watching, hehe... was very tired already.... So didn;t blog :P

Well, think thats all for today :) BYE~

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Arlow :D
I'm back!!!
haha got miss me or not... :P
Anyway.... will be back later with the full entry...
Bye :D~

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Arlow :D I'm back again :P
Hmm... I think the 2000 paper was really a killer paper lar... cos the 2001 paper was quite okay.... didn't have much of a problem...
So hehe... pray hard that it would be of this (or even lower :P) standard this year :D
SO happy now :P
HAha... wanted to msg 'someone' :P ....
But hehe shy shy....
But then the 'someone' just msg me :P:P:P
haha... lol.....

I think I abit 'fa hua chi' these days :S


Was doing 2000 promo paper....
Wah!!! Suddenly like everything duno how to do sia!!!!!
Things were quite okay before I try that paper....
Wonder was it a killer paper...... So hard sia.....
Haiz... i go do 2001 paper now.... if still a lot duno then... hmmm..... must start worrying liao.....
K lar~ Bye~
Cute? :D
Took me 2 hrs to draw it :D
Hope ya like it :)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Arlow :) HEhe... quite glad that my com is back to normal now :D Perhaps its because its the weekends already.... and I've been a good boy studying for promos... so heaven let me play for a while :D Okie...
Well... can really see everyone is preparing for promos hur~.... My shoutbox still got no new msg.....
Haha... anyway.... Hmm... just fininshed econs mind-map..... Was a really big one.... Used up the whole mahjong paper... but well... think its quite reasonable lar.... I used 2 mahjong paper for Combined Humanities during O lvls... One for geog and another for social studies.... So haha... now its only 1 subjects... and 1 year so hehe... by the end of next year I would get 2 pieces :) But hor.... really got a bit more lar, cannot be in jc the workload still same as sec school right.... So haha... got a lot of overflowing going on....
Anyway.... My sis got a brochure ( duno how to spell ) from CTSS cos she P6 now.... Then guess wad I saw..... My first impression is "Kua tio hui ar!!!!" Jackie Wu style. ( Direct translation: See ghost ar!!! )
Haha... GUESS WHO I SAW!!!! I saw my sec school, CWSS principle MISS TAY!!!!! Was totally unexpected.... cos it was in other school's brochure. LOL....
She was giving some trophy to a CTSS student.... As if CWSS very good like that.... haha...
Actually was very shock when my sis got the booklet for choosing school....
CWSS has dropped so so so much.... Its now in band six lor..... same as CTSS, min agregate 231, and even swiss cottege got a higher band than us lor.... Haiz.... Very dissapointed..... when I went in that time, CWSS was at its prime.... was very proud to be a student of CWSS.... But now.... it gets worst and worst.... maybe a few years down the road, CWSS would become just a normal neighbourhood school.....
At first I thought CWSS standard keeps dropping because the intake every year is getting worst.... But I see that the min aggregate still remain the same.... SO the problem lies with the school, the quality of the input remain constant but the quality of the output dropped....
Haiz.... anyway.... its still nice to be in a school like CWSS :D Will always be proud to be a student there. Really learned a lot of thing during the 4 years in there :D
K lar... think thats about all for today....
Do visit my blog more often after exams :D

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Arlow!!!! I'm back haha... thought I won't be blogging for some time but.... hehe... anyway... its good to see me right :D
OKie.... Firstly.... My shoutbox it back!!! Haha... thanks to minzhong for hosting the shoutbox for me. So hehe... everyone can start leaving your msg already :)
Haiz... msn still got problem still cannot sign in... So got something to tell me can just leave your msg :D
OKie.... Have you all tried listening to the songs I recommended :D haha.... Nice right :D... The radio station keeps playing the bai yue guang every night. :D
OKay... anyway... saw this mecedes advertisment.... haha... very interesting....
It says... (not the exact words though)
Life should be reversed...
We should be start old....
Then spend the first year resting.... (retirement)
Then you start work as the boss....
Then you make lesser decisions.... (demote)
Then you enjoy life... ( Love life)
Then when you are at your prime... Drive a mecedes :S

Haha.... doing free advertising for it :P....
Anyway... thats not the point....
Imagine how nice would it be if life really can be reversed.... Haha.... It would be so much better... cos now you start of easy, but work so hard, in the end, you old already... you cannot do the things you want cos you may not have the physical ability to do it.
But if its reversed... you start off hard, but life gets easier and when your are finished, you are still young and can do lots of things! ....
Haha... Really like the idea of having life reversed.... How bout you? :) Can leave your opinion in the shoutbox :)

OKie.... about 10.30 now... Need to sleep liao.... Haiz.... very drained mentally these few weeks..... But hope everything will be okay after promos ends next week :D Have been studying quite hard... so I hope I get what I deserved :D Wish me luck :D And good luck to you too :D

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Argh!!! Something is terribly wrong with my com!!!!
Haiz... why must it happen at this time!!!!
Guess heaven wants me to study hur~ ....
So yar, I can't sign in on msn cos when ever I click sign in, my com restarts...
So... haiz... plan to reformate my com once I finish my promos this friday....
K lar.... so if got anything call or sms or e-mail me.... cos I won't be on msn until then :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

... haiz... there's some problem with the pacnet connection.... Always get the error msg.... so haiz... have to use singnet for the time being.... Duno why so weird.... Pacnet ar pacnet... faster fix the problem hor.....

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Arlow.... haha... have been neglecting my blog lately....
Cos these few days busy with promos mah...
so with the little time I had I watch anime...
So hehe... not much time to blog lor....
Hehe... so sorry ar :D Will come back with more entries after promos :D

Haha... and Full Metal Alchemist is a very nice anime :D
Haha... addicted to it liao :D So hehe... got time can go dl and see see :D
OKie. Bye~

Friday, October 08, 2004

Yo! BAck again :P haha...
Wanted to share some songs with you all :D Haha....

白月光 (張信哲)
白月光 心裡某個地方 那麼亮 卻那麼冰涼
每個人 都有一段悲傷 想隱藏 卻欲蓋彌彰

白月光 照天涯的兩端 在心上 卻不在身旁
擦不干 你當時的淚光 路太長 追不回原諒

你是我 不能言說的傷 想遺忘 又忍不住回想
想流亡 一路跌跌撞撞 你的捆綁 無法釋放

白月光 照天涯的兩端 越隱瞞 越覺得孤單
擦不干 回憶理的淚光 路太長 怎麼補償

你是我 不能言說的傷 想遺忘 又忍不住回想
想流亡 一路跌跌撞撞 你的捆綁 無法釋放

白月光 心裡某個地方 那麼亮 卻那麼冰涼
每個人 都有一段悲傷 想隱藏 卻在生長

OMG... Fell in love with this song the first time I heard it on the 'feng shen bang' This is SO SO SO DAMN NICE!!!! Especially with the MTV....... AR!!!!! You all should go and listen to it....
It has those like very 'bei chan' feeling then listen liao... very sad... can feel his loneliness.... Aww...... really a very very nice song :D

The next would be this:

"White Flag" by Dido

"White Flag"
I know you think that I shouldn't still love you,
Or tell you that.
But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it
where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess and
destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of "it's over"
then I'm sure that that makes sense

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on....

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I felt that this song is very 'powerful' From the lyrics.... and the way the singer sings.... can feel that the will not to surrender is very strong.... especially this part. [ I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door] YAr... haha... loved this song... And haha... love the style of this song too.... So after I've heard this song, I went to download another song by the same artiste to see whether the style is only for this song or is it the style for the singer. So yar... got another song which has the same style. So haha... think it would be the same throughout lar. So hehe... maybe next time can go look for more of their songs.

So hehe... recently heard so much good songs... it made me kind of feel guilty.... Should I show my appreciation of such good works by going for genuine goods rather than pirated ones... or illegally downloaded ones.... You know... maybe one day, if they make losses and nobody would want to make music anymore. Then how would the world be like? But... its like.... if I go buy the entire CD for 1 or 2 songs.... like a bit wasting money leh....
So haha... they now got those online music store that sells song by song one right.... Haha... hope that it will become more widespread and I might one day be able to use it and stop my downloading :D
OKay... enjoy the songs and
Bye~ for the 3rd time today :P
Will be the last lar :P
Yo! I'm back...
But not with gossips hehe... maybe save it for another day ba....
Ok lar, Bye~
Arlow.... haha... was quite sometime since my last entry about myself... Haha... the previous entries are all short short ones and are often complaining... So heres a update of my progress for the past few days :)
Let me see.... lets start with monday :D Went to school early in the morning cos need to prepare and give out prizes..... cos a few people from our school too part in some competition,,, which I wasn't informed of and then won some commendation award.... So yar... because they took part in the name of IT club, so I have to give a brief intro to the school and announce their names to get the cert. from the principal... So hehe.... was very scary at the beginning where everyone starts to assemble at the parade square. Then hmm... then I 'gen ta ping le' haha... went up there, read out the speech then come back down.... Then hehe... when I was up there... everything was alright :) I wasn't as nervous as before liao :D hehe.... Actually hor, I wanted to go up there not to read some stupid speech, but to be the parade commander :D :D. Haha... I missed the time where I shouted in secondary school :D It was so fun :D Haha.... still remember that time, I was like dun want to go up.... so I stayed till the last minute then go up there... and it was min zhong who encouraged me :D So glad that there was him othewise I would have missed a very nice experience :) Thank you :D
OKie.... then lets continue further down this week... Open house :D Hmm... was very very busy with the prepareation of open house. Stayed back a lot after school, then now thats its finally over, felt quite weird when I can go home so early today. So yar, on the open day itself, I called for a meeting... but only 5 people turned up. My video production team, bin, then another came super late. Haiz.... where did all the rest go? So yar, that day was only the 5 of us 'zhi cheng da ju'. Well.... was rather slack lar. Cos our venue is on the second floor. And nobody come to the second floor, except for ocassional 'lost' souls and 2 guided tour. HAiz..... So yar... slacked the whole day in the air-con room.... So I learned something from this experience. It is better to have a small space in the crowded area, then a big air-conditioned place in a deserted area.
K lar, then I shall move on to today. Today went to popular at Lot one with sen min to get my TYS :P haha... only 1 week before then I buy me TYS... hehe... So yar, on the way back I saw MRs Yeo :D HEhe... I called her. She seemed very tired. So had a small chat. then when she heard I wasn't taking chem anymore.... her face become :.... haha....
OKay... have to go for dinner now :D
Will return tonight with some gossips :P. Stay tuned :D

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Arlow :D
haha... been quite some time since I last blog....
Will be neglecting this bloggy for some time...
Cos very busy recently...
Just finish the open house....
then now have to prepare for promos....
Will be on the week after next :)
So have to start working hard now :D
Haha... so yar :)
All the best for promos and
Wish me luck~ Bye :D

*Note: Anyone miss me hor can send me e-mail one :P lol, haha... so BHB....

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Haiz... sian ar....
my com slow sia.....
just complained about low virtual memory to me....
Haiz... was doing flash for open house.... and IT HANG!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2004




got a lot of thing I wanted to say...

But I just dun feel like typing now....



think thats all for today ba...


Saturday, October 02, 2004

OH No.... Am at a loss now... BAd news.... Was just informed that there were major mistakes in the PW written report survey analysis.... We repeated the same age and gender group twice and we forgot to put in the gender for another age group.... This is bad... very very bad.... I now pray that we will not be penalised too heavily. I hope that "Lao tian you yan" ( direct translation: Heaven got eye ), that heaven can see the hardwork that I've put in and give me what I deserve. I understand that a mistake is a mistake and there bound to be some demerits, but now I only wish that my hardwork out weights the mistake I've made. I just want what I deserve, not asking for more, and I think I deserve more than just a pass. So I'll be happy to obtain 6 or 7 marks out of 10. Wish me well.
Haiz... this incident really worries me a lot... think thats all for today ba... bye~

Friday, October 01, 2004

Haiz.... its 11.02 now.... but hor... dun leh.... felt like a walking dead this whole afternoon...... Like all the life has been suck out of me like that...
Was supposed to study maths today.... but hor... really no mood leh.... Haiz... am very behind schedule for maths now... am supposed to complete chanter 7 today... but hor.... I only managed to finish chapter 3 yesterday... then today just started on chapter 4....
But haiz... think I spent more time cos it was on binomial theorm.... I'm really quite weak in that so I need to practice more.... But I think thats not the reason I am so behind schedule.... its because I do not have the motivation and the interest in maths... I took maths because I have no choice.... I need a maths to have more variety of courses in the Uni.
Haiz... I dun see such a problem happening to physics. Cos I love physics.... Its abouy common sense..... not like maths... its just manipulation of numbers and figures... which dosen't make sense at all... So... I have no problem studying for physics... and econs too... cos I also like humanities... and writing essays.....
Haiz... so maths is the biggest worry for my promos.... hope I won't have history repeat itself just like A -maths.....
haiz... cos that time, I was doing quite okay for A-maths... until like mid year of sec 4, where I cannot move further in A-maths liao... I really cannot make sense in anything about A-maths... So yar... decided to give up on it... haiz... so I really hope this won't happen again for maths C.... Although I am doing alright for now... I am really scared I might you know... cannot make it tru this promo for maths.... then I will start dropping down until the A lvls... and history repeats itself again....
Haiz.... ' Kor mia lang ar ' ( Direct translation: Bitter life person )
Anyway... haha.... am really addicted to this Full Metal Alcemist anime series :P Haha... Love the theory about equivelant trade.
Heres the explaination of alchemy

"Alchemy is a science where one understands the structure of a matter, breaks it down, and then rebuilds it. If used correctly, it can turn plain lead into gold. However, since it is science, the principles of nature still apply. You can only create something of a certain mass from something with the same mass. It is the principle of equivalent trade..."

Haha... how nice if there is really such a thing in the world..... haha... but it will be bad for the producers... cos when we buy one product, when it breaks down, we just transmute it back.... then we will never have to buy another product again :D haha....
Oh... talking about producers... haha saw this very interesting article on the newspaper. It says that scientist are studying the brain of human and how it react to advertisment in order to make their advertisment more effective. But what really caught my attention is this .

"Would be able to locate the "buy button" in people's minds to turn them into consumers zombies"

Can you imagine how scary is that.... we might on day, after seeing a poster, walk in a buy the product without even knowing what we are doing.... This is so scary sia.... haha... especially when they used the word " Zombie " ... you imagine you walk down the streets and see mindless peole just walking in to shops and carry out tons of consumer products.....
Haha... hope that won't happen to me :P
Think thats all for today :) Got to go do some PW stuffs and maybe force myself to stidy maths liao. Bye~ Have a nice weekend ahead :D